CHAPTER 9 | Remnants of the Warrior

||| In the vast expanse of the cosmos, I find myself teetering on the edge of sanity, lost in the abyss of uncertainty. The search for that elusive cosmic wonder, like chasing a mirage, seems futile. I feel like I am losing hope, adrift in the sea of stars, with no clear destination in sight. It's as if the very essence of my being is slipping away, and the elusive Andromeda feels like a distant dream.

As I traverse the cosmic expanse, a glimmer of hope emerges from the darkness. It's a tiny spark, almost imperceptible, but it calls to me, urging me to press on. Despite the vastness of the universe and the uncertainties that lie ahead, this flicker of hope gives me a renewed sense of purpose. I find solace in the notion that there is still something to discover, a cosmic revelation that awaits.

With each passing moment, the glimmer of hope grows brighter. It guides me through the cosmic labyrinth, leading me toward new discoveries and unexplored territories. In the pursuit of the unknown, I find the essence of exploration and the beauty of discovery. Even amidst the chaos of the cosmos, there is a sense of order and purpose.

As I continue my cosmic quest, hope becomes my guiding star. I may not know where this journey will lead me, but I am certain that it is a journey worth taking. For in the pursuit of the elusive Andromeda, I find hope in what's left—the beauty of the cosmos, the wonders of the universe, and the unending possibilities that lie ahead. And when I finally stand before that celestial wonder, I will know that hope was never lost—it was there all along, guiding me through the darkness and illuminating the path to cosmic revelation. |||

In the days that followed Stephen's burial, his aunt paid us a visit. She handed me a mysterious box and confessed her ignorance about its contents. Without a key, she left the decision to open or break it to me. Grieving for our beloved Stephen, our faces showed little sign of joy. I gently placed the box in my room, knowing that whatever lay within it would serve as a poignant reminder of the time I encountered an alien in my life. My unwavering belief persisted – beyond the stars in the vast expanse of the sky, Stephen's spirit resided, content with whatever galaxy he now called home. If he was happy, we should strive for happiness too. I understood that with time, the pain would subside. Thus, I resolved to await that day patiently, equipping myself with the weightier challenges life might bring.

Staying in touch with Stephen's aunt, a bond blossomed between us. She sought solace in sharing her feelings about Stephen, and she even playfully called me her son-in-law, knowing how much Stephen cherished our connection. I found delight in her conversations, as she curiously inquired about potential admirers in my life. At times, she playfully attempted to play matchmaker, but my heart wasn't inclined toward such prospects. Throughout my journey, I found myself growing more mature in facing life's trials. Though numerous challenges loomed, I couldn't resist exclaiming, "What else do you have in store? Keep going, for you are losing your edge! Is there no greater tempest to unleash upon me? I can now endure it all! I won't back down."

Then, life unexpectedly took up the gauntlet. A profound problem emerged, leaving me with no one to seek aid from, as Stephen's aunt was abroad. She was the sole pillar I knew, with the means to offer support whenever needed. My father's diabetes deteriorated, necessitating critical surgery and the amputation of his foot due to spreading decay. His kidney, too, began to falter. Amidst the turmoil, I strived to maintain composure. "Hey! Pull yourself together!" Stephen's voice reverberated within me, urging me to stand strong. Deep down, I knew that an answer would come, carrying the wisdom and strength I sought.

"Oh, my child! Where will we get the money?" my mother asked, worriedly. My mind began to whirl, and I struggled to stay composed.

As I arrived home, I went straight to my room, tears welling up in my eyes from the overwhelming thoughts. I sat on my bed, staring blankly until I noticed the stone that Stephen had given me. Despite the weight of my troubles, a smile formed on my face. Everything Stephen had done for me brought comfort and solace. Thus, I found serenity in his memories. I picked up the Andromedan cellphone and spoke to it.

"How are you? I miss you so much. I feel lonely without you. I have nothing but problems now. Please help me," I sobbed, waiting in anticipation. I believed in Stephen's words and felt as if I was going crazy, waiting for his arrival. Suddenly, my heart surrendered, and I blamed the stone, "You're a liar! You promised to come when I call you! You said this stone would help me. Where are you?!"

Though heavy-hearted, I threw the stone against the wall with force, and it split into two. To my surprise, something small flew out and caught my attention. Curious, I searched for it and discovered a key. I picked it up and examined it closely. It reminded me of the box given to me by Aunt Alma, which I couldn't open due to the lack of a key. I retrieved the box and tried to unlock it using the key in my hand. It fit perfectly, and as I turned it, the padlock released.

Upon opening the box, a picture caught my eye. My heart skipped a beat as I gazed at the saddest child, full of suffering and devoid of happiness. I could see the face of the boy in the picture, Stephen. It exuded profound sorrow, engulfing me. In the box, I also found a letter, which I quickly opened and read.


When you see this picture of me, I know you will feel sad. That's me from the time before I met you. Look at it to remember how important you are to the world. You were the only one who made that incredibly sad child smile. You were the reason that little boy fought to survive. Never give up, no matter what happens. I am with you in every challenge you face. Make your life meaningful and cherished, for it holds great significance. I believe there are still many smiles you can bring, many people you will meet. But please don't forget that I loved you more than anything the world could offer. I loved you from the beginning. I loved you until the end. And even when I am gone, I will continue to prove to you that I loved you. That box contains the last things I can give to protect you. I have prepared everything because I know one day I will be leaving. With the things inside that box, I can ensure that the world will no longer be able to harm you. That box is evidence that I gave you everything I had.

Thank you for the love. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for never leaving me. Thank you for being born. Thank you for making me smile. Thank you for all the joy you brought into my life. Thank you for believing in other worlds. Thank you for believing in all my lies. You showed me that heaven is real. You showed me that love is true. I love you, thank you for giving meaning to my life. And I will prove to you that death cannot hinder me from loving you. You are not alone. You will never be alone, because I love you until the last ray of the sun.


In that moment of stillness, I found myself at a loss for words, unsure of how to react. As I read the heartfelt letter, tears welled up in my eyes, streaming down my cheeks. I allowed myself to immerse myself in the emotions it evoked. When the tears finally subsided, I continued exploring the contents of the box. To my amazement, I discovered a significant amount of money inside - enough to cover my father's medical expenses. While I couldn't ascertain the exact sum, I knew it surpassed our needs. There were also some papers nestled within, but I postponed delving into them for now. My immediate focus was on returning to the hospital to deliver the much-needed assistance. It was a poignant moment, one that reminded me of the depth of human connections and the profound impact they can have on our lives.

After my father's successful surgery, he stayed in the hospital for almost a month for observation. Everything went smoothly, thanks to the financial support we had. Several weeks after opening the box, I met with Aunt Alma, who had just returned from California. She attended a friend's child's wedding and took some time off to relax and forget about things. I asked her about the papers inside the box.

"Oh, my nephew really fell in love. Let me take those papers, and I'll have my lawyer take care of them," she said.

"What? A lawyer? Why do we need a lawyer? I might end up in jail because of this," I replied anxiously.

"Ridiculous! Why would you end up in jail? I'll take care of this so everything can be transferred to your name. These papers here are the titles for the rest house in Batangas and the property in Baguio. And this one... it's the title of this house. I'm also giving you the savings in the bank that he inherited from his parents, as well as his shares in the business. That way, you can help me manage it, and I'll have more time for my significant other. Who knows, I might even get married in America. Since you're here, I'll teach you how to handle our business. It's something we've talked about for a long time, so we should take care of it now. Let's have everything transferred to your name as soon as possible," she explained.

Gratitude overwhelmed me, as the path of life was illumined. I had been traversing it with my eyes shut tight, hence my constant stumbles. But upon opening my eyes to the true visage of existence, I beheld how exceedingly blessed I have been.

It fills my heart with joy to realize that I became the harbinger of happiness for another soul. Each dawn breaks with my resolute smile, I utter a message to him... It is my honor to come across the bravest warrior of Andromeda named Stephen.