Chapter 45

I contentedly sighed as I dipped into the hot water.

All the grime and dust from the trip I made to town, plus the three days I had been on my bleeding days was finally washed away. It was a fortune my bleeding days only lasted three days or I would be all itchy from the sweat, dirt and whatever fluids I secreted without being able to properly clean them.

And, I had to say I had missed this moment of peace in the tub; just enjoying the warm water and a good rub. A good companion, too.

My current bath companion, though, could not read the mood and started speaking, breaking the peace I wanted to maintain since the afternoon.

"About what happened at the market..." Nope, I had no intention to talk about it until the culprit explained it himself. Or when I felt like talking about it. Whatever came first.

"It is fine, Felix." I interrupted his words.

"Is it?" He mumbled mutinously.

I looked up and noticed his pout and indignant expression. He was so cute and considerate of others. If he really continued on that path, then he would become a desirable man. Many women would be after him. I couldn't have that. Nobody but me could desire him.

"Kiss me." I demanded. More to make him stop thinking about the matter, and to erase my own thoughts about what happened with Joseph than anything.

Truthfully, I was not going to claim I was not hurt, yet I also was not going to make a scene about it. Although it would be satisfying, it would fix nothing. And, I did not have the will and energy to make scenes.

I could fight for Joseph if the situation allowed it, but I would like it if he also fought for our relationship.

Anyway, I just needed some comfort at the moment.

"Huh?" Seeing his baffled expression at my request, I pulled him down and joined my lips to his. I could not have him so distracted...

His lips were a bit cracked, but I could remedy that with a little massage and natural moisturizer. The kiss was heated and sensual despite the angle being a bit awkward and uncomfortable; what with my head twisted to the side and being thrown back.

I did notice that, with the experience gained from getting all the reward kisses from our lessons, Felix was becoming a really good kisser.

Furthermore, being an excitable teen, his impressive boner soon pressed against my ass and lower back. Feeling it that way, made me shiver and let out an appreciative hum. My reaction filled him with enough courage to initiate kisses and nips on my neck, even going lower to my collarbone.

That forced me to arch my back to allow him better access. His hands also did not stay innocent as they sought my breasts and started fondling them.

I had no idea if it was because he had always been in charge of the kitchen and knew how to knead dough that his fingers were flexible enough to have me all drippy and hot just from touching my breasts and pinching my nipples.

I automatically searched for a way to put down the fire that was starting to build and rubbed my ass against his hard and hot member.

"Ah… Belle...feels good." He moaned in my ear before giving it a little nip which, in turn, made me moan, too.

It was not long before our little foreplay gave way to something more frenzied. I tried my best to rub myself faster and harder against him, and he became a whimpering mess that thrust his hips to get more friction, stopping his fondling on my breasts but not letting them go.

Water splashed all over. I had a second to think about the mess we were making in the kitchen, but those thoughts flew away with Felix's voice.

"Uhn! Yes! Yes! Like that… Ah!" He was not as loud as last time, but he was still very vocal. And, I had to say, it was very arousing: to hear a man enjoying himself. "Coming.. I'm coming..." He called out before letting out a keen moan.

He sounded so debauched that I could not help seeking my own pleasure to it, hardly and quickly rubbing myself until my body was taut in bliss, throwing my head back so he could also hear my satisfaction.

Moments later, calm returned to the place once our panting subsided. We did not move for quite a while after that, just enjoying each other's presence, cuddling and sharing soft caresses.

"Are you ok?" I asked after some time.

He did not seem keen on wanting to get out of the water, and I was worried because it was starting to get cold. If we did not hurry, then we might catch a cold. The image of him stumbling and falling after his orgasm last time we were intimate came to my mind.

Although not something usually that worrying, it actually was in the case of Felix.

He responded by suddenly coiling his arms around to tightly hug me. "I'm fine." He said, trying to sound reassuring in his feeble voice.

He cautiously tested his body as he got up. He wobbled a bit but was able to remain standing, getting out of the tub before looking for another place to sit. I also got out and grabbed a towel to dry and rub his body so he would keep warm.

He was still a bit weak, and it was the best I could do for him.

"Thanks." He smiled and planted a soft kiss on my temple.

My heart swooned at his very sweet action. I even got a bit nervous. "I expect you to return the favor." I winked at him to dispel my shyness. He was surprised, but quickly reacted and reached for another towel and started drying my body.

"You're very beautiful, Belle." He said, making my heart thump.

I could feel my face getting hot at his sudden words. Could you please stop?! Or maybe avoid saying it so out of the blue?! My heart cannot stand your sweetness.

"You're the most beautiful woman I've seen. Ethan and Joseph brought many women in the past, but you're the…" He trailed off trying to find words to best express himself, hemming and hawing for a few second before I pressed a finger on his lips.

"We will catch a cold if we remain like this." I softly reminded him.

"Isabelle!" He jumped to his feet, his eyes pleading. So it was going to be like this...

"This is between Joseph and me, Felix." I told him, passing him his sleeping garments. "It is unfair for you to worry about a mess your brother made. And he also should not make his brothers fix his messes for him. Now, stop thinking about it and get dressed."

I tried to educate him, but I underestimated the teen's stubbornness.

"We can go ask… It's not too late. He should be still up. He'll answer if the others are-"

"I said no, Felix!" I harshly rebuked.

There was a knock on the door and Ethan's voice sounded behind it. "Everythin' ok in there?"

"Yes! We are fine! Go away!" I yelled at the oldest brother who thankfully remained silent before I faced the shocked Felix. Prowling to him, I stabbed my finger on his chest to emphasize my point. "You are not going to do anything, neither are you going to speak a thing with him. Either he fixes this himself or he can forget about me. You too if you meddle!" I hissed at him.

Having said my piece, I strode to the door, violently opening it and ignoring Ethan who looked ready to ask about what had happened.

The argument seemed to have also reached the house because Lucas and Joseph were looking at me with strange eyes. I ignored them and laid on the bed, ready to fall asleep.

Any attempt the brothers made to talk to me were utterly ignored.