Chapter 46

In the kitchen, a downcast Felix helped Ethan drain the tub and clean the spilled water. They worked in silence for a few seconds before the eldest opened his mouth.

"Are ya sure you don't wanna tell me why you two fought?" Ethan patiently asked for what seemed the nth time. 

The teen shook his head and inadvertently repeated her words. "It's between her and me. I'll fix it on my own." He paused, enlightened.

Only then he understood why Isabelle didn't want him to meddle with the matter with Joseph. It would be easier to let others intercede, but that would only make the fighting couple compromise to not worry others, rather than solve the root of the problem. 

Thankfully, Ethan stopped asking him because Felix was now more adamant in not answering, no matter how helpful he thought Ethan's advice would be.

With the tub drained, dried and left in the kitchen, the two returned to the house after locking the kitchen's door to face the inquisitive faces of their other two brothers.

Seeing Isabelle tightly wrapped in her sheets, her back turned to them and very much saying: 'not talking!', Ethan guessed Lucas and Joseph had no luck in getting her to speak either.

The oldest brother shook his head to stop the two from asking anything to their youngest as he also wouldn't be talking. He did push the hesitating Felix towards Isabelle's side of the bed.

He had noticed the longing in his youngest brother's eyes, and also the indecision. 

Whatever their fight was about, Ethan thought Felix was right in trying to solve it himself. 

Felix slowly walked to the bed and awkwardly stood in front of her. "Sorry about before… I- I won't do anything. Please don't be mad…" He softly and stiltedly apologized. Isabelle remained unmoved and silent for a few seconds under the covers.

Those minutes seemed like hours to the nervous teen and the waiting brothers. They all sighed relieved when they saw her lifting the corner of the sheets.

"Get in." She said in a sleepy voice. It was obviously her way to tell him he was forgiven. Felix beamed and immediately climbed into the bed and dug under her sheets. There were some very suggesting moves under the sheets as they got into a comfortable position, and then they stopped. 

Ethan shrugged and shook his head again at his confused brothers. He gestured at them to get into bed, too, and to not think too much about what happened between the two.

As much as they liked the same woman and was nominally their Wife, each one of the brothers would have a different relationship with her based on their own experience and personalities. 

The more experienced brothers might try to help the inexperienced ones with some things, yet that didn't mean they had to constantly meddle.

That's the conclusion Ethan reached after seeing this fight.

The following morning, Felix had the marvelous experience to wake up with a soft and fragrant body in his arms. He stared at the rosy face that was trying to seek the warmth of his chest as limbs coiled around him.

The sensation of her body pressing against him brought a reaction to his body and he stiffened, not knowing what to do. If he left it like that, Isabelle might notice! 

He couldn't ask for help from his brothers as they had already left the bed and were getting ready for the day.

He also had to get ready and make breakfast, and lunch for Ethan. He was too comfortable, though. 

When he heard his brothers talking outside, he sighed and decided to get up. When he moved, the arms and legs around him pulled him closer and successfully restrained his moves.

So, Felix found himself in a dilemma. He didn't want to wake her up, yet he also had things to do. He also had to do something about his boner. 

"Felix's not gettin' up?" Joseph suddenly asked, making the teen anxious. He really wanted to get up! But he couldn't! The only thing up and ready was his cock!

"Lucas, go see if something's wrong with 'im. Let's go make breakfast." Ethan ordered. Those last words must have been addressed to Joseph.

Felix heard the door opening and the heavy footsteps of his second brother getting closer. He perfectly saw the moment Lucas came around the partition to look at the bed and at him.

Their gazes connected. Lucas' was serene, just mildly curious while Felix's was a bit sheepish. Though more importantly, the teen asked for help with his eyes. 

Lucas just blinked, assessed the position his brother was in, blinked again, and then turned around. Felix was confused. Was his brother not going to help him? The door opened and closed, telling him Lucas left the house.

After a moment, he clearly heard his second brother speak to the others. "He's still asleep. Looks tired."

Felix was shocked. Has his brother just lied? Lucas has never lied before!

"He is doing it for you." Felix startled after hearing Isabelle's whispering voice. He looked down and found her limpid eyes staring back at him. He blushed. "He might think we need time to talk for the argument we had last night. So, he is giving you the chance to fix things with me." She explained.

"Do we need ta talk 'nd fix things?" He innocently asked.

Yesterday, she made it extremely clear what she wanted, and he had accepted her conditions. As far as he knew, she has already forgiven him. What else did they have to talk about? Or have they really not fixed anything?

Isabelle bit her lips to suppress the smile that attempted to appear after hearing his clueless question. "Not really." She said.

Hesitating for a moment, she decided to speak up what she discovered after thinking with a cool head. She had been harsh on Felix about Joseph's deed and felt guilty about it. After all, the teen just wanted to help.

And! He could actually help!

"I know I told you I will fix things with Joseph on my own. But, the truth is that I do not know how to face him at the moment. I do not want you to speak with him; however, I would like it if you gave me some time alone to think."

"You mean… as in, takin' 'im away?" Felix frowned, not sure if he understood her indirect request. He really loved the way she spoke, all clear; as if she was singing. Yet, there were times he couldn't understand her real meaning behind all her words.

"Yes, something like that." Isabelle nodded. After hearing Joseph's voice a moment ago, she realized she could not stop thinking back to the time she saw him walking away with another woman.

She could wait for him to explain, but she was also a bit nervous. She didn't want for him to tell her that he liked another woman more and that he would leave with her.

Of course she had no right to stop him. She just thought they have built something already and were working on it. If that was not the case, if it was all her imagination, she had no idea how to face him. 

"Don't worry, I'll do everything I can!" Felix promised. 

Isabelle smiled and leaned up to kiss the sunshine-like teen. She started with little pecks on his lips, but she soon deepened the kiss, teasing him with her tongue slightly touching his lips.

He involuntarily opened his mouth, and she took advantage to lick everything inside. When they started having a tongue fight, with Isabelle winning by far, he unconsciously rubbed himself against her. 

He halted, wide eyes looking for her reaction to what he pressed against her. She did nothing more than mischievously smile at him. It send a shiver of anticipation to his spine. The two immediately came to a tacit understanding.

Knowing they didn't have much time before one of the brothers came to 'wake them up' to eat, Isabelle grabbed his huge cock and roughly slid her palm up and down over the fabric of his pants.

She swallowed all his moans in a searing kiss. Poor Felix had no idea what to do with the stimulation bar cling to her clothes and try to follow her pace. 

It was not as good as her hand directly touching him, but it was a whole new experience. He bucked his hips, searching for more pressure as her hand continued with its movement.

All his world was focused on their joined mouths and her hand taking him to ecstasy. 

"HM!" Finally, he let out a muffled sound that was lost in their pressed lips. His taut body loosened after she pumped him dry.

Once she separated, he was left panting on the bed. Laying there, he stared with glazed eyes as Isabelle changed clothes and roughly combed her hair into a messy bun. She gave him a nice view of her half-naked body, and didn't look one bit ashamed of showing herself.

He idly wondered how a woman could be so beautiful so early in the morning.

She turned and smiled at him. "Thank you, Felix."

Ah, yeah, he was in love, that's why.