Chapter 93

"Marriage? My daughter does not need to get married to some nameless man to become someone! She is already someone, she is my daughter!" 

The words resonated in my head. I woke up to the sound of that strong voice still reverberating in my whole being. I had no proof, nor any doubts that the voice belonged to my Father.

With those words, I was reassured that whoever my Father was, he actually loved me enough to not marry me off like my Mother did.

After the heartfelt speech the Chief gave on our wedding, I felt a bit sad for not having any family members present. But, there was nothing that could be done about that as I had no idea who my family was.

Another sad thing was to miss your wedding night.

When I woke up, the light coming from outside was already very bright. I could hear hammering from far away, meaning the brothers… my husbands… were already up and about. Even Ethan was probably on his way to work.

I felt a bit ashamed, but I also had no desire to get up. My mind was really awake, yet I felt my body was very heavy, full of fatigue and somewhat sore. 

To miss not only the proper wedding night, but the following nights too… What a way to start my newlywed life! 

I moved and froze the next second. They really came! My bleeding days! Oh boy… how long had it been since the last period of bleeding days? A month? More than a month? I really had no idea! And, it was important to keep track to avoid pregnancy!

Huh? Where did that come from?

I… don't tell me I… 

An acute pain in my lower abdomen killed my train of thoughts and made me curl on myself. Gosh I really hated the first day! 

Gritting my teeth, I crawled towards the cabinet and opened it. Where were they? I exhaled and remained in the same place, just breathing. When the pain let off a little bit, I sat up and searched around the cabinet, throwing out things, for the damn pads.

"Aha!" I cried out in victory when I found the fabric in which Felix had wrapped the pads. My moment of victory was cut short when another wave of pain made me lay down once again.

"Isabelle, are you up?" I was not sure how long I stayed curled up like that. Next thing I knew, I heard Felix calling out.

"… here, Felix..." I breathlessly said. It was such a feeble sound I was not sure he was able to hear me.

"Belle?… Belle! Are you ok?" His warm hand felt good against my skin.

"Help me out." I managed to voice out, showing him the pads.

His eyes widened, then traveled down my body. "Oh… I… you want me to… to..." He gulped. 

Seeing his panicked expression, maybe it was better for him to do something else. He was not completely ready for that while I was conscious. "Hot water." I told him.

"Right! Yes! I'll bring hot water!" As if being given amnesty, he ran out of the house. I sighed and prepared myself for a big discharge, and to lose one of my panties. Well, actually… 

I looked back at the cabinet, specifically the space for my clothes. At that time, I had been busy with other things that I forgot about it. I sewed special panties for my bleeding days. Just the one. I only needed one for today.

With deft moves, I took off my stained panties and pressed a pad down there. Then, I once again threw clothes from the cabinet and found the special panties. Unlike the shorts-like underwear I wore every day, this piece of clothing tightly snuggled my whole crotch area. 

Learning from the way my now-husbands wrapped the bandages back then, I took the shape and made it into underwear. And, for more safety, to regulate how tight I wanted it, there were straps on both side to tie it.

It showed my legs completely, barely covered my hair, and tightly wrapped my buttocks. 

Once I wore it, I kind of felt better. Not physically, I was still suffering from the pain; but, I felt more secure. 

"Here's the… what's that?" Felix stood frozen in front of the bed, looking at my new panties.

I weakly smiled. "I made them for these days. Can you pass me the underwear I threw aside? I can use it as rag to clean myself." Because, despite the speed at which I put the pad to avoid a worse disaster, there was still that sticky sensation of blood on my thighs.

Felix reacted and searched around, when he found my underwear, he paused. "Here, use a real rag. I will wash your garments." He decisively passed me the rag that hung over his shoulder and kept my underwear in his hand. 

"Thanks." I was really ready to say goodbye to my panties, but if he could save them, then I would not complain. I beckoned at him to put the bucket with water down. When he did so, I wet the rag and started cleaning. 

"You'll be saying in bed today, then?" Felix asked after I was done.

I did remember I had promised Mrs. Attile to go to her store right after marrying; however, with my situation, even traveling by cart would be difficult. "Yes. I want to use this day to rest." 

Felix nodded. "I will tell the others. Don't worry, we'll take care of you." He beamed. Despite feeling like the dead, I could not help show my appreciation to him with a short and loud kiss. 

Before he left, he wet another rag and told me to press it on my lower abdomen. The hot sensation greatly alleviated the pain, though the fatigue and general discomfort stayed. I even rejected his offer to eat as my stomach got queasy just with the thought of food.

Once I got comfortable on the bed – that I thankfully did not stain – I wrapped myself with the sheet and closed my eyes to sleep a bit more.

"You made me a better man. The moment I held you in my arms, I knew my days of fooling around were over."

"...lle… belle… Isabelle..."

"Huh?" I groggily made a noise.

"Lunch is ready, do you want to eat?" Sitting beside me, Joseph softly rubbed my body with a warm piece of clothe.

"Hm..." I did not want to eat, yet my stomach started grumbling the moment it heard about food. Well, since it was not queasy, then I could try eating something. I sat up and immediately the gates of the flood were opened. Would the pad hold it…? "The pad!" I cried out.

I had not change it! With such a heavy flow right on the first day, I could only remain laying or sitting so the pad lasted a bit without it being totally full.

"I changed it." Joseph said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Those new panties made it easier." 

I blinked at him. He changed it… he changed the pad… I still had no idea how to react to that, so I let it slide. "Thank you." I said, then attempted to stand.

"You're eating outside?" Joseph worriedly asked.

"Yeah… I want to stretch and maybe get some sun." Perhaps the warmth of sunlight helped me. It was worth trying. When I walked out, dressed in only my pajamas – Lucas' old big shirt – I saw Lucas and Felix were already at the table.

"You ok?" Lucas immediately asked.

"A bit better, but still not good." I sincerely said.

"Come." He beckoned. I had no strength to question him, and just did as told. He immediately sat me on his lap and enveloped me in his arms. His warm body felt extremely good against my cold one. "Eat." He said, pulling a bowl filled with bean soup.

It seemed it was going to be my regular dish during my bleeding days. Luckily, they were not that savory, so the light soup did not upset my stomach. I slowly ate my soup, comforted by the fact that my husbands were also eating it. 

They even waited for me to finish it. And, I was proud to see that I could stomach it all. 

Satisfied, I leaned against Lucas, feeling sleepy once again. He had no interest in moving, so I took advantage of that and snuggled against him, enjoying the breeze and fresh air.

"Excuse me. Is Mrs. Edris here?" 

Even sick I could not rest. "Who's asking?" Joseph took it upon himself to represent me. Good husband!

"I'm Mr. Ryon's daughter-in-law." The woman replied.

"Who?" I looked up at Lucas.

"The Chief." So it was the Chief's daughter-in-law! 

"Let her in." I whispered at Joseph. Or, well, since she could see us sitting on the porch, I beckoned at her to get in. "Hello. Can I help you?" I amiably smiled at her.

She took upon the scene we presented: me sitting on Lucas wearing his shirt, Felix and Joseph surrounding us. Maybe I should have washed my face first. "I want to know how much you charge to make dresses and clothes for men." She went to point.

"Depends. If the clothes are urgent, they will cost you more. I have two urgent dresses to make, and another that is not so urgent." I told her.

The woman fidgeted. "My husband is moving to another town because of work. He's going to be a teacher in the school there… I heard from my father-in-law that you made the clothes for your wedding. So, I was hoping for you to make some clothes for us. Not so fancy, but, a bit more formal."

Towns were completely different than villages. And, it seemed the Chief's son was going to move to town more developed than Basin Town if the woman wanted a change in wardrobe. 

"When is the move?" I asked. I was not going to accept the job if I could not make it on time. 

"In three months." She said. Oh, so there was a bit of time.

I had one month to make the two dresses for that sister-in-law in Silver City, the dress for the Commissioner's daughter could wait a bit. So… "Fine. I can take the job. Are you going to buy the fabric, or do you want me to do it?" 

"I… um..." She hesitated.

"You can also accompany me to buy it." I counter-proposed.

She brightened up at that. "Yeah! Sounds good!" 

"Come tomorrow morning, after breakfast, and we can go together." I said to close the deal. She nodded, thanked me and left.

"You sure you can go out tomorrow?" Felix worriedly asked.

"I still have to see Mrs. Attile and inform her of my situation. Still, I think I will better by tomorrow." 

Or, at least, I hoped so.