Chapter 94

"I think we're paying for sleeping around with women."

"You were the one banging married women."

"They were the ones lookin' for me!"

"You could have said no."

"At least I didn't pay to get laid."

"What'd you say?"

"Stop." Lucas sole word put an end to Ethan and Joseph's argument.

The brothers had waited for Ethan to talk about Isabelle's health situation while she was already asleep. They had admitted that the previous day had been very hectic and full emotions. Everybody was tired at the end of the day. 

That's why they didn't expect anything to happen.

The following day was a bit different. They were officially married, so they were fully expecting the results of going all the way. Only to be thrown a big bucket of cold water and realize that no, they still couldn't do the deed with their Wife.

What kind of rotten luck did they have?

For a moment, they did wonder if they were paying for something. And, that was how the argument started. 

"You only care about doing this and that to Belle! The point here is that she wants to go to town tomorrow to work!" Felix frowned in disapproval at his brothers.

"Why do we have to talk about that? If she feels well enough to go, then she can go." Joseph waved in dismissal.

Felix scoffed. "Don't you remember the last time she was on her bleeding days? She even fainted!" He pointed in the direction of the loo where Isabelle had indeed passed out.

"That was on the first day. And that was today and she didn't faint." Joseph reasoned.

"But, it could be that she does faint tomorrow as she goes to town." Ethan said.

"Isn't that why we're here, to talk about who would accompany her?" Joseph stated the obvious.

"But..." Lucas' hand on his shoulder, halted whatever Felix was about to retort.

"She knows what to do." The second brother said.

"Yeah, she ain't a child that doesn't know how to care for herself." Joseph meaningfully looked at Felix who just glared.

Ethan sighed. It had only been a day of being married, and they were already fighting about their Wife. If Isabelle knew, she would be angry. "Let's just wait for tomorrow." Ethan said, wanting to close that conversation. 

There was no point for them to be discussing if, at the end, the decision rested on Isabelle.

"Are we talking about the other matter, then?" Joseph quickly moved on and focused on yet another important thing: who was going to be Isabelle's first.

The brothers looked at each other; neither wanted to look too eager, despite buzzing with excitement in the inside. Would she like experience or someone new? Even more, would she like to just follow the pace or lead? 

An even more daring thought also crossed their minds: what if she liked to do it with more than one? Maybe two, three… or the four… 

They had to take everything into account. They were brothers, yes, but they didn't know how comfortable they would be to see another have sex with Isabelle. Or be extremely close to the hot, sweaty and grunting body of the other.

There were many things to consider.

"Maybe we should let her decide." Ethan finally proposed. They were never going to reach a consensus anyway. "Once we know, we can accommodate to her decision."

The other brothers nodded. There was no other choice actually. In their dynamic of having only one Wife for the four, they were starting to realize that many decisions rested upon the Wife, and they could only suck it up.

"By the way, there's something I'd like for us to consider." The eldest brother rose up one last matter. It was late and they needed to rest; however, they also had to set some plans for the near future. "You know we couldn't contribute to buying the plot of land." He got nods and hums in response.

"I was thinking, with the money we get in the future, starting with the salary I recently got, to build a room for Isabelle. That way, she can have space to put all her sewing stuff and… and, in the case of future children." That last part was almost reverently whispered.

Lucas frowned after hearing his brother's idea. "Gonna leave her alone with the child?" Joseph and Felix narrowed their eyes at their older brother. 

"No!" Ethan quickly denied, shaking his head like a rattler. "No, that wasn't my point! I meant… I just… that way we can also have more alone time with her..." He had no choice but to uncover his ulterior motive. 

As he arrived late at night, he could not share a bath with her. He accepted that. However, many times when he wanted to sleep together with her, he would already find her clinging to one of his brothers. It was a bit unfair in his opinion. 

If Isabelle had a room, she could have her own space where she could hang out alone in case she wanted peace to work or just be alone. She would have her own bed and furniture, and she could also receive guests there if she so desired. 

Plus, the tub could also be placed in her room so she could comfortably wash. And, if things got heated, then they could go from the tub to the bed in a matter of seconds. 

Once Ethan explained all the pros of building a room for Isabelle, the others could not really think of any cons to the idea. If was fair for her and for them. 

"I'll look for masons tomorrow with the help of the Chief!" Joseph eagerly showed his support.

"Don't we have to get the materials first?" Felix blinked at his third brother.

"Right!" Joseph slapped his head. 

Ethan smiled at his brothers' enthusiasm and turned to look at Lucas. He was more level-headed than Joseph and Felix, so, if he wanted to really put the plan in motion, then he could only count on him.

"Let's finish the gate and shed first." Lucas' words dampened the bright mood in the kitchen, where they had gathered to speak. 

To make their cart and horse directly enter to the plot, they had to build a gate. They tried to do that during the day, but they had to buy a few things to finish it. Then, they also had to cut down some trees to build the shed for the horse. 

And, they still had to prepare the land to start planting vegetables if they still wanted to take advantage of the summer and fall harvest.

They had a lot to do before they could start building a room.

"Can't we let others build it?" Felix uncertainly asked. Did they have to do everything? Even Joseph said they could look for masons.

"One of us would have to supervise the work… And..." Ethan trailed off.

Joseph huffed. "We just got married. What if one of those men did something to Isabelle?" He had no qualms in presenting one of the issues of having unknown men in the house. If they wanted to build the room, the brothers also had to be present.

So, no strange man would insinuate on their Wife. 

"Then?..." Felix questioned.

"Let's do as Lucas said. Plot first, room second." Ethan compromised on prioritizing one project first. 

After all, what they had in spare was time.