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I'm Frances Song

Chapter 10


 Frances unexpected outburst caught the ladies off guard, causing them to quickly step aback and apologize. Once the tension settled, Frances and Rin returned sat to the dining table. Shortly after, Achylys excused himself and left early.




The party continued at the bar, the atmosphere grew more lively and spirited. Laughter filled the air as drinks flowed freely, and the beat of the music encourage everyone to dance. Frances and Rin, however, opted to relax at the table, enjoying their drinks and each other's company.


Their tranquility was interrupted when a group of guys approached them and took seats at their table. While Rin engaged in conversation with the newcomers, Frances seemed lost in thought, her attention elsewhere. One of the men, identifying as the son of the town's chief of police, showed a particular interest in Frances. Despite his attempts to charm her with his status, Frances remained aloof and distant, her mind clearly preoccupied.


Rin, noticing France's detachment, gently tapped her on the shoulder to drawn her back into the moment.


As Frances snapped back to reality, she promptly stood up and excused herself. However, just as she was about to leave, the man unexpectedly grabbed her shoulder, startling Frances. Without hesitation, she delivered a swift slap to the man's face, firmly declaring, " Don't' you dare touch me." she then swiftly pulled Rin out of the bar, determined to put some distance between them ans the unwelcome encounter.


" Let's go now, you're already to drunk," Frances insisted as she guided Rin outside. Rin stumbled, unable to walk properly, but thankfully her driver was already waiting to take her home. 


After after they say's good bye to each other. now alone, Frances stood on the highway, waiting for her own ride. Harold, the son of the chief of police, lingered nearby, watching her. Seeing Frances standing alone, with his friends, they approached her once more.


"hey, why such a beauty standing alone out here?, hahaha you think you can get away so easily? Come on now and let's have some fun," Harold suggested.


Frances didn't hesitate to put him in his place. " Didn't my slap make it clear that I don't associate with someone of your class? Or do you need another reminder?" harold was visibly irritated by her words.


" lets not waste out time here, I know you're just simply playing hard to get, I already seen many girls like you." he said as he grabbed Frances in the head. Frances attempted to break free from his grasp, but the two other men held into her hands, overpowering her. Despite her struggles, the three men were too strong for her.


Frances screams as Harold and his friends attempted to pull Frances back to the bar, but she manage to find an opportunity to kick Harold in the stomach and bite the other man holding her hands. The sudden pain caused the man to release here, allowing Frances to make a run for it. However, the men continued to chase after her.


Frances tries to reach for her phone in her pocket to call for help, but in her panic she failed to see where was going and collided with someone. Ass she fell on the ground, she looked up and realized it was Achylys who she had bumped into, much to her relief.


Achyly's stood motionless, seemingly unfazed by the collision, but beneath his calm exterior, he was taken aback and intrigued by Frances sudden appearance. Their eyes locked, and Frances swiftly rose to her feet, seeking refuge behind achyly's. she urgently implored him for assistance, explaining that she was being pursued by a group of man. But before she could elaborate further, harold and his companions arrived on the scene, prompting Frances to instinctively seek shelter behind Achyly's.


"Shhh, you really caught us off guard," he muttered as he approached Frances, only to find Achyly's standing protectively in front of her.


"Oh she's my girlfriend, man. We have a little misunderstanding. Come on, babe," he tried to explain.


Achyly's shook his head and locked eyes with Frances once more, who simply shook her head in response.


Harold grew increasingly frustrated as Achyly's refuse to budge. In a fit of anger he attempted to grab Frances, but Achyly's swiftly intervened gripping Harold's wrist with s strength that rendered him immobile.


"Hey, you jerk, what do you think you're doing?" Harold yelled as he struggled to break free from Achyly's grip.


"Do you have any idea who I am? I'm the son of the chief of police. Let go now if you don't want this to escalate!" Harold threatened, but Achylys remained unfazed by his worlds.


"Let go!" Harold shouted as he attempted to punch Achylys, but he just effortlessly twisted Harold's hand, causing him to cry in pain. This prompted the two other man to join the fray, but Achylys was too quick for them. He pushed Harold towards the incoming men, causing them to collide and fall.


Frances watched in awe as Achylys took on three men, her heart racing as she witnessed his skills in combat. She felt a rush of emotions as she saw Achylys fighting with a smile on her face, expressing what she couldn't put into words.


After a short while, Harold and his friends lay defeated at Achylys feet. 


Before making his hasty escape Harold left achylys with parting threat, "I'll come after you next time, you'll regret this, mark my word." as Harold and his crew bolted away, Frances rushed over to Achylys, concern written all over her face. "are you okay? Any injuries? Let me check." she started poking and prodding at him, but Achylys quickly stopped her, looking a bit uncomfortable.


"we meet again, Achylys azazer, right?" Frances inquired. "Thanks for saving me from those goons. I owe you one."


Achylys shrugged nonchalantly, "its no big deal."


Frances couldn't help but to chuckle. "we seem to have a habit if bumping into each other, don't we? "I guess you already know me cause were in the same class, but to make it formal, im Frances song, by the way." 


she introduced herself, extending her hand for a shake. But achylys smoothly dodge the handshake and simply said. "yeah I know."


Frances chuckled, "You're quite the enigma, aren't you? Here, take my business card. If you ever need help or those guys come after you, just give me a call."



Achylys took the card and stared at it for a moment as Frances driver arrive, she quickly got into the car.


As Achylys walked along the side of the road, Frances instructed her driver to lower the window and drive slowly.


"hey Achylys, I'll give you a lift home," she offered, but he ignore her.


"Aren't you hungry? Let's grab a meal!," Frances persisted, but Achylys continued walking without acknowledging her.


"Just give me you're phone number."


"i'll see you in the university, don't be late"


Frances teased a few more time before eventually bid him adieu and drove off.