Chapter 3

Three years had passed since the cataclysmic events that had shaken the ninja world. Ryu, a being of immense power and an enigmatic presence, had taken it upon himself to protect Konoha. His motivation ran deep, stemming from both his roots and the mysterious guidance of the system that seemed to know the intricacies of his destiny.

Orochimaru's defection had cast a shadow of uncertainty over Konoha, and Ryu, with his godly abilities, couldn't afford to let this threat linger. He had two compelling reasons for guarding Konoha with unwavering determination.

The first was the profound connection he felt with this village. It was the place where he had grown up, nurtured by the love and sacrifice of his parents. Their selfless act of giving their lives to protect Konoha had left an indelible mark on his soul, binding him to the village with an unbreakable bond.

The second reason was the cryptic warning from the system that guided his actions. The message was clear: Ryu trusted the system implicitly, understanding that it held the key to his destiny.

The Hyuga incident, a pivotal moment in Ryu's journey, demonstrated both his power and his sense of justice. Two years earlier, when Hiashi Hyuga had been on the verge of killing the head ninja from Kumogakure in a fit of anger, Ryu intervened with a gentle yet decisive touch.

His voice, though that of a child, held an air of wisdom beyond his years. He implored Hiashi to consider the consequences of his actions, preventing a potentially catastrophic outcome. Ryu's actions were not driven by mere power but by a genuine concern for peace and justice.

When the Kumo head ninja attempted to escape, Ryu deployed his advanced Conqueror's Haki, subduing him effortlessly. Hiashi, watching in astonishment, couldn't help but be impressed by the mysterious child who had appeared out of nowhere.

Ryu's appearance was striking, with white hair, sharp features, fair skin, and a blindfold that concealed his eyes. Hiashi's Byakugan could only glimpse the outline of a finely built body, but the chakra structure remained hidden from view. As Hiashi contemplated further scrutiny, Ryu spoke once more, his words echoing with a touch of admonishment. "Hiashi-sama, isn't it inappropriate to look into one's body without their permission?" The reminder of proper etiquette caught Hiashi off guard, showcasing Ryu's maturity and respect.

Having halted Hiashi's pursuit of vengeance, Ryu assured him that he would deal with the Kumo ninjas responsible for the incident. Then, with a simple disappearance, he left Hiashi to care for his beloved daughter, Hinata.

The Third Raikage, unaware of the supernatural force that had intervened, found himself facing an unexpected adversary on the outskirts of Konoha. A voice resonated through the air, a voice that would forever echo in the annals of history.

"Ho ho, you little tank have guts to cause trouble in my land."

It was the voice of Ryu, the current mysterious Ninja God who had decimated three great villages in a single devastating attack. The Raikage watched in awe as Ryu descended from the sky, clad in godly armor, his presence radiating power beyond comprehension.

With a quiet confidence, Ryu in his godly humanoid Arceus form approached the Raikage, carrying the unconscious body of the Kumo head ninja he had stopped earlier. The Raikage's fear was palpable, his heart racing as terror gripped him. He desperately wanted to move, to escape, but his body refused to obey.

Ryu's hand gently cupped the Raikage's face, and golden threads began to emanate from the ninja's body. These threads extended to bind the elite ninjas present, rendering them powerless before his might. It was a display of godly authority over the physical world.

With an unexpected twist, Ryu didn't unleash destruction upon the Raikage. Instead, he tapped the ninja's forehead gently, a simple gesture that defied expectations. A single tap, and everything changed.


In an instant, Ryu's tap triggered a phenomenon that sent the Raikage and his entourage hurtling toward Kumo. It was a breathtaking display of power and precision. Any observer would have believed they had teleported, but the truth was that they were propelled with incredible force.

In a matter of seconds, they crashed into the Raikage's office in Kumo with a deafening explosion. The impact was as unexpected as it was overwhelming.

With the Raikage's abrupt relocation, Ryu decided it was time to have a conversation with Hyuga Hiashi, the man who had witnessed his power firsthand. Teleporting above Hiashi, Ryu tapped the clan head's shoulders, and they were both transported to Ryu's abode. Time stood still in this surreal setting.

Hiashi was understandably stunned by the extraordinary events that had transpired ina matter of moments. He found himself in the presence of a being of godlike power,

and Ryu was prepared to share some of his knowledge and intentions with the Hyuga clan head. Using his divine energy and a touch of Conqueror's Haki, Ryu gently influenced Hiashi's thoughts and emotions, ensuring that their conversation would remain confidential.

As the dialogue unfolded, Hiashi was overwhelmed by the sheer depth of Ryu's understanding and the scope of his abilities. Ryu introduced himself as both a protector and a deity of sorts, a Shinobi god with an intricate role to play in the destiny of the ninja world. The realization that such a being existed both shocked and relieved Hiashi. He understood that Ryu's presence boded well for Konoha and the Hyuga clan.

Ryu's assurances that he harbored no ill intentions toward either Konoha or the Hyuga clan put Hiashi's heart at ease. The promise not to reveal Ryu's identity and powers was made, and Hiashi readily agreed. Ryu's persuasive abilities, augmented by Conqueror's Haki and divine energy, made it a swift and amicable agreement.

The conversation shifted toward the enigmatic Otsutsuki clan residing on the moon and the tantalizing concept of the Tenseigan. Ryu provided Hiashi with valuable insights into these celestial beings and the potential evolution of the Byakugan.

With their discussion coming to a close, Ryu transported Hiashi back to his own house and resumed the flow of time. The world outside remained oblivious to the extraordinary encounter that had just transpired. The disappearance of Kumo ninjas from Konoha and the explosive arrival of the Raikage in Kumo were the only clues that something extraordinary had occurred.

Returning to the present moment, Ryu reflected on the events that had shaped his path thus far. He knew that today marked a crucial juncture in his journey, for it was the day when all his templates would be completed, and he would receive his first mission from the mysterious system that guided him.

After dedicating half a day to meditation, a mechanical sound resonated within Ryu's mind, signaling the fulfillment of his templates and the arrival of an advanced package from the system.

"" The system's message was accompanied by a question: ""

Without hesitation, Ryu responded to the system's query, eager to unveil the contents of the advanced package. The anticipation in the air was palpable.

"" The mechanical voice of the system announced its compliance with Ryu's request.

The contents of the package were nothing short of astonishing, a testament to the immense power that Ryu had acquired:

1. Divine Armament Haki, Celestial Observation Haki, and Sovereign's Haki: These were upgraded versions of Ryu's advanced Haki abilities, granting him unparalleled insight, influence, and dominion.

2. Absolute world: An upgraded iteration of the transparent world, this skill allowed Ryu to form a zone as vast as his Celestial Observation Haki could perceive. Within this zone, he held absolute control, an omnipotent force unless faced with something or someone of superior strength.

3. Zanpakuto Shoryu (Rising Dragon): An enhanced version of the already formidable Ryujin Jakka, Ryu's Zanpakuto now granted him command over all forms of flames and lightning. It possessed two forms: SHIKAI - Shoryu-Subete no sonzai o jōhatsu sa seru (Rising Dragon: Vaporize all existence) and BANKAI - Horobi no tachi (Blade of destruction).

4. A 25-fold boost in all aspects, further amplifying Ryu's already godlike abilities.

5. A physique free from all physical restraints, granting Ryu limitless potential for growth and evolution.

The enormity of the power bestowed upon him left Ryu momentarily awestruck. His Zanpakuto, already formidable, had become a magnificent instrument of destruction and control.

Amidst his contemplation, the system's voice resounded once more, delivering his first mission as a harbinger of change in the ninja world.



1. Help the incarnations of Ashura and Indra grow many times stronger than they are supposed to. It should be done naturally without fast-forwarding time.

2. Help Naruto become Hokage and Sasuke clear his misunderstanding.

3. Take over the Otsutsuki clan and merge with Shibai Otsutsuki. Shibai may be weak in powers when compared to you, but he is integrating himself with the heart of the universe. It would take millions of years with his condition. If you are merging with him, then it is the same as merging with the universe. Your powers will leap by bounds once you merge with this mid-level universe.

4. Clear your heart from hatred. You can't be a god of destruction if your heart is contaminated by revenge and hatred.>

*With the weight of his mission, the power of the advanced package, and the destiny that lay ahead, Ryu embraced his newfound role with determination. His path as a Shinobi god was set, and the ninja world would bear witness to the transcendence of its boundaries.

And so, the enigmatic journey of Ryu continued, as he ventured into a future filled with challenges, growth, and the ever-present guidance of the mysterious system that had shaped his destiny.*














1610 words worth of chapter, this is.

Thank you for reading.

Yeah about the votes for the female lead.

**No HAREM**

It's not that I hate harem, but it will spoil the multiverse family loving ff like this.

Female Lead Voting Booth:

1) Hela Odinsdottir (Marvel)

2) Zero Two (Darling in the Franxx)

3) Mereoleona Vermillion(Black Clover)

4) Erza Scarlet(Fairy Tail)

5) Kale(Dragon Ball)

6) Wanda Maximoff(Marvel)

7) Luna Lovegood(Harry Potter)

8) Robin(One Piece)

9) Esdeath(Akame Ga Kill!)

10) Sung Jinah.(Solo Levelling)

11) Ino Yamanaka ( Naruto)

Please vote for the last one. That's my favourite.

If last one doesn't come as a major vote, I might turn this into two female lead ff.

Thanks for reading.

Shower me with power stones.