Chapter 4: Danzo's despair


The revelation of the system's ranking system left me both surprised and intrigued. As I inquired about the F-rank mission of merging with an entire universe, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for an A-rank mission if universal fusion was considered a mere F-rank task. The system's response, however, was astonishing.


The complexity and hierarchy of these missions began to unfurl before me. My mind swirled with newfound knowledge. The thought that destroying a multiverse was deemed an E-rank mission in certain cases boggled my mind.

I took a deep breath to quell the rising tide of emotions. This was a path I had chosen, and there was no turning back now. Calm descended upon me, and I focused on the future.

My current strength was undoubtedly remarkable, but it was still a far cry from what I would need to complete the final mission. My thoughts drifted to the impending fusion with Shibai Otsutsuki, which promised universal-level power.

With a mental nod, I began to formulate my future plans, an outline that would guide my actions in this new world:

1. Enter the academy and befriend key characters from the original Narutoverse.

2. Infiltrate and take control of Root, dismantling the nefarious schemes of Shimura Danzo.

3. Free Obito from Madara's control, enlisting him as an ally.

4. Recruit Itachi to spy on the Akatsuki, ensuring the safety of his younger brother Sasuke.

5. Protect the younger generation of the Uchiha clan, ensuring their future.

6. Train the original series' characters, preparing them for the challenges ahead.

7. Embark on a mission to the moon, extending my influence to the enigmatic clan residing there.

8. Confront and ultimately annihilate the Otsutsuki clan, culminating in the merger with Shibai Otsutsuki.

The simplicity of my plan was comforting. With my current powers, it all seemed achievable. I could now understand why the system classified the mission as an F-rank endeavor. But as I looked to the future, there was an air of anticipation, the sense of a great adventure awaiting me.

The Next Day:

Morning arrived, and I stretched my body, preparing for the day ahead. It was around seven when I awoke, and I employed divine energy to cleanse myself. After a satisfying breakfast, I embarked on the journey to the academy.

The streets were bustling with life, and the art of bargaining, a universal skill, was evident in the interactions around me. As I made my way, the sight of parents accompanying their children to the academy invoked mixed feelings within me. It didn't sadden me, but rather, it fueled my determination.

Amidst the crowd, a young boy with spiky yellow hair and blue eyes, his expression heavy with sadness, caught my attention. I knew the thoughts that must be swirling in his mind – the boy destined to bear the burden of a demon fox.

My resolve deepened as I watched him, and I wished I had met Naruto sooner. The thought of his suffering at the hands of the villagers and the old coots who had orchestrated his loneliness filled me with anger. Inwardly, I yearned to confront those responsible for his pain.

Approaching Naruto, I introduced myself with a warm smile, dispelling his initial surprise. To my delight, he responded with enthusiasm, proudly declaring, "Hello, I am Uzumaki Naruto, I am going to be the next Hokage. Believe it." His determination was palpable.

My words of encouragement resonated with him, leaving Naruto visibly moved. No one had ever believed in him before, but now, a blindfolded stranger in front of him had extended a hand of faith. It was a moment of profound connection.

Swiftly changing the subject, I reminded Naruto that we were on the brink of missing the entrance ceremony. Together, we ventured into the hall where the ceremony would unfold.

Inside, the atmosphere was electric, charged with the spirit of the Will of Fire. The speech stirred emotions in the crowd, igniting their passion. While others were fired up, I remained impassive, my focus on the journey ahead.

Following the ceremony, we dispersed to our respective classes. I joined Shikamaru, Naruto, and Choji at the last bench on the right. As I surveyed the classroom, familiar faces from the original series filled the seats, and I observed quietly.

Lunchtime provided an opportunity for Shikamaru to introduce me to Ino and Choji, expanding my circle of acquaintances. The day continued with mundane classes, and it was evident that much of the content mirrored the original Narutoverse.

After school, I extended an invitation to Naruto to visit my home, an offer he readily accepted. With the help of my hightened senses, I could sense a significant number of people present there, including members of Root and Anbu. Employing my Celestial Observation Haki (COH), I discerned the Root agents and marked them with my divine energy.

Later, Naruto and I shared a snack, and the impulsive request for a spar arose from him. I agreed, taking him to the backyard to engage in combat.

The clash began, with Naruto displaying a novice's eagerness. I effortlessly evaded his attacks, frustration gradually building within him. As the battle progressed, I sensed that it was time to conclude the bout.

Naruto rushed toward me once more, attempting a punch. I sidestepped gracefully, causing him to lose his balance and tumble to the ground, his face meeting the earth.

Despite his desire to continue, I intervened and proposed a deal. If he ceased the fight and listened to my guidance, I would commit to training him daily. Naruto accepted the offer without hesitation, sealing our agreement.

With nightfall approaching, Naruto opted to stay the night at my house. I prepared dinner for both of us, reveling in his appreciation of my culinary skills. Though my strength was immeasurable, I couldn't help but bask in the compliments that came my way.

After dinner, we retired to bed. As the night deepened, I halted the flow of time and executed a plan to eliminate the Root operatives within my world. Leaving a clone in my house, I teleported to the Root base and resumed the flow of time.

DANZO'S POV (In Reverse Dimension):

I had intended to send more Root agents to observe the jinchuriki, who was staying in Hatake Ryu's house. However, before I could issue any orders, my surroundings underwent a drastic transformation.

Suddenly, I found myself standing before a cavern suspended in the air with a surreal crimson landscape stretching around me, its floating lands suspended in a sea of red. Bewilderment washed over me as I tried to comprehend the bizarre sight before my eyes.

Before I could even attempt to make sense of my surroundings, a figure materialized before me. Clad in a black, loose-fitting T-shirt, dark blue shorts, and black shoes with red lining, the individual had a fair complexion, silver hair, and a blindfold concealing their eyes. My shock only deepened as recognition dawned upon me.

The name escaped my lips before I could stop it, "Hatake Ryu." But this was no ordinary meeting."Yo", The voice that followed was otherworldly, a voice I had never heard from the boy before me – it was the voice of the enigmatic Shinobi God.

My voice quavered as I tried to address the situation, "What is the meaning of this, Hatake Ryu?" Fear and uncertainty gnawed at me as I looked around, half-expecting someone else to materialize alongside us.

However, Ryu's response shattered my expectations. In a different voice, one that resonated with power and authority, he spoke again. "Danzo, you have committed heinous crimes in your lifetime, including harming your own village. Now, it's time to pay for your sins in my world, my dimension."

I was speechless, my thoughts racing as I attempted to process the gravity of the situation. The boy standing before me, no older than seven, had effortlessly transported me to an alternate dimension and was now passing judgment upon me.

Before I could utter a word in response or plea for mercy, Ryu acted swiftly. In a swift motion, he severed my bandaged hand, and with a brutal pluck, he removed Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan from my right eye socket.

The pain that coursed through my body was indescribable, far more excruciating than the loss of my hand. My left shoulder radiated a searing agony, as if it were being consumed by red lightning. Ryu's power was beyond comprehension.

As my vision blurred from the anguish, Ryu vanished from the scene, leaving me writhing in torment. I screamed in agony, the pain unbearable, and my desire for death grew stronger with each passing moment.

In the reverse world, all that remained were my agonized cries, echoing through the crimson landscape. It was a fate I had brought upon myself, one that no amount of manipulation or scheming could have foreseen.

The finality of my situation weighed heavily on my soul, and I couldn't help but reflect on the choices and actions that had led me to this inevitable confrontation with Hatake Ryu, the Shinobi God.

As the searing pain from the loss of his hand and the extraction of Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan coursed through Danzo's body, he found himself writhing on the alien, floating land. The landscape, bathed in eerie crimson light, seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy that resonated with his anguish.

Danzo's consciousness was teetering on the brink of madness as the agony seemed unending. His severed wrist throbbed with an intensity that made every heartbeat feel like a hammer blow. His right eye socket, now empty, radiated a burning pain that seeped into his very soul.

The experience was unlike anything he had ever endured, and for a man who had orchestrated countless machinations, who had plotted in the shadows of the shinobi world for decades, this torment was an ironic twist of fate. Danzo had always believed himself to be in control, manipulating the pieces on the board to serve his grand vision for the village. Now, he was utterly powerless.

As he gasped for breath between agonized screams, Danzo's mind raced. He realized that there was no escape from this dimension, no means of returning to the world he had known. His schemes, his ambitions, all reduced to naught in the face of Ryu's overwhelming power.

The weight of his actions, the countless lives he had manipulated and sacrificed for his vision of the greater good, bore down upon him with crushing force. Danzo was forced to confront the consequences of his choices, and in that moment of excruciating pain, he felt a profound sense of regret and remorse.

But there was no redemption, no second chance. The crimson landscape stretched endlessly before him, devoid of mercy or salvation. Danzo's cries of torment echoed through the surreal realm, a haunting testament to the price of his ambition and the inexorable judgment delivered by the Shinobi God, Hatake Ryu.

In those final moments, Danzo's existence was reduced to a wretched, pitiable state. The man who had once believed himself to be the puppeteer of destiny had become a mere pawn in a game far beyond his comprehension, and his suffering was a stark reminder of the consequences of his actions.


Thank you for reading.

Shower me with the power stones.

Don't forget to vote in the potential female lead voting booth in chapter 3.

See you guys in next chapter.