Chapter 5: Path to Mastery

In the aftermath of the reverse dimension encounter, Ryu seamlessly transitioned back to his own dimension. Forming a clone that assumed the guise of Danzo, he used a subtle gesture to release the trance he had induced upon the village's ninja. With that, everything reverted to normal, and the people of Konoha resumed their activities as though nothing had occurred.

Returning to his own house, Ryu decided to rest for the night, his original plan playing out seamlessly. The following month marked a significant shift as Ryu assumed control of Root, taking on the identity of Danzo Shimura. While Hiruzen Sarutobi harbored some suspicions regarding the sudden change in Danzo's behavior, he ultimately put them aside, allowing Ryu to wield power from the shadows.

Meanwhile, Naruto delved into intensive training. Although he wasn't the most attentive student, he possessed an unparalleled ability to learn through experience. Under Ryu's guidance, Naruto's taijutsu skills grew by leaps and bounds. Ryu discreetly infused him with divine chakra, a power source that Naruto unknowingly absorbed, his physical form evolving in astonishing ways.

Naruto's physique underwent a profound transformation. However, an even more remarkable development occurred after twenty days of training—an awakening of his Ashura chakra. The circumstances surrounding this unsealing remained a mystery, but the effect on Naruto's chakra volume and physical prowess was undeniable.

Ryu was astounded by Naruto's progress. To test his abilities further, Ryu used a chakra paper to discern Naruto's elemental chakra nature. His results were intriguing—Naruto exhibited dual chakra natures, specifically wind and water. This innate affinity provided him with a strategic advantage, as wind countered Sasuke's lightning, while water countered his fire, laying the groundwork for potential battles in the future.

With Naruto's rapid growth, Ryu contemplated a conversation with Kurama to unlock even greater potential. As the weeks passed, Ryu and Naruto attended the academy together, solidifying their friendship. On the way to school, they encountered familiar faces—Shikamaru and Choji, fellow academy students.

Greeting each other, they strolled to school, and the day unfolded like any other. As the second-to-last bell rang, Iruka Umino, their teacher, ushered the students to the training grounds. There, he introduced the Seal of Reconciliation, an important aspect of ninja training.

The time came for sparring, with civilian students first to take the stage. To Ryu, this appeared akin to a street fight, leaving him somewhat disinterested. However, the situation changed when his name was called.

"Hatake Ryu and Hyuga Hinata, please enter the stage," announced Iruka.

Ryu was initially surprised but composed himself. With Hinata, a shy girl with alabaster eyes, as his opponent, they formed the Seal of Reconciliation. Expecting her to make the first move, Ryu strolled toward her, hands casually in his pockets. Her attempts at the Hyuga clan's taijutsu techniques were met with ease, Ryu deftly avoiding her strikes, all while wearing a blindfold.

Gradually, Hinata's energy waned, and her movements became less precise. Ryu, observing her struggle, vanished from his spot in a blur of speed, reappearing behind her to gently knock her out.

The outcome surprised many, except for Naruto, who had already grown accustomed to Ryu's incredible abilities. Naruto and a few girls in their class cheered for Ryu, with Ino notably among them. Ryu noticed her spirited support, sensing her interest.

While the last fight took place between Naruto and Sasuke, it turned out to be a one-sided skirmish. Naruto's single punch utterly defeated Sasuke, a scenario rarely witnessed, especially considering Sasuke's Uchiha lineage. Frustration and eagerness to surpass Ryu brewed within Sasuke as he silently plotted his comeback.

After class, they all returned home. Ryu walked with Naruto to his home, a notable change in his routine. That night, Ryu's thoughts wandered to Ino's growing attraction to him, though he brushed the notion aside.

Eight months passed, and the group of friends continued their training journey.

The forest stood in silent anticipation, a witness to the extraordinary battle that was about to unfold. With Naruto and Sasuke on one side and Ryu on the other, the atmosphere crackled with energy.

Naruto, still a partial Jinchuriki in his chakra mode, emanated a potent aura. His chakra cloak, distinctively lacking the golden hue of full Kurama mode, shrouded him in an ethereal blue. The chakra's potency and intensity marked a significant leap in Naruto's power since he started training with Ryu.

On the opposite end stood Sasuke, his Sharingan blazing with three tomoe in each eye. Ryu had been pushing him hard, imparting his knowledge of various jutsu and battle strategies, honing his skills to perfection. The Uchiha's body crackled with black fire and red lightning, a testament to his newfound abilities.

The two young ninja, once friends, now faced Ryu, their mentor, and their test.

Naruto's determination radiated from his cerulean eyes. The memories of his struggles and aspirations fueled his every move. Sasuke, driven by his ambition to surpass Ryu and seek power, remained resolute, regardless of the daunting task ahead.

The battle commenced with Naruto charging forward, his speed a blur as he aimed a compact Bijuudama at Ryu. The blue sphere hurtled towards their mentor, crackling with immense power. Ryu, unflinching, raised his hand with a grin and flicked his fingers casually. The Bijuudama, now a mere orb of chakra, evaporated harmlessly in the air.

Sasuke seized the moment, teleporting behind Ryu with his sword drawn. The sword gleamed with the ethereal aura of Susanoo, poised to pierce Ryu's back with the menacing black fire and red lightning. Ryu, seemingly unaffected by the imminent strike, merely turned his head slightly.

A colossal explosion ensued, the shockwave sending Naruto and Sasuke spiraling away from Ryu. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring the battlefield. They waited, tension coiled like a spring.

As the debris settled, the three figures emerged. Ryu stood tall, unscathed and confident. Naruto and Sasuke, though still in fighting form, displayed visible signs of exertion.

A triumphant smile graced Ryu's lips, a testament to his power and the successful culmination of their training. "Nii-san, you're just too strong. Even though we might be stronger than the Kages, we can't beat you," Naruto admitted with a hint of frustration.

Sasuke nodded in agreement, his determination unshaken. "You're right. We're not ready to face you yet."

Ryu's response was a chuckle, his gaze filled with warmth. "You're both a thousand years too early to challenge me."

The trio shared a moment of camaraderie. Ryu had tested their newfound abilities, and they had surpassed expectations, marking their growth.

Ryu was really happy about their progress, here comes our Sasuke,

Sasuke Uchiha, in this intense battle against their mentor Ryu, showcased a formidable array of powers that had developed and evolved significantly during his training period.

1. **Sharingan with Three Tomoe:** Sasuke's Sharingan, marked by three tomoe in each eye, had evolved considerably. It granted him enhanced visual perception, allowing him to track fast-moving objects and see chakra flows. This advanced Sharingan was a testament to his progress in mastering the Uchiha bloodline.

2. **Black Fire and Red Lightning:** Sasuke's signature abilities included black fire and red lightning, both of which were manifestations of his exceptional control over chakra. The black fire, also known as "Amaterasu," was an inextinguishable, all-consuming blaze that ignited anything it targeted. His red lightning, on the other hand, could be utilized for offensive and defensive purposes. These powers demonstrated his mastery over elemental jutsu and his unique Uchiha abilities.

3. **Susanoo:** Sasuke had the ability to summon Susanoo, a massive, ethereal warrior that enveloped him. This formidable construct provided him with powerful defense and offense. The Susanoo was known for its strength, resilience, and a variety of weapons, making it a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

4. **Teleportation:** Sasuke's mastery of his Sharingan allowed him to achieve feats of teleportation using his space-time abilities. This teleportation was quick and precise, giving him the advantage of striking from unexpected angles.

5. **Taijutsu and Ninjutsu:** Through rigorous training under Ryu, Sasuke had honed his physical combat skills, such as taijutsu. His agility, reflexes, and combat instincts had improved significantly. Additionally, he had become proficient in a wide range of ninjutsu techniques, both offensive and defensive.

6. **Indra's Chakra:** Sasuke's unique lineage as a reincarnation of Indra Otsutsuki endowed him with immense chakra potential. This manifested in his advanced Sharingan and the ability to access the powers and knowledge of the ancient Uchiha. It was the basis for his mastery of the Sharingan, the Mangekyou Sharingan, and the Rinnegan.

Sasuke had an above average command over space-time powers. Even without a Mangekyo Sharingan, his visual powers were above average EMS. His eyes were the same as Hogoromo 's. Just a level lower.

Sasuke's powers had transformed him into a formidable shinobi, capable of taking on powerful adversaries. However, his encounter with Ryu during this battle revealed the gaps in his abilities, motivating him to strive for even greater strength and mastery over his Uchiha heritage.

And we have our Naruto,

During his intense battle against Ryu, Naruto displayed a range of incredible powers and abilities that had developed and evolved over the course of his training.

1. **Partial Nine-Tails Chakra Mode:** Naruto's most prominent power was his ability to harness and utilize the chakra of the Nine-Tails, Kurama. However, due to the seal placed on him, he could only access a partial form of the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. In this state, his physical abilities, including strength, speed, and durability, were greatly enhanced. He also gained the distinctive chakra shroud around him, giving him an otherworldly appearance with chakra cloaks and black lines.

2. **Rasengan Mastery:** Naruto had mastered various forms of the Rasengan, a powerful and versatile jutsu. He could create different versions of the Rasengan, each with its own unique properties, such as the Rasen-Shuriken, which was a long-range, devastating attack that released microscopic blades upon impact.

3. **Divine Chakra:** Naruto possessed a unique form of chakra known as divine chakra, which he had acquired during his training with Ryu. This chakra was exceptionally potent and granted him heightened abilities, including an extraordinary degree of control over his chakra. It also enabled him to perform jutsu at an advanced level.

4. **Chakra Manipulation:** Naruto's control over chakra had reached an impressive level. He could manipulate chakra with precision and use it for various purposes, such as enhancing his physical attacks, creating barriers, or sensing the presence of others.

5. **Sage Mode:** Naruto had achieved mastery over Sage Mode, granting him enhanced sensory perception, increased physical abilities, and the ability to gather natural energy to perform powerful jutsu. This made him a formidable force in combat, capable of taking on multiple opponents.

6. **Kurama's Cooperation:** Through his strong bond with Kurama, Naruto had earned the cooperation of the Nine-Tails. They had developed a mutually beneficial relationship, allowing Naruto to access Kurama's chakra willingly and use it strategically in battle.

7. **Ashura's Chakra:** Naruto had unlocked Ashura's chakra, making him a true reincarnation of Ashura Otsutsuki. This chakra was a source of immense power and potential, further enhancing his abilities and granting him unique skills.

8. **Tailed Beast Mode:** While Naruto couldn't fully transform into the Nine-Tails, he could temporarily take on a more complete Tailed Beast Mode when needed. In this state, he gained access to the full power and abilities of the Nine-Tails, significantly boosting his combat prowess.

Naruto's powers were a testament to his growth as a shinobi and his unwavering determination to become the Hokage. His battle against Ryu showcased his remarkable abilities and the potential for even greater strength as he continued to develop and refine his skills.

With their bout concluded, Naruto used the Flying Thunder God jutsu to return to Konoha. Sasuke utilized his Sharingan's spatial ability, while Ryu employed his space manipulation to reach the village. The forest, once a battlefield, returned to its serene state.

Back in the village, Ino's anxious anticipation lingered. She had yearned for Ryu's attention and the opportunity to train with him, a desire she had not openly voiced. Her heart raced at the thought of their interactions.

Ryu, true to his character, had agreed to train her after succumbing to her relentless pursuit. Aware of Ino's limitations, he tailored her training to her abilities. As a result, her spiritual power flourished, rivalling that of an elite jonin. Divine chakra subtly coursed through her, enhancing her physical strength to the level of a jonin.

With Ino's gradual growth, her physical abilities aligned with her chakra's might. Though unable to use her newfound powers to their full extent, Ino became a formidable genin. Her friendship with Ryu solidified through their training, though romantic feelings remained unspoken.

Ryu's dedication extended to others as well. Shikamaru and Choji benefited from his tutelage, and their bond deepened. Shikamaru had elevated himself to the rank of a chunin, while Choji exhibited the strength of an elite genin.

In this universe, there existed no rivalry or animosity between Sakura and Ino. They had not vied for the same love interest, and as a result, their relationship was devoid of the resentment that once marred their interactions. Sakura's growth, under Ino's guidance, reached the level of a mid-level genin.

Hinata, who harbored secret affections for Naruto, would often stealthily observe his training sessions. As her feelings grew, Ryu decided to personally train her. Despite surpassing Neji in skill, her innate kindness prevented her from causing harm. Under Ryu's guidance, she would discover how to channel her strength effectively.

Their time at the academy continued smoothly, with Ryu's friends passing their first year with exceptional grades. The village bustled with activity, and the prospect of a promising future beckoned them.

However, Ryu had a more significant mission in mind. The Uchiha massacre, an event that once shook Konoha to its core, would not transpire in this reality. He couldn't bear the thought of Sasuke enduring such a traumatic event.

Instead, Ryu devised a plan. Itachi would carry out a selective cleansing of the clan, targeting the radicals who posed a genuine threat. Sasuke, believing that he had avenged the clan's honor, would engage in a climactic battle with Itachi. During this confrontation, Ryu would secretly intervene, allowing Itachi to escape. Itachi would remain in the shadows for several years.

Ultimately, Ryu aimed to reunite Sasuke with his brother, dispelling the false hatred that clouded Sasuke's judgment. This reunion would coincide with exposing Danzo's malevolent deeds to the public, ensuring justice prevailed.

As Ryu set his plan into motion, Obito and Itachi ventured into Root's base to meet with Danzo. Ryu had previously discussed this plan with Obito before using haki on him so that he won't think of backstabbing me, ensuring the pieces fell into place seamlessly.

Obito, with his Kamui, and Itachi arrived at Root's base. Upon their arrival, Danzo greeted them, his demeanor seemingly unfazed. Itachi, kneeling respectfully, addressed him, "Danzo-sama, Madara-sama has informed me about your plan, and I am prepared to shoulder the responsibility of our clan."

Danzo acknowledged Itachi's resolve with a nod, his intent clear. "You shall commence the cleansing of the clan two months from now, under the cover of darkness," he instructed.

The gravity of the situation hung in the air as both Obito and Itachi departed, leaving Danzo to orchestrate the upcoming events.

Ryu watched these events unfold, knowing that he would intervene to prevent the Uchiha massacre. The path to controlling destiny in this world was laid out before him.

As night fell, Ryu retired to his room, his thoughts reflecting on the events that had transpired over the months. Before succumbing to sleep, he checked on Naruto, ensuring his safety and well-being. As the night deepened, Ryu drifted into a restful slumber, ready to face the challenges and opportunities that awaited him in this new world.


Here comes another long chapter.

Don't forget to vote for the female lead mentioned in the third chapter.

Shower me with the power stones.

Thank you for reading.