-85- The abilities of the current level



In the midst of intimidating growls, black figures leaped out of the miasma and charged towards Rozen.

Using the "Heaven's Eye" skill, Rozen immediately grasped the true form of these creatures.

"Wild dogs possessed by shikigami?"

The beings that lunged out of the miasma were none other than wild dogs shrouded in dark aura.

Through the "Spirit Vision" skill, Rozen could clearly see the density of miasma and the strength of magical power surrounding them.

"They're just low-level familiars."

With only a few of his summoned "Demon Ants" through the "Summoning Art," Rozen could easily deal with this group of shikigami.

"It seems this place is indeed meant for the younger generation's training."

If not, the attacking shikigami wouldn't be of such a low level.

With this realization, Rozen refrained from summoning his familiars.

Until now, he hadn't used summoning magic in front of anyone.

The reason was simple: explaining his abilities would lead to complications.

"The Akabane family only practices 'Puppetry Art,' categorized under 'Summoning Art,' and all other summoning techniques within 'Onmyoudou' have been abandoned. If I use 'Summoning Art,' it will undoubtedly bring a lot of trouble."

Moreover, Rozen didn't want to reveal the trump card of his summoning magic, keeping it hidden.

Since this was the forbidden land of the Izanagi clan, he couldn't be sure if there were spies around.

Hence, Rozen had no intention of using summoning magic in such a place.

"Not to mention, I haven't fully opened all my magic circuits, and my magical power is limited. If I summon only low-level familiars, then it's fine but summoning mid-level familiars is out of the question."

Considering all this, Rozen decided not to summon his familiars.

"Without using 'Summoning Art,' my combat abilities are indeed quite limited."

Even with the skill "Rigid Body," Rozen's physical abilities were only slightly better than an ordinary person's. He lacked close combat experience and he knew that even Akabane Raishin could easily defeat him with a few punches, let alone a bunch of wild dogs.

Therefore, Rozen had no choice but to rely on magic to confront the situation.

"But 'Gandr' is a curse, and it won't have much effect on shikigami born from miasma."

Given the circumstances, Rozen had no option but to use "Telekinesis."

"I should have brought some puppets with me and let 'Puppetry Art' show its power."

Muttering to himself, Rozen converted his released magical power into telekinetic force.


With a buzzing sound in the air, telekinesis enveloped the surroundings, causing the stones beneath Rozen's feet to levitate.



Finally, the wild dog shikigami let out loud roars and lunged at Rozen with their bloodthirsty mouths wide open.

Just as these wild dogs were about to reach Rozen, the levitated stones, driven by telekinesis, flew out like bullets.


With muffled impacts, one wild dog after another was sent flying by the heavy stones.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Along with the series of muffled sounds, the pack of wild dogs attacking Rozen was repelled by the telekinetically driven stones, crashing into nearby trees or falling into the grass.

Seeing this, some of the wild dogs seemed wary and circled around to Rozen's back, launching a surprise attack.

Unfortunately, Rozen's "Heaven's Eye" was already well-trained, and he couldn't overlook such a straightforward attack.


In a flash of light, a telekinetic barrier inscribed with a magic array appeared behind Rozen.


With the impact sound, the wild dog that launched the ambush from behind was blocked by the telekinetic barrier, as if hitting a solid wall, unable to advance even an inch.

It was Rozen's "Magic Defense" skill.

In the next moment, several stones rose up behind Rozen, like iron hammers, sending the wild dogs flying.

In this way, all the wild dogs were easily dealt with.

"Fortunately, they were only low-level shikigami."

Rozen retracted his magical power.

Even without the help of "Summoning Art" and "Puppetry Art," dealing with low-level shikigami was effortless for Rozen.

"If it were mid-level shikigami, it would be a bit tricky."

After all, without "Summoning Art" and "Puppetry Art," relying solely on his own combat power, Rozen would find it quite challenging to handle mid-level shikigami.

As for high-level shikigami...

"Even if I use 'Summoning Art' and 'Puppetry Art,' it's still uncertain whether I can handle them. I might not have a chance."

Thinking about it, Rozen could only hope that there were no high-level shikigami here.

"If Mash were here, we could even take on the highest level of shikigami."

It's easy to see how much difference it makes for Rozen, who specializes in summoning, commanding, and controlling familiar.

"I better not wander around and just stay on the outskirts."

After all, Rozen was originally here for the sake of formality in this arranged marriage. It was a way to save face for Akabane Kuukan.

After all, they had raised him for ten years, invested a lot of effort into him, provided him with the family's resources, taught him many useful things, and even shared the family's secret techniques.

Under such circumstances, refusing to cooperate just because he didn't want the marriage would be ungrateful.

If the Akabane clan were like the old Chaldea, using innocent people like Mash as experimental materials to achieve their goals, then it would be a different story.

If that were the case, Rozen would definitely refuse to cooperate, just like during his time at Chaldea, no matter what they did.

But after ten years of living together, Rozen came to know that Akabane Kuukan was not that kind of person, and the Akabane clan was not that kind of place either. Despite being a mercenary family that did dirty work, their moral compass remained intact.

Once Rozen confirmed this, he was willing to cooperate.

Compared to human experimentation, family marriage arrangements were really nothing, and Rozen could reluctantly accept it.

As for the considerations and dealings behind this marriage alliance, Rozen didn't want to get involved.

"The purpose of coming to this world is to improve myself. I shouldn't bother with other unnecessary matters."

With this thought in mind, Rozen had no intention of getting involved in the disputes between the Akabane clan and the Izanagi clan.

Thinking this way, Rozen was about to use "Heaven's Eye" to find a place to rest and see if he could hide until dawn, but then a faint but chaotic noise broke out.

In this chaotic noise, there were both the low roars of beasts and the angry shouts of humans, even mixed with the wailing of a young girl.

Hearing these sounds, Rozen was stunned.

"Oh it can't be...?"

Thinking of one possibility, Rozen was speechless for a moment, then quickly picked up his pace and ran towards the direction from which the noises came.