-86- Outsider's interference

Five minutes ago, just as Rozen and Akabane Raishin entered the forbidden area of the Izanagi clan, three other people took advantage of the opened barrier and quietly sneaked in as well.

If Rozen were here, he would definitely recognize these three individuals.

"Subaru, let's go back. Don't continue any further," said Domon Hinowa, dressed in elegant attire. Her cute little face was filled with unease and worry as she took small steps forward while trying to persuade her companion, Kamo Subaru.

Yuge Mutsura was walking by Domon Hinowa's side, and he also spoke to Kamo Subaru, who was leading the way.

"Young Miss said so, Subaru. Let's just go back."

It seemed that the decision to sneak into the forbidden area was not made by Domon Hinowa and Yuge Mutsura, but rather by Kamo Subaru himself.

Of course, Kamo Subaru was not so easily persuaded to turn back.

"If you want to go back, then go back yourselves," Kamo Subaru replied without even looking back.

"I must find the tokens before those two."

That was the reason Kamo Subaru decided to enter this forbidden area. He wanted to prevent Domon Hinowa from marrying into the Akabane clan, and this was the plan he came up with.

After all, Domon Kira's orders were absolute. Not only the members of the Izanagi clan can. As long as it's in this eastern island nation. Nobody would dare to cross Domon Kira's authority.

After all, Domon Kira was the head of the Izanagi clan, a prominent family in the country.

It can be said that Domon Kira's authority is very significant. Anyone who angers her, not to mention an individual, even an entire clan, could be directly destroyed by her.

That's why, after arriving at the Izanagi clan's stronghold, the Akabane clan became cautious as well. Akabane Kuukan didn't want to provoke Domon Kira, so he could only bring Rozen and Akabane Raishin and let her choose.

To put it bluntly, the Akabane clan was trying to climb up by associating with the Izanagi clan, which naturally placed them in a lower position.

As a result, Kamo Subaru, although the legitimate heir of the Kamo family, second only to the Domon family within the Izanagi clan, couldn't openly resist Domon Kira either. Under such circumstances, in order to prevent Domon Hinowa from marrying into the Akabane family, Kamo Subaru had to find a way to make Domon Kira change her mind.

However, Kamo Subaru was just a ten-year-old child. He was unaware of any agreements or arrangements between the Akabane clan and the Izanagi clan behind the scenes, nor could he come up with a better plan. In the end, he could only resort to this method.

"As long as I can find the tokens first and prove to the head of the clan that those two from the Akabane clan are nothing special, can't compare to us in the Izanagi clan, and make the head of the clan disappointed in them, she will surely reconsider this matter."

This was the method Kamo Subaru came up with. Whether or not this approach would work, we can't comment for now. But because of this, Kamo Subaru decided to enter the forbidden area, aiming to be ahead of Rozen and Akabane Raito and find the tokens first.

As for Domon Hinowa and Yuge Mutsura, they were merely caught up in this situation. They were startled when they saw Kamo Subaru suddenly rushing into the barrier, so they hurriedly followed him inside.

"So that's what you're up to..."

Yuge Mutsura finally understood Kamo Subaru's intentions and couldn't help feeling even more helpless.

(Perhaps the reason why Subaru is doing this is more than just trying to prove the Akabane clan's lack of ability?)

The one who finds the tokens first gets to marry Domon Hinowa.

This statement might also be one of the reasons that motivated Kamo Subaru to enter the forbidden area. Even if strictly speaking, Kamo Subaru didn't have the qualification to participate in this trial, and even if he were to find the tokens first, he would probably be punished by Domon Kira. Still, Kamo Subaru wanted to prove himself. He wanted to show that he was more capable than the two members of the Akabane clan and could marry Domon Hinowa.

As for Yuge Mutsura, he didn't particularly object to this matter.

In the end, he was also just a ten-year-old child. Even if he had some thoughts going on, compared to Rozen, there would only be trouble if he tried to compete with him. So, he naturally didn't think too much.

However, there was one thing that Yuge Mutsura had to consider.

"Because of you, the young lady got involved. It would be bad if something dangerous happens here, Subaru."

While protecting Domon Hinowa, Yuge Mutsura said this to Kamo Subaru.

If it wasn't for Kamo Subaru's sudden action, Domon Hinowa wouldn't have followed him inside. In a hurry, Yuge Mutsura didn't have time to stop them. So, if it weren't for that, Yuge Mutsura wouldn't have let the little princess of the Izanagi clan, Domon Hinowa, come in here.

"This..." Kamo Subaru seemed to calm down a bit and stopped, looking back at Domon Hinowa.

"Subaru, let's go back."

Domon Hinowa's face still showed unease and worry as she continued to persuade Kamo Subaru.

For Domon Hinowa, who was naturally timid, entering such a gloomy and eerie place was definitely not something to be happy about. But out of concern, she disregarded her identity and followed Kamo Subaru inside.

From this, it could be seen that this young lady's heart was very kind. This also softened Kamo Subaru's heart.

However, Kamo Subaru still didn't give up.

"You should go back with Mutsura," Kamo Subaru stubbornly said to Domon Hinowa, "I will definitely find the tokens before those two guys, so you won't be married into a clan of mercenaries."

"Subaru..." Domon Hinowa didn't know what to say.

In fact, from the perspective of the Izanagi clan, Domon Hinowa's marriage was undoubtedly unfortunate. The person she was supposed to marry was not only their former archenemy but also a mercenary clan involved in dirty work. The only benefit was a slightly beneficial bloodline. From the perspective of the Izanagi clan, what good could come out of such a marriage?

After all, Domon Hinowa was the princess of the Izanagi clan, and one could even say the princess of the entire Eastern Archipelago. She had been pampered since childhood, and they couldn't bear to see her suffer even the slightest harm.

Now, this little princess was going to marry into such a place, and who knew what treatment she might receive?

Domon Hinowa herself didn't want to marry into the Akabane clan either. But as a ten-year-old girl with such a personality, she couldn't make a clear refusal and could only follow the arrangements made by her grandmother, Domon Kira.

In other words, if she could avoid marrying into the Akabane clan, Domon Hinowa would be happy about it.


"Subaru, if you do this, Grandmother will be really angry."

Domon Hinowa could only clumsily try to persuade Kamo Subaru.

This made Kamo Subaru even more determined.

"Even if I get punished by the head of the family, I will help you," Kamo Subaru decided firmly and said to Domon Hinowa, "Mutsura, you take the young lady out of here. At least, don't let her get hurt."

"Alright." Yuge Mutsura nodded and said, "Then don't go too far. I will take young lady out first, and then come back to help you."

After saying that, Yuge Mutsura wanted to take Domon Hinowa out despite her objections.




Just at that moment, a low growl resounded from the front.

The three of them were startled and quickly looked towards the source of the sound.

In the next second, they saw it.

"Why... Why are you guys here!? Run quickly!"

Akabane Raishin was being chased by a group of wild dogs surrounded by black mist. He was fleeing towards them while looking shocked at the three members of the Izanagi clan. Realizing their presence, he called out in surprise.