-876- Stirring up the dust


On the deck of the Argo, Berserker roared with tremendous momentum, seemingly unaffected by the severe wound to his abdomen.

While he couldn't regenerate the wound, Berserker not only possessed the skill "Mad Enhancement," allowing him to relentlessly attack even when severely injured, but also the skill "Battle Continuation," similar to Cú Chulainn, at an A-rank level.

As long as it wasn't a fatal wound, he could ignore it, and even fatal wounds wouldn't hinder him. This demi-god hero showed no signs of being affected by the abdominal injury.

However, this didn't mean that Berserker's injuries could be completely ignored.

"Allow me!"

Medea spoke with a resolute expression, now revitalized.

"If it's my Noble Phantasm, I can surely heal Berserker."

Without waiting for the others to react, Medea closed her eyes and raised her magic staff.


A gentle radiance suddenly blossomed on Medea's magic staff.

""Pain Breaker"!"

Medea instantly released the true name of her Noble Phantasm.

Unlike the witch who would later become a traitor, the current Medea was just a recently trained priestess in the temple, a pure and flawless princess.

Her Noble Phantasm was the manifestation of love, capable of healing damage caused by curses or magic.

This wasn't just simple healing; it could calculate the original appearance of the healed person and then perform automatic restoration.

In the eyes of others, it seemed like time had reversed, effortlessly overcoming any non-lethal injuries caused by anything other than death.

Now, Medea unleashed her Noble Phantasm, and the healing radiance enveloped Berserker.

The next second, on Berserker's body, the wound seemed to rewind in time. Not only did the blood flow backward, but the wound also gradually disappeared, ultimately vanishing completely.

A Noble Phantasm against a Noble Phantasm.

If Diarmuid Ua Duibhne's Noble Phantasm nullified Berserker's regenerative abilities, then Medea's Noble Phantasm perfectly countered the curse inflicted by his magical spear.

Therefore, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne's desperate strike ended up in vain.


Berserker roared once again.


Medea let out a sigh of relief.

The rest of the group witnessed this scene and looked at Medea with admiration.

With this healing effect resembling a reversal of time, the utility on the battlefield could be easily imagined.

"Well done, Medea! Truly my beloved wife!" Jason exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Thank you for your praise, Lord Jason," Medea responded with a happy smile, though a hint of resignation flickered in her eyes, unnoticed by others.

In this situation...

"It's almost descending to the ground level!" Scathach, who had been monitoring the ground, announced.

The others quickly caught on.

"Princess Medea!"

Rozen immediately called out to Medea.


Medea first hesitated, then quickly waved her staff again.

With the swing of Medea's staff, countless Dragon Tooth Warriors appeared out of thin air, spreading across the ground like tree saplings growing in the earth. The surface broke open, revealing white skeletons.

As if rising from graves, Dragon Tooth Warriors crawled out of the ground.

In an instant, a vast army of Dragon Tooth Warriors occupied a desolate area, facing the densely packed Celtic soldiers.

With Rozen's support, having abundant Dragon Fangs as materials, Medea created a legion that rivaled the Celts.

Millions of Dragon Tooth Warriors formed a vast sea of bones, turning the ground upside down, revealing soil after the multitude of Dragon Tooth Warriors emerged.

"Clatter! Clatter! Clatter!"

The numerous Dragon Tooth Warriors swiftly closed their bone structures and charged forward.


The attention of Celtic soldiers was immediately drawn to the legion of Dragon Tooth Warriors. They roared, raising their weapons and charging towards the approaching warriors.

The two legions clashed on the battlefield.

And immediately, an uncompromising battle unfolded.

"Splut!" "Splut!" "Splut!"

Individual Dragon Tooth Warriors were fragile, often forming small teams to crush Celtic warriors. Even if some were suppressed, others would swarm in, blades flashing, reducing Celtic warriors to minced meat.

The battlefield witnessed the collision of two large legions.

"Plunge!" "Plunge!" "Plunge!"

Dragon Tooth Warriors, with their overwhelming numbers, closed their bone structures, rushing towards the Celtic soldiers.


The Celtic warriors, strong and robust, forcefully broke through the charge of the Dragon Tooth Warriors. In an instant, they smashed and destroyed these warriors.

Countless Dragon Tooth Warriors and Celtic warriors engaged in a fierce battle on the battlefield. Blades flashed, arrows rained, raising clouds of dust, creating a monumental and chaotic scene.

At this moment, the Argos ship had descended to a very low altitude.


Berserker was the first to leap off the deck, landing heavily on the ground. With a thunderous roar, he charged forward, wielding his axe-sword like a storm, instantly slaughtering numerous Celtic warriors.

Simultaneously, the other Servants also rushed into battle.

Rama, wielding the Immortal Blade, shouted loudly, cutting through multiple Celtic warriors with each flash of his blade. He created a bloody path through the battlefield.

Karna, surrounded by flames, maintained a calm expression. With a swing of his divine spear, flames erupted in front of him, bombarding the area like a volcanic eruption, displaying incredible destructive power.

Scathach, holding her magical spear with both hands, charged forward. Her magical spear transformed into numerous spear lights, leaving blood holes in the bodies of Celtic warriors, causing them to fall one by one.

Meanwhile, on the Argos ship, Atalante continued her relentless barrage of arrows, each shot incredibly powerful. Medea, too, continuously fired magical bullets, bombarding the legion below.

Only Jason, the prince, skillfully steered the Argos ship, avoiding waves of incoming arrows.

All the Servants demonstrated their remarkable abilities, launching a full-scale war.



Mash also leaped down from the Argos ship.


Rozen, like a dark crow, gracefully landed at her side.

"Let's go!"

Rozen signaled to Mash.


Mash responded loudly, raising her shield.

Magic surged through her body.