-877- Battle of Heroes


This is the true name of the well-known and legendary demigod hero in Greek mythology.

He is the grandson of the thunder god Zeus and the mortal princess Alcmena, making him a hero of both divine and mortal lineage.

His given name is Alcides, but he adopted the name "Heracles" (meaning Hera's glory) after being recognized by the Oracle of Delphi.

However, his life was far from glorious due to the disdain of Hera, Zeus's wife.

Heracles faced numerous hardships inflicted by Hera because she despised him for being born from Zeus's infidelity.

For example, she sent snakes into the cradle where Heracles and his twin sister Iphicles were sleeping, and when she caused him to go into a berserk rage resulting in him unknowingly killing his wife and children, leading him to serve as a slave to a king as penance.

Moreover, the jealous king imposed twelve famous labors upon Heracles, tasks that were considered impossible for any human to achieve.

Despite this, Heracles managed to accomplish all twelve labors, gaining freedom from slavery and achieving an immortal body.

Finally, he was elevated to godhood, becoming a constellation in the sky.

Such is the life of the Greek demigod hero Heracles.

With such a renowned hero as a Servant, his status is undoubtedly among the highest. Even when Heracles is in a berserk state, making him the strongest in direct combat among Servants, surpassing all in melee combat abilities.

However, Heracles excels in all aspects—mind, skill, and body. He can proficiently use all weapons, making him most suited for the Archer class.

Considering his cleverness and resourcefulness in overcoming various dangers and trials in mythology, the Archer class skills complement him well. His favored weapon is a bow, but unfortunately, due to his berserk nature, he lost his armaments from his lifetime.

If he could manifest as an Archer, this great hero would undoubtedly match or even surpass Karna and Scathach, and would certainly not be outdone by the adult form of Rama as a king and hero.

Yet, even in his manifestation as a Berserker, this formidable hero remains nearly invincible.

This is due to his Noble Phantasm—"God Hand."

This is the Noble Phantasm formed by elevating the twelve labors that Heracles overcame into a belief and legend.

Heracles, wielding this Noble Phantasm, possesses three main characteristics:

1. Nullification of attacks below B-rank, including Noble Phantasms.

2. Development of resistance against attacks; if subjected to an attack type (e.g., fire or lightning), resistance to that specific type increases after each hit. This means even attacks above B-rank can be nullified after enduring them several times, including Noble Phantasms.

3. Automatic revival after death; as long as Heracles is not killed twelve times, he will never truly die.

With the ability to nullify attacks below B-rank, resist higher-level attacks after multiple hits, and revive twelve times, how can one possibly defeat such an opponent?

Even formidable entities like Karna and Scáthach would find it challenging to overcome Heracles. In terms of defense and endurance, Heracles surpasses even Karna.

As Heracles unleashes his rage on the battlefield...


He rampages as if in a realm untouched by anyone, slaughtering foes left and right.


A swing of his axe-sword creates a storm, sending countless Celtic soldiers flying.


His body's impact is like a hurricane, devastating everything in its path, shattering and breaking.

Heracles continues his ruthless onslaught until...

"How many times have we clashed in combat, O Demigod hero of Greece!"

With a shout, Fionn wielding a purple spear darts in like a meteor.

"Bring it on!"

Diarmuid, holding two magical spears, also rockets towards the scene.


Seeing these two spear-wielding adversaries, Heracles bellows in furious rage. Enemies meeting again after numerous battles, and this time, due to their coordinated efforts, Heracles sustains injuries. He almost fails to regenerate, intensifying his anger.

Therefore, Heracles raises his axe-sword, propelling himself like a cannonball, charging towards the two spear-wielding warriors.


The collision of the three Servants creates a shockwave, filling the air with dust and debris.



Amidst the fluctuating flames, Karna lowers the divine spear in his hand, scanning his surroundings.

Within his vicinity, countless Celtic soldiers lie charred and blackened, leaving a scorched earth in a radius of hundreds of meters. The land continues to undulate with flames.

Karna lifts his head, gazing forward.

"Come out; I know you're here."

Karna declares calmly.

With the words spoken...

"This time, no one will interfere with us."

Arjuna, wielding a large bow, walks forward slowly. His gaze towards Karna is like two bolts of lightning, exceptionally dominating and determined.

Evidently, Arjuna has targeted Karna the moment he appeared on the battlefield.

"Bring it on," Karna states with an indifferent tone, "Our connection will never be severed, but for the victory of our Master, I will defeat you."

"Master?" Arjuna's eyes flicker, his tone turning grave, "Is that human Master really so captivating to you, considering you've only spent a few days with him?"

"Master is an extraordinary person," Karna replies with a calm demeanor, "If it were you, you would also find him quite likable."

"Is that so?" Arjuna closes his eyes momentarily. When he reopens them, all traces of warmth have vanished, leaving only a fierce determination. He declares, "Unfortunately, since you stand by his side, I am destined not to associate with him."

"So, I'm here," Karna raised his divine spear, pointing it at Arjuna. He said, "Let me see how strong you've become after falling into darkness."

"...No need for words; I will show you," Arjuna tightened his grip on his bow.

Thus, flames surged around Karna.

Meanwhile, thunder gathered into arrows in Arjuna's hands.

Both of them vanished from their original positions.


A second thunderous roar erupted on the battlefield, turning the surroundings into an uninhabitable wasteland as flames and thunder ran rampant.


"Make way!"

Rama swung the Immortal Blade, creating a vortex of magical energy that blasted away all nearby Celtic soldiers.

Among all the Servants, Rama was undoubtedly the most ferocious, surpassing even Heracles, charging deep into the heart of the enemy camp.

"Sita! Where are you!? I've come to see you!"

Rama shouted loudly towards the enemy camp.


"Lord... Rama..."

A faint voice reached Rama's ears.