-1389- Early farewell

Afterward, everyone returned to their respective places to prepare for the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival competition.

After the training camp, it wouldn't be long before this national-level competition officially began.

Considering the opponents that would appear in this year's Seven Stars Sword Art Festival, everyone naturally had to go back and make some preparations.

Therefore, the student council members returned to the student council room, and Rozen and his group returned to the dormitory to take care of their own business.

As for Edelweiss, it seemed she would temporarily stay at Hagun Academy.

Given Edelweiss's identity and the current sensitive period, it was somewhat inappropriate to keep her at Hagun Academy, but Shinguji Kurono seemed to want to confirm the role Edelweiss played in this incident.

In short, Shinguji Kurono was wary.

She was wary of whether Edelweiss would do anything.

Because of this, Shinguji Kurono simply kept Edelweiss at the academy.

This way, at least Edelweiss's actions would be under her watch.

Thus, Edelweiss not only stayed but was also hosted by Shinguji Kurono, ensuring she wasn't treated poorly.

Of course, Edelweiss herself had no intention of getting involved in this matter.

"I don't belong to any faction. Even if I'm on good terms with Rebellion, it doesn't mean I'll help Rebellion oppose the League's policies."

Edelweiss had said this to Rozen.

This incident, in essence, was just a power struggle between this country and the League, with Rebellion being hired.

So, Edelweiss didn't want to get involved in this political struggle.

Despite her demeanor, Edelweiss, the strongest swordswoman, understood the responsibilities of those with power.

Because of this, Edelweiss wouldn't intervene in other countries' politics to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts. Even if she acted, it would only be for insignificant matters or to curb any malicious actions by those with ulterior motives.

In other words, Edelweiss would act selectively based on her judgment.

This time, she chose to be a bystander, believing there was no place for her to intervene in this political struggle, which was ultimately a matter for the country itself. Unless it involved preparing for dictatorship or other severe situations, Edelweiss thought it best to stay out of it.

Overall, this Valkyrie was quite kind, only doing what she believed was right. When it came to issues unrelated to right and wrong, she wouldn't easily interfere in others' lives.

Shinguji Kurono could rest assured that Edelweiss would not easily take sides.

And Rozen naturally had no intention of getting involved in this matter either.

As he said before:

"What's it got to do with me if others fight among themselves?"

Whether the League's status was shaken or whether this country's coup succeeded, it made no difference to Rozen.

"As long as it doesn't affect me and those around me, I don't care."

That's the way it is.

In summary, Rozen had already done everything he could intervene in.

After training the people at Hagun Academy, Rozen had nothing else to do, not even caring about the outcome of the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival, except for one thing: whether Ikki and Stella would face off and, if they did, who would win.

In this situation...

"You're not coming with us to the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival venue?"

In Room 406 of the First Student Dormitory, when Rozen expressed his thoughts, Stella was stunned.

"There's nothing to be surprised about, right?" Rozen, unconcerned, said, "I don't need to participate in the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival, so it doesn't matter if I go or not."

"That's true..." Stella reacted and quickly said, "But don't you want to watch our matches?"

To this question, Rozen could only say:

"I want to see your match with Ikki, and I'm somewhat interested if you face Kurogane Ouma, but the other matches don't interest me much." Rozen said truthfully, "So I won't go. It's not like I can only watch the matches on-site."

The Seven Stars Sword Art Festival is a national competition, with broadcasts and live streams throughout the country, even in foreign countries.

Rozen thought it would be better to watch the matches on screen rather than wade into the chaos. If necessary, he could even watch recorded matches online.

"So, this time, I won't go with you."

Rozen decided.

This made Stella a little upset.

"I thought you'd at least come to the venue to cheer for us."

Stella pouted.

Rozen found it amusing.

"You have plenty of fans cheering for you, don't underestimate your fan base."

Rozen patted Stella's head.

"Besides, even if I'm not there in person, I'll still be cheering for you. Do your best."

This was also to continue researching the power of Miracles.

Rozen wanted more time for research and didn't want to wade into the chaos, so staying behind was the best choice.

Actually, Rozen was also thinking about leaving this world.

Since achieving a complete state of mind, Rozen had wanted to return to the worlds he had visited before and make up for some regrets.

Now, perhaps the time had come.

Taking advantage of the competition when the school would also be on break, Rozen could do what he wanted.

After all...

(If the possibility of saving Altera's original body lies in Miracles, there's no need to keep searching for methods in this world.)

Rozen thought.

The method of salvation was already at hand, and his direction was clear.

So, there was no point in staying here any longer.

As for Edelweiss...

(Let's see if I can take Edel with me.)

Rozen made this decision.

As long as Edelweiss had complete loyalty to Rozen, he could form an absolute contract, making her his familiar and leaving with her.

(The question is whether this so-called loyalty requires her to see me as her master.)

If it does, then forming an absolute contract with Edelweiss might not be possible.

Edelweiss's feelings for Rozen were unquestionable, but they certainly weren't feelings of wanting to serve.

Rozen didn't know if loyalty to himself would count as the required loyalty.

If it did, the problem would be solved.

If it didn't...

(Well, I'll try it first.)

Rozen decided.

In other words, it might be time for Rozen to leave again.

Now was the time for an early farewell.