-1390- Pursue your goals


Stella fell silent, perhaps sensing something from Rozen's tone and attitude.

After a while, Stella sighed.

"Even the world's strongest Blazer can't stay in school forever, right?"

Stella seemed to understand something.

It appeared that Stella had known from the beginning that with Rozen's status, it was impossible for him to remain at the academy as an ordinary student.

Even if she didn't know what Rozen was planning to do, it was certainly something beyond her comprehension and imagination, wasn't it?

If that's the case...

"Do whatever you want, don't worry about us," Stella said, looking Rozen straight in the eye. "We won't lose to that Akatsuki Academy."

Stella made this promise.

However, Rozen wanted to say...

"I never thought you'd lose to Akatsuki Academy in the first place."

Rozen was nonchalant.

The people from Akatsuki Academy were indeed extraordinary.

Leaving aside others, just Kurogane Ouma alone was someone even Rozen had to marvel at.

It wasn't that Kurogane Ouma's strength was astonishing, but his actions were.

After all...

Rozen recalled the first time he saw Kurogane Ouma.

Perhaps Stella and the others didn't notice, but with his Mind's Eye, Rozen had long since detected the astonishing pressure constantly weighing down on Ouma's body.

That was something Ouma had done with his own ability.

Like a typhoon or a storm, which blows outward from the eye, releasing immense force around.

But Kurogane Ouma did the reverse, drawing endless force from all directions, turning it into incredible pressure, enveloping his body.

Others might wonder why Ouma would do such a thing, but Rozen had already perceived Ouma's abnormality with his Mind's Eye.

His pulse was many times stronger than an ordinary person's.

His cells were more vibrant.

His heartbeat was far more powerful than average.

His blood flowed with extraordinary vigor, emitting heat far beyond that of a normal human.

These physical traits were not something a human could possess, more like a mythical beast or an ancient monster.

Thus, connecting the dots, Rozen discovered Ouma's secret.



Life inherently possesses the trait of evolution.

It's a basic ability of living organisms to adapt to environments and survive.

Humans evolved from animals.

Terrestrial organisms initially lived in the ocean. When land appeared, they evolved legs and respiratory systems to survive on land.

This evolution is a change life undergoes over eons to adapt to different environments.

Kurogane Ouma deliberately placed himself in an overly harsh environment to forcibly awaken his life potential and evolve.

Naturally, this was a path of suffering.

Evolution should be a long process, but Ouma shortened it by creating a terrifying environment, subjecting his body to immense pressure from all directions.

The outcome was that he couldn't even move a finger, his muscles would tear, bones would shatter, and even internal organs would be crushed—a self-destructive act.

Yet, despite this, Ouma didn't stop, continually struggling and striving, covering his body with countless scars.

In the end, Ouma's desperate efforts succeeded.

His bones, to withstand the incoming pressure, became as hard as iron.

His internal organs, to ensure blood circulation, enhanced their pulse and toughness.

His muscle fibers, to move smoothly under high pressure, became thicker and stronger.

Eventually, Ouma felt no more pressure.

At that point, his body had become an anomaly.

He successfully evolved himself.

Though it might not be visible externally, Ouma's physical strength was extraordinary.

His muscle and bone density was dozens of times that of an average person, far surpassing human limits, his body as hard as steel, able to withstand any attack without the need for magical power or abilities.

This was why Stella couldn't even scratch Ouma's skin with her attacks.

If Ouma were to release all his restraints and pressure, the power he would display would be terrifying.

Rozen and even Edelweiss noticed this, hence their amazement.

It wasn't about Ouma's strength but his extreme efforts to become strong.

Compared to his actions, Rozen's use of Injunction Shackles on the students of Hagun Academy was child's play.

However, given the choice, Rozen would never use such a method to strengthen others.

One wrong step could mean instant death.

The risk was something even Rozen wouldn't try.

Therefore, even among Akatsuki Academy, Kurogane Ouma was special.

Rozen's Tenyuryo could kill Wallenstein, but against Ouma, it couldn't even pierce his skin.

It wasn't that Ouma was stronger than Wallenstein, but his body was as hard as steel, and without any magical power or abilities, he was Tenyuryo's nemesis, a poor match.

So, besides the duel between Ikki and Stella, Rozen was only interested in the match between the others and Ouma.

But only somewhat.

Not to mention...

"If you really face Ouma, Stella, you might not be able to handle him in your normal state, but if you use Dragon Spirit, such a level of defense would be easy for you to break."

Rozen was certain of this.

Once Stella used her Dragon Spirit ability, her heat could melt anything.

Mere steel bodies could be broken with one punch.

On the other hand, if Ikki wanted to defeat Ouma, it wouldn't be easy.

His lack of Attack Power made it difficult to harm Ouma; even a move like Dokuga no Tachi, which directly attacked the body's interior, would struggle.

But Rozen believed that if Ikki really faced Ouma, he would find a strategy.

Ikki, unlike Stella, was a genuine technician who needed careful planning.

In any case, Rozen didn't think Stella and the others would lose to Akatsuki Academy.

"Just ignore them and pursue your goals freely," Rozen told Stella.


Stella nodded solemnly.

At this moment, Rozen's student handbook suddenly rang.

Rozen took it out and raised an eyebrow.