Chapter 60. Moving on

In the coming days, the Four Emperors were waiting relentlessly. All of them had spies inside the marines, and they knew that Sengoku had made a big move. They didn't knew against who, but they knew that a big war was on the horizon.

They were ready for a battle, in case Sengoku decided for a surprise attack on them, and at the same time they were eagerly waiting for news to find out if it was a war between the Marines and someone else.

On Wano, the country of a dragon, Kaidou sat on his throne while drinking his fill. His gigantic stature would make anyone tremble in his sight.

"WORORORO Sengoku, don't disappoint me, you better come for my head, I'll be prepared for you." He laughed out

Suddenly someone came in with the news.

"HUH hundreds of ships? Two admirals? Against Gold Ace?" Kaido read it through and angrily slurped more alcohol.

"FUHIHIHI YOU SHOULD HAVE SENT THEM TO ME INSTEAD YOU OLD BUDDAH!" After slurping three barrels of sake, he cried out in drunken sadness.

Soon he also read the news of Shiki's fall to the hands of Ace.

"You dishonor me Shiki, by falling to that brat, we did after all sail under the same black flag." Kaidou muttered as his mood shifted thanks to the alcohol. Tears was falling out of his fearsome eyes. Suddenly his face changed from sadness to anger.

"Had I known you'd fall like this I would've taken your head myself." His anger made the whole Wano country start shaking slightly as his conquerors haki started leaking.

Big Mom, one of the Yonko sat while stuffing her face with cake.

"HAAMAMAMAMA! LET THEM PLAY AROUND, IF THEY COME HERE I WIL KILL THEM MYSELF!" She laughed out, her child that read the paper was afraid as she stood in the presence of her mother. She wasn't sure if the Yonko meant the Marines or Demon Ace Pirates.

Big Mom might be the most unpredictable Yonko. She can have a rage mood and splash anything in her sight at any moment. And right now, her child wasn't sure if she dared to tell the other news.

The fact that Shiki had fallen and.... that one of the islands under their flag had been attacked by one of the Warlords.

She was afraid that she might lose her head as soon as she relayed that message.

On a ship somewhere in the blues, a red-haired Yonko read the news as he had his crewmates around him.

"Cap'n, that kid's quite scary, isnt he?"

"Dahahaha! He's scary indeed, how would I ever dare to face him now?" Shanks laughed loudly, but there wasn't even a hint of nervousity in his tone to the contrast of his words.

Rather, he seemed like if he didn't consider Ace as a threat at all, and those that knew him knew that it wasn't because Ace was underestimated by the Yonko, rather, Shanks was like that with everyone. He put no one in his eyes.

"Captain, didn't we come all the way here to gift him THAT? What now?" Another one asked as they pointed at a shrouded blade that laid in the corner. It seemed like they were aware that their captain wanted to Gift Ace something.

"Hmm, what indeed?" Shanks said nonchalantly.

"What is that sword anyways? Why gift it to him?" Another asked.

"Dahahaha don't mind, don't mind!" Shanks waved it off.

"It's just a blade that carries his name." Suddenly Benn Beckman revealed mysterioussly.


"Tsk Don't revealed too much now!" Shanks said as he smacked his right hand man.

"Cap'n don't be so harsh."

On a gigantic ship that looked like a whale, the Moby Dick, Whitebeard sat on the ground with a barrel of Sake.

"Pops! He did it again!" One of the Whitebeard pirates came up, and soon they were surrounded by everyone.

"The Marines ambushed The Demon Ace Pirates with hundreds of ships!!! Only a month after Flame Emperor defeated the golden Lion Shiki." All of them widened their eyes at that piece of information. Another crew memeber took the newspaper and continued reading.

"Two Admirals led the strike with the vice admiral Aramaki as their support??! Yet after many hours of battle the Demon Ace Pirates successfully escaped without harm." All of them looked at their pops in unbelief.

"We used to do similar things back in the days." Whitebeard said as he thought back to his prime days, and his days of sailing with Shiki.

He didn't have a bad relationship with Shiki, but it wasn't good either. Shiki had once come to him and told him his dreams of taking over the world, Whitebeard had adviced him against it as it would result in his death.

Only few of the Whitebeard pirates had been through those times when Whitebeard could sail wherever he wanted with no opposition, it was before the four Yonko had been established and those three started rivaling their pops. There was after all a time where only their Pops, Roger and Shiki were the "big" names of piracy.

The other newer members had been in great battles as well, but they hadn't seen someone come out unscathed from such a big assualt and they found it hard to believe.

They knew that things similar events had occured in the last, they had heard the tales... But that was legendary tales by legendary men, but then again their captain was at the peak of those legendary tales, only surpassed by the former Pirate King. But most of the crewmates joined in the last decade.

"The black Pearl, ship of the Demon Ace pirates might be the fastest ship sailing under the heavens. It's like a ghost ship that's impossible the catch." The reader continued as all of them were shocked.

They knew that surviving such a battle was possible for the four Emperors, but to thinkt where was a rookie with such abilities.

"GURARARA LIKE FATHER LIKE SON!" Whitebeard laughed remembering his old rival.

"Pops, we can't let the rookies steal the spotlight!" One of the commanders cried out.

"You're right, let's sail towards the closest marine base! GURARARA!" Whitebeard raised his glaive as he laughed, which was followed by a cheerful shouting of his crewmates.

The Demon Ace Pirates finally regained some life after surviving such an ambush, as they cheered. It was the first time in 1.5 months since the death of their Nakama.

The crew celebrated with parties for 3 days straight, and they laughed crazily for the first time in a long time.

Ace was also smiling.

"Yennow, would be fixing his afro by now while explaining how it was all his hard work that led us to victory." Spikewards chuckled.

"Right, that bastard has... Had a big mouth, even bigger than his afro." Gaga joked with a sad smile.

"Let's continue surviving and creating legends, for Yennow!" JoJo Pojo suddenly stood up and shouted.

Everyone stood up and looked at their captain.

Ace also stood up.

"Let's shake the whole world, and make them know who we are, so that Yennow can be remembered as one of our Nakama." Ace said with a flare in his eyes

"FOR YENNOW!" They shouted, finally being able to move past their companions death. It would always be a painful, but a beautiful memory, the fact that they sailed together.

They could finally move on, from the death of Yennow.