Chapter 61. Roulini family

"captain, we don't need to hide, this island is under the flag of Red-Haired Shanks and it's ruled by 3 mafia families." Urouge explained with a smile as they docked their ship.

"Hmm." Looking around Ace saw lots of Pirates, drunkards, bandits walking around. This seems like a pirate island, there are a few of those in places where there is no Marine Branch.

"Don't worry, the Raulini Family has strict control over this place and they are backed by one of the Emperors so no one dares to break their rules." A man with robes and a straw hat spoke as he stood against a wall.

"Who are you, and why are you acting cool?" Ace questioned him.

"Me? Heh, good question, of course it's a secret that I can't expose, so there's no way I'll tell it to you guys." The mysterious straw hatted man said.

"Well then, let's part ways." Ace didn't want anything to with him.

"I only gave you a tip because you're the brother of our chief of staff, Sabo. But that's a secret I can't expose. Heh, so dont even try to get any information from.... NAAANNIII YOU TRICKED ME!" The robed guy angrily accused the Demon Ace Pirates.

"Bastard don't blame us for your big mouth." Nami shouted back.

"You really are devilish, no wonder you're the demon Ace pirates. You used your devilish techniques to make me speak, sigh, luckily I didn't tell you guys that the reason I came here is to find out how the Roulini Family took over the whole island from the other two families. This is a secret mission after all.... NAAANNIII YOU BASTARDS DID IT AGAIN??!" He suddenly drew his sword.

Ace looked him in the eyes and used a bit of his willpower and the guy fell down, unconscious.

"Why would the revolutionary army involve themselves over the fact that a mafia family took down two other families on this island?" Nami questioned, finding it odd.

"The Roulini family as connections with the underworld. However they couldn't grow to big because of the two rival families that held them back... It seems like the Roulini Family suddenly took down those tow families... Which is suspicious." Spikewards spoke as if he was familiar with this place.

Ace just gave him a look, then they continued walking.

"Let's first bury Shiki, his body has started stinking a long time ago." Urouge complained as he carried a shrouded carcass, yet he still had his smile on his lips.

"Captain, I want to explore this place a bit." JoJo said.

"Sure, go ahead." Ace waved him off.

JoJo Pojo dissapeared in a flash.

Ace walked into the center of the island where a big hill was. On top of that hill stood a big old tree, as if it had existed since the old times.

"This'll be a good place, Law, do your thing." Ace said as the stood at the peak of the hill.

Law walked forwards and raised his hand.

"ROOM" An invisible bubble grew from Law's hand and then he replaced the dirt underground with Shiki's dead body. Instantly making this Shiki's grace place.

Law then carved "Golden Lion" on the tree. They all then turned and left in silence. They felt a bit bitter that they couldn't dig a grave for their Nakama, Yennow that had died.

As they arrived at the foot of the hill, JoJo Pojo flashed In front of them.

"Captain, I have big news." JoJo said with a hint of amusent in his voice.

"Go ahead." Ace said.

"I found out how the Roulini family took over the whole island." JoJo said mysteriously.

"How did they do it?" Spikewards suddenly asked.

"Well, a pirate crew came here and their captain was super strong. He helped the Roulini family defeat the other families, and midst battle." JoJo explained.

"Oh, which pirate crew? Who is their captain?" Ace asked with excitement.

"It was the sigsaw Pirates, just a small crew, but their captain, they call him Boss Yla, he is the interesting ine." JoJo said with a big smile.

"Come on, don't hold us in suspense, tell us already!" Gaga complained.

"He has the ability to make anything he touches, levitate." JoJo said with a grin.

"Ah! Shiki's abilities..." Nami and the others realised.

"I WANT HIM IN MY CREW, did you see him? Did he seem like a good guy?" Ace asked.

"Was he handsome?" Cavendish asked.

"Did he seem strong?" Urouge's eyes shined

"Does he know how to make pizza?" Bonney seemed to not care.

"..." Apoo was hiding behind a tree, Bepo as well.

"Does he have a brain?" Nami asked.

"Captain... Not everyone with... Cool devil fruit abilities are good guys." Law tried to discourage his captain.

"This is fate, so did you see him?" Ace asked.

"No, I just heard the talk of the town. This is what I gathered so far." JoJo admitted.

"Boss Yla huh. Sounds like a fun person, let's go!"

"Their family home is in the center of town." JoJo said.

As they walked towards the center, Spikwards started lowering his face until you couldn't see it anymore.

Ace slowed down to stand beside Spikewards and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, no matter what, I've got your back." Ace whispered.

Spikewards looked at his captain and he seemed to be in some kind of dilemma. He nodded.

"Thanks captain."

Soon they reached a very big mansion that had walls, and a gate that was guarded by suited samurai. They had black suits and ties, and on their sides they had Katanas.

But what made the Demon Ace Pirates halt their steps and look back towards Spikewards, was the fact that all the guards seemed to have black, spiky hair, very much sinilar to Spikewards.

Spikewards spiky black hair was bigger than theirs, but it was the same none the less.

Spiekwards looked down, pretending to not notice their gaze.

"Yo, we're here to meet ya boss, we're the..." Ace couldn't finish his words.

"WELCOME BACK YOUNG MASTER." All the guards bowed towards Spikewards.


"You have some explaining to do later." Nami threatened.

"... I guess I do." Spikewards said. The guard made way and opened the gate.

"Well this makes it easier." Ace admitted as he started walking in, followed by the others.

A guard led them to the center of the mansion, which was a ten minute walk.

Soon they arrived in an open courtyard with a pond. Inside the pond were many exotic fishes. It was a beautiful courtyard.

Under a Sakura tree, sat three suited, elderly men.

"You have returned." The one in the middle spoke without turning his head. But it was obvious who he was talking to.