Chapter 68. Storm

Sorry for the delay, I don't know if I told anyone this, but my grandmother is very sick. About 1.5 month ago so was put in the hospital and the doctor said that she had at most 5 days to live. We, her family, brought her home and took care of her. Thankfully she has lived this far but she's getting worse now.

And now that it's summer, I work more and sleep at my grandmother's every night so that I can keep watch in case something happens.

The last few days have been overwhelming so I completely forgot to release. I haven't edited or written new chapters in a while so you guys are about to catch up on all the stocked chapters. Please be patient if I'm slow with the updates.

Alhamdulilah ala kulli shay. I make Dua that Allah eases all our endeavors, Ameen.

And if you're christian you can say Ameen as well. Jesus peace be upon him spoke Aramaic, which is a semitic language like Arabic. They are closely related. Look up what the word for God is in Aramaic, and you'll find that even in Christianity, Allah is also the word for God. May God bless you, Ameen.


"So are you a samurai?" Ace asked, excited about meeting one of those.

"Tsk, Samurai is an old profession that died with the Kozuki family." The boy spit out, he obviously had prejudice against Samurais.

"Then why do you carry that sword?" Nami asked, not understanding the boys situation.

"Because I'm a samurai-chef!" The boy angrily stood up and drew his katana.

"With this sword, I will master all meats in the world!" The boy said with a glint in his eyes.

When he said that, all the crewmates hurriedly tried to stop their captain from doing what they knew he'd do, but it was too late.

"Welcome to the Demon Ace Pirates!" Ace said with a thumbs up and a yoouthful smile.

"Huh?" The boy didn't follow.

"You're now the chef of this ship." Ace explained.

"But I'm not a chef." The boy argued.

"I'm a samurai-chef, that uses the katana to cook food." The boy explained the difference.

"Isn't that the same?" Even Law, who wasn't interested in the slightest, seemed confused.

"Look, this is a katana not a kitchen knife. That's the difference." The boy explained as if they were dumb.

"Then why do you look down on samurai?" Ace asked.

"My parents forced me to train the sword. But I hated it, I always dreamt of becoming a Samurai-chef!" The boy admitted.

"Ne, this boy is stupid." Gaga whispered.

"And looks silly." Yennow whispered back.

"And, sadly, fits this crew." Spikewards said.

"How did you get out here?" Ace asked, wanting to understand the boys situation.

"My chance to escape finally arrived. So I stole a small boat and sailed away from Wano. But sadly, I sailed into a powerful storm... I don't remember much since then." They boy explained.

"I see how unfortunate." Ace said, happy that it all happened, that way he got a samurai-chef.

"Yes, you should turn your ship around, if you continue in this direction you'll reach Wano." The boy adviced.

"I know!" Ace smiled.

"No, no, Wano is under Kaidou's rule. If you continue there, he might execute you for trespassing when he returns."

"I know... Huh, what do you mean 'when he returns?'" Ace asked tilting his head.

"He went out on an expedition. I heard that he's after a marine ship and then he's taking revenge on someone. But I don't know who. That's why I took my chances and escaped while he was away." The boy explained.

Ace frowned and returned to his room to make a call.

Nami and the others looked at eachother, if the Boys words were true,it might be Hancock he's after. Hancock might be in danger.

Ace picked up his Den Den Mushi.

"..." Boa Hancock picked up but she didn't know who it was, so she coldly waited for the caller to speak.

"Hancock, it's me."

"Eeek, yes d-d-darling what can I d-do for you?" She stuttered.

"... Kaidou might be on his way towards you." Ace warned.

"I know. He he sent a letter with a ultimatum." She admitted.

"What ultimatum?"

"To either surrender Big Moms territories to him or to be killed." She said quite seriously.


"Don't worry, we're ready for him." She tried calming him down.

"Maybe, but can you fight him while protecting you kingdom?" He asked, knowing the answer. Even if she can somewhat fight them, she got lucky in her last fight, and Ace didn't think she was strong enough to handle the assualt of an Enperor. If he was alone, that's another story. Last time, the big mom pirates had sent out their second strongest with a small army on an expedition, whihcbleft the big mom pirates slightly weakened.

"When I took the step to become an Emperor, I was ready for something like this. Whoever comes, will regret it." She said.

"Fine be careful."

Ace put away the den den mushi, he was worried. He didn't know if she was truly ready for the Beast Pirates... Kaidou himself was probably slightly stronger than Big Mom.

Ace stepped out.

"Nami, sail towards the storm, we need to get to Wano." Ace said. The crewmates felt the tension and understood that Ace wasn't in a good mood.

"NANI? Impossible, you can't go there, especially in this storm!" The boy shouted.

"What's your name kiddo?" Ace asked.

"My name is, Nobujuro. And I'm not a kiddo I'm 21." He said, making all heads turn to him.

"You're not 21, you're 13 at most." Ace denied him.

"I was born like this. I looked much older than I was until I reached the age of 13, then I started looking much younger than I am." He exclaimed.


"I think he's lying captain." JoJo said while looking at him.

"Aren't you the one who is in his 50's but looks like youre in you're late 20's?" Yennow questioned the vice-captain.

Suddenly they all almost fell as strong winds attacked them from nowhere.

"The storm is growing..." Everyone, get to your positions." Ace said.

What happened next was something quite amazing. A storm they never could've imagined attacked them.

They couldn't see anything as the amount of rain pouring was like a water fall. And the next second it's was snow and ice, then it became rain again.

The winds were so strong that the ship almost sunk multiple times. The waves were so powerful that they barely could feel the difference between up and down.

This continued for two hours, and at some point Ace could swear they were sailing upside down. And at some point he was most certain that they were sailing vertically. They could barely see 5 steps ahead and could barely hear eachother's shout.

Lastly they felt the ship crash and the next thing they knew was nothing. Everyone fell unconscious.

Except for Ace. He felt the ship reach land, and after the storm receded slightly. He noticed that villagers came and put ropes on them all.

Ace wasn't sure if he had reached Wano. At this point, he wouldn't be surprised if this storm took them to Marineford.

The villagers restrained all his crewmates with ropes than celebrated and partied as they stole all their food.

Ace didn't do anything and allowed them to rope him up, since he felt that they were pretty weak and couldn't harm him. He wanted to see what they would do.

The storm finally dissapeared and the moon rose high up.

The villagers were partying around a campfire as they celebrated finding food. The young children were crying as they ate.

Ace saw that they looked starved.

"Eh, huh, captain, what happened?" JoJo was the first to wake up, and he was confused as he found himself and his captain in ropes.

"Don't do anything." Ace commanded as JoJo was about to destroy his ropes...

JoJo sat up and looked around. It didn't take long for he others to also wake up.

Ace saw a young girl, about 5 years old, looking at the food, seemingly to shy to eat any of it.

He stood up and gained the attention of all villagers which wasn't many, at most 30-40.

He stepped forward as his ropes burnt off. When the villagers saw this they became pale in fright, they had no fighting abilities and what they saw made them believe Ace was a sorcerer.

Everyone stepped back as they got ready to die for what they had done.

Ace simply walked to the campfire and picked a piece of meat, then handed it to the little girl that hadn't eaten anything.

"Huh?" She got confused.