Chapter 69. Who are you

"Eat up little one, tonight we party!" Ace shouted as all his crewmates got their ropes off, and then got their drinks from the ship for the villagers.

When the villagers saw this they cheered and started celebrating again as they realised the the people they had tried to steal from were very nice and forgiving.

"Thank you big bro!" The little girls said as she cried while munching the meat.

Ace patted her head with a smile. "What's your name." He asked.

"Tama.." she said as tears fell down her face. It was obvious she hadn't eaten anything in a long time.

Ace smiled, she was so cute, with her pink cute cheeks and big round eyes.

"What's you name?" *nom nom* she asked as she ate.

"I'm big bro Ace." He spoke kindly.

"Captain can be a softie when he wants to huh." Nami said, pretending to be surprised. She knew how soft Ace was on the inside. She had once also been at the end of his kindness and even been saved by him. She thought back to her days as an Arlong Pirate and smiled when she looked at her captain.

"We're more like the Kind Ace Pirates right now." JoJo complained while he ate.

"Tsk, what kind of pirates give food to the starving." Law angrily commented as he handed more food to the children.

"Tama, have you guys been starving?" Ace asked while sitting beside her.

She nodded cutely, with somefood around her mouth.

"Why?" Ace asked. Looking around, this whole place was filled with natural resources. It should be easy to find food.

"There's a big bad man that built houses with smoke! It's making everything poisonous." She said before taking another bite.

Although her words were simplistic, Ace could guess what she meant.

Kaidou was probably destroying the environment.

"This is Wano right?" Ace asked to be sure.

"No, this is Amigasa!" Tama said.

"Huh?" Maybe he was wrong. Had they really arrived at another place? Ace wondered.

"Tama-chan, Amigasa is a part of Wano." Another elder corrected, at which Ace sighed in relief.

The Demon Ace pirates got to know the villagers. And stayed the night.

They learnt that Kaidou didn't reside on this island, he had his own island just beside theirs.

Ace learnt that the sea around Wano was bowl shaped and was levelled above the surrounding sea. The water from inside the bowl shaped Wano ran over the walls and created a waterfall around Wano totnhe real sea. Which in turn lead to gigantic currents and storms around Wano making it hard to infiltratate. There were two islands inside the bowl shaped Wano country, Wano the island with a volcano in the middle, and a smaller island beside it, Onigashima.

He also learnt that Onigashima was the base island of Kaidou.

Amigasa was on the island of kuri, which was an island that's connected to 6 other islands making it look like one big country. It's maybe more appropriate to call them as one, and say that they are divided into 6 parts by rivers.

At the center is Flower capital, the place where the Shogun resides.

The next day, the Demon Ace Pirates went back to the Black Pearl, they had to attack Onigashima as soon as possible.

Ace's plan he which he devised with Jojo, Law and Nami, was that they'd attack Onigashima and make Kaidou aware that he had intruders in the country he owned. That way he would have to return to Wano and abort their expedition.

"Big Bro Ace, when will you return?" Tama hurriedly held on to Ace's leg.

She seemed to have taken a liking to him. She didn't have any family as she was an orphan, and maybe because of Ace's kind aura she had started to look at him as a big brother figure, even if she had only known Ace for less than a day.

"Tama, don't worry, I have to defeat that big monster you told me about, then I'll come back." Ace said as he patted her head.

Her eyes got teary.

"Big Bro, the monster will eat you." She said with tears threatening to fall from her big eyes.

"Big Bro is Strong, you don't have to worry Tama-chan." Ace said with confidence.

"REALLY?!" Suddenly her eyes turned into stars as she looked at him with admiration.

"Really." Ace confirmed.

"Then it's a promise!" She said with pout.

Ace made a pinky promise that he would return after defeating Kaidou.

The villagers thanked the Demon Ace Pirates and waved them off.

"BIG BROO ACE, DON'T FORGET YOUR PROMISE!" Tama shouted with all of her lungs as they sailed away.

"Tsk, what annoying people." Law said, but he had a flower neckless around his neck that a kid had given him.

"Hmph, really annoying." Jojo said in a huff, holding onto a drawing of him, done by another child, as if it was his treasure.

"Those elders were so annoying." Gaga said, with her new robe she had been gifted.

All Demon Ace Pirates were complaining while holding onto something they had been gifted.

"They are so annoying... But... Captain if anyone messes with them, let's start a world war." Yennow said as he crossed arms.

Ace smiled, his crew were a bunch of Tsundere.

It didn't take more than 20 minutes for them to reach Onigashima.

As soon as they docked, they were met with pirates.

"Hey, which division do you belong to?" A weakling questioned as he didn't recognise them.

"Wait a minute... THAT'S THE DEMON ACE PIRATES!" Another one shouted, gaining the attention of many.

"To think that they'd dare to intrude on Wano. Let's kill them!" Another one shouted angrily.

"Oh oh oh, captain let's have fun with these weaklings." Spikewards said.

All Demon Ace Pirates got off the ship and started wreaking havoc.

They attacked every pirate that came, and soon the pirates started fearing the Demon Ace Pirates and started escaping.

But Ronaldino Ronaldo didn't allow them as he shot them at the back of their heads.

Ace stopped at the entrance as it had a gate, with a golden dragon statue.

Ace stared at it and blew off its head with his flames and continued walking in.

"Make sure you rob this place of everything it has. Yennow that's your mission to lead." Ace said.

Yennow had the ability to levitate things so he could move big masses easily.

Soon a man with a red, horned helmet arrived at a roof that overlooked the intruders.

He stood over 3 meters and had long purple hair that flowed down his back. He had red jacket on and red pants. As he arrived he calmly took a look at the chaos brought on by the Demon Ace pirates. He took a puff of his smoke as he used his Den Den Mushi to call his captain.

"Kaidou-sama.... The Demon Ace Pirates have intruded on your island." He calmly said. But Kaidou didn't answer.

"I'll try my best to stop them but they seem stronger than expected." The man spoke. Kaidou ended the call without uttering a single word.

"So who are you?" Ace asked from behind the man. The man seemed surprised that someone had arrived so close to him without him noticing.

"I'm who's-who." The horned man said.

"Who?" Ace asked again.

"Who's who?" Who's-who asked.

"You!" Ace explained.



"I'm who's who."

"No I meant your name!" Ace clarified