I Love You And I Am Sorry

Alora felt something hit her head. She groaned and screamed. She was trapped in an elevator, lying in her own blood.Her vision blurred as she struggled to stay awake.

She opened her eyes and saw Austin sitting on a chair beside the bed she was lying on.

'Where am I? In the hospital? Did he save me?'

She couldn't speak and could barely hear him. 'What happened to me?' She wondered.

"Hold on." He placed a hearing aid behind both her ears.

'I can't speak.' She signed to him. She had learnt sign language and hoped he understood. 'Did I lose my voice?'

"Temporarily." He hugged her. "You could have died. Someone tried to kill you."

She pushed him away. 'What!' She moved her hands.

"I don't know why but Sean was involved in a car accident and died." He said in a low voice. "I'm sorry."

"The shock from the elevator crash caused you to lose your hearing. It will come back though."

She closed her eyes. The pain from her head was enough to send her into another coma. Sean was dead.

'I can't do this anymore.' She moved her hands rapidly. 'We can't be together if it hurts me or the people I care about.'

"What do you mean?" His voice broke.

'I don't want to put our lives in danger and I care to much about you.'

She felt tears prickle under her eyes. She sniffled and wiped her eyes. All those memories. Both good and bad.

"I understand" He sighed and stood up. "I respect you decision." He kissed her forehead and just before he left, she held onto his shirt.

'I love you and I'm sorry.'

"I'll come back when you're ready." He walked out of the door and Alora buried her head in a pillow..