I Appreciate It

"What... Why did you just assume it's a lady?"

"Well, what did you want me to think? You said, 'Why did I assume it's a guy?' That's what you said." She confirmed.

"That escalated quickly." Jul said from the other side of the door.

"Um, I hate to interrupt but, time's up." Kuro walked into the room.

"Shut up and get out." The two said.

"Okay, you don't have to be so prissy about it." Kuro ambled out of the room.

"I see that you really don't understand what I meant."

"Oh, I do. I really don't understand what you meant." Alora pushed him off the bed. "I am going to sleep."

"At least you forgive me." Austin smirked.

"On second thoughts, I am hungry." She grabbed the half-eaten food and resumed eating. "Why are you still here?"

"You mean me?"

"Yes, I mean you. I'll be released tomorrow so, you can visit me at home."

"Are you going back to America or..."

"I'm not going anywhere." She threw the now empty takeaway pack in the trash.

"How about your friend?" Austin sat on a pillow since Alora had condemned him to the cold floor.

"You mean Len?" She gulped down a glass of water. "He's a bit busy due to school work. But he checks in everyday but he doesn't more than five minutes."

"That's sad. Does he call?"

"Yes. So does my cousin and uncle." She went over to the bathroom to wash her hands. "Hey, Austin?"


"Allie said you bought them a new house."

The silence after her words left Austin at a standstill. He felt like jumping out the window.

"Is there anything you want to say?" She cleaned her hands on her dress.

"I can't tell whether you are pissed with me." He looked down at the pillow.

"I'm not angry or happy." She climbed the bed. "The feeling's neutral."

"Are you sure you don't feel a little angry or a little happy? I did bring your food."

"I'm happy about the food." She stretched out her hand. "Pillow."

"Right." He gave it back to her and sat on a chair. "Did they send you a picture of the house?"

"Yes. Zeke said he loved the paintings and they said you got them private tutors."

"Are you mad at me?" He pouted.

"No, I'm not mad at you." She laid down on the bed and closed her eyes. "You didn't really have you bother but I appreciate it."

He pinched her cheeks. "You finally appreciated it."

"Whatever." She opened her eyes. "It's not like I was supposed to say anything."

"But you did and I recorded it."

"GET OUT!!!!"