Chapter 18 Unraveling The Aspect Authority

A mighty city stood before us, like the one from the first time, majesticly blending fantasy and sci-fi buildings. The towering buildings and streets looked like the city they remembered from their previous visit.

Daniel and I quickly realized something: "It's different." the buildings weren't the same as the ones they remembered. Even the design of this city is quite different if you pay enough attention.

"SYSTEM!" I have a lot of things to check, so where are you? Usually, you don't take this long.

Unexpectedly, It responded to me with


"Uh?" this was weird. The System never told me something about an update. Wait, how do you even update? How does that work?

Before Dante can question how a godly machine is sluggish, it responds with, "Update completed. The option 'Aspect Authority' has been unlocked."

Dante was intrigued by what it could offer. After all, any advantage is welcomed. "System, what is this? Why did I have an update???"

The System explained, "A personal mini-system for those who are an aspect. This is a personalized shop where they can buy things from their gods, mostly related things about their class and their god's artifacts or abilities."

Eager to explore this option, I opened it, and a vibrant purple page unfurled before my eyes. The first thing that caught my eye from this new menu was a new currency.


Requisa: 25


I asked the System, curious, "What is a Requisa?"

System: "A currency only useful in this shop obtained by doing quests in the quest board."

Oh dear, I hope this doesn't come with a Gacha. I don't trust my luck. "Where are the quests?"

The purple page expanded, showing the following quests.


Making everyone equally useless since today:

Steal 100 cutie marks.


For the hivemind:

Steal the love of 100 creatures of Equestria



Overthrown the royalty, installing an equalist government as starlight glimmer


The mighty swarm controlling all the land:

Conquer Equestria with the help of the changeling


Friendship Isn't that Magical after all:

Kill the mane 6


Oh, I Wouldn't Say Freed, More Like Under New Management:

As a major villain take over Equestria when another major villain is attacking it.


Friendship Is Magical, But Only By Its Rules, And I Don't Care About Rules:

Defeat the main cast without killing anyone and following the world's rules. (no swearing, no bloody battles, wait for the mane 6 to end their script whenever they fight... +more)


An even better way to be bad:

Join forces with Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis


Everyone has a changeling deep inside:

Successfully impersonate a powerful figure or enemy for a significant period of time.


Quantum Maneuver:

Outsmart Discord in a game of Multidimensional Chess With Time Travel OR Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth-Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker




The way this is ordered reminds him even more of video games.

So, I got points for doing this. Wait, why all of them gotta be with MLP?

If he had to go to Equestria, he would be at quite a disadvantage. After all, he doesn't know the plot.

The system replied, "You are in the MLP section." Dante was glad that the System gave him a satisfactory reply. I also felt stupidly idiotic because it was a simple sight in big letters.

He pressed another section, and more normal quests appeared.


Cloud Carver:

Craft a unique cloud sculpture that captures the essence of your journey.


It's a cannon event:

Get vanished to the moon.


There is no I in a TEAM:

Complete the merging process with any transformation.


The Dark Side Of The Moon:

Throw the moon against a player.



Put a cutie mark on a player.



Create a paradox with starlight glimmer or twilight sparkle.


An actual priestess of the sun:

As Celestia kill a priest of the sun (any religion)


That small barrier won't stop me:

Seduce an enemy of a different species and the same gender


A Cosmical Fuck You:

Throw the sun to a player.


We might have L.O.V.E problems:

Acquire resistance to love potions.


History repeated once more:

Use the elements of harmony against someone who is stronger than you


(Completed) The line between you and me:

Your merging percentage got more higher than 50%


Persona Eclipse:

Be devoured by the original personality of your transformation and devour it back, gaining control of your body once more


Judas Treatment:

Betray someone close to you for personal gain in an attack of greed.


Love Bites Back:

Suffer the consequences of abusing L.O.V.E


Dimensional Doppelganger:

Imitate a non-player character from another universe.


Mirror, Mirror?:

Encounter and converse with an alternate version of yourself from a parallel universe.


The only thing I know is that I don't know anything:

Convince 100 non-player characters to question the nature of their reality.


Midnight Maneuvers At Plain Moonlight:

Sneak into the dreams of 13 different players in one night without being noticed.


That wasn't supposed to happen:



A Fable For Many And The Truth For Others:

Convince 1000 non-players that you are a legendary creature from their world.


This is so weird. Some of them seem really easy, and others ask for such specific requirements that might be impossible. And the page appears to have no end. There are really a lot of "quests"...

But what can I even buy with this?

The purple section expanded, showing a few interesting items.


True love potion

A potion designed to fill the love meter of Queen Chrysalis and Princess Cadance.


Alicorn amulet

A powerful artifact that grants the unicorns an incredible might, the amulet will corrupt the user slowly.


The crown of an unlucky king

Its uses are unknown, but it may resonate with King Sombra.


Betwichting bell (empty)

It could work to steal Discord's magic. Who knows.


Elements of harmony

The MANE 6 are the elements in theory, but these gems help them transmit that energy. Perhaps you could tame their power.


Cutie mark storer

The machine used by Starlight Glimmer to save cutie marks.


A training session with your transformation.

You may learn something interesting in a 1v1. (you will fight against an AU version who will aim to kill you)


The dress of an eccentric designer

Just a fancy dress...?


Ticket to Equestria at War

The price will increase the more specific requirements you ask for


Ticket to MLP

The price will increase the more specific requirements you ask for


Ticket to MLP (Comics)

The price will increase the more specific requirements you ask for.


Ticket to a Random Universe

It's cheap. Who doesn't like cheap things? Try your luck. Who knows?


Personalized ticket

The price will exponentially increase according to the more specific requirements you ask for.



Dante took a deep breath.

There were many more items, each boasting unique abilities, but I ignored them. It's not like I can buy one. The prices are too high right now.

He sighed and decided to move on to his next question.

"Apart from this, can you offer more things? Are there more "Aspects"?

Dante asked, curious about the full potential of Aspect Authority.

The System replied with"Yes to both questions."

Now Dante knew 2 things: the System has room for expansions, and he isn't the only lucky one. He was thrilled at the potential of more items becoming available in the future.

Now, after quickly checking what's new, he decided to go to a more tangible process and sell everything he got

The monster he killed had chances to drop loot or items that instantly got into his inventory. He even got the core of a golem as loot and just realized it a week later.

He opened an item that he had been curious about since he got it.

Let's check this thing.


Midas Dilemma:



System: "You can't appraise this item." this left him quite baffled without further ado; he just saved the item. Maybe it's a treasure, and he won't risk selling it cheaper than its original price.

This was not what I expected, but fair enough.

With most of his inventory sold, he decided to finally buy something that he had wanted for a while

Without even thinking twice, he spent all of his money on unlocking the rainbow dash transformation.

"T_T, there it goes, 80k gold... all of my savings."

Since he saw her, this became a goal. The ability to fly away at any sight of danger was super useful, and before, it was just an example. If he had wings, he could just grab Daniel and fly away.

Even if his enemies were faster, not everyone could fly to the sky.

With that goal completed, excited, he tried changing transformation.

With excitement bubbling, his eyes closed, concentrating on trying to transform into Rainbow Dash.


But to his surprise, nothing happened.

"Swap, Transformation, merging?..." Dante muttered to himself, feeling like a clown, now wanting to know how to transform.

He remembered the first time that he transformed when his life was at stake, barely managing to survive.

With those memories, He immersed his mind in visualizing his body morphing into a pegasus.

Just like a Pokemon, his body started to glow, and he became a shining white beacon that illuminated the place.

A few onlookers waited to see what would unfold. Someone was evolving in real-time.

As the mesmerizing light enveloped him, Dante's senses were assaulted by an excruciating pain. He felt how his skin burned, every fiber of his being shouted in perpetual agony.

He could sense a profound transformation occurring within every cell of his body.

Despite the sensation that nearly half an hour had passed, the reality was starkly different. Just a mere three seconds barely passed.

The light slowly faded away, exhibiting a prideful pegasus of rainbow mane and blue skin.

With the show finished, the few onlookers who stayed left the spectacle.

For Dante, this was worse than the first time he even unlocked an ability to deny pain, but it felt several times more horrible than before

He stood there looking at the floor as his senses started to work again. With his wings erected, slowly trying to move them

"I might have a problem," Dante said, unsure if he could even use his new wings.

Daniel, almost expecting me to say this, responded, "You don't know how to use them."

"Nope," I replied, feeling like a fool.

Daniel: "You didn't see it coming? Humans aren't supposed to have wings. Your brain must get used to it."

Dante tried to flap his wings, but there was no avail, so he decided to address other matters. "Hey, let's go to eat real food; I'm already tired of eating energy bars."

Daniel: "Sure, maybe you could learn how to use them in our way."

As their conversation unfolded, deep inside, Dante was excited to take his new abilities for a spin once he had figured out how to use them.


Authors note 1

Probably I'll upload another chapter tomorrow or this night, I wanted to write a real note here but I forgot

OKEY I JUST REMEMBERED "Time travel and all of that stuff won't be abused there are a set of rules and a guardian who doesn't allow you to abuse them and every time travel ability follows it's own rules when 2 or more collide the stronger player will win overridden the rules of the other" "So don't worry about it he will use it at most just like pre-monition, AND won't abuse it actually he will barely use it because of the rules."


Note 2 just my typical call with a friend about future arcs (There isn't any spoiler don't worry)

A friend asked me how would Dante kill those guys? (future arc) and I told him

in a hypothetical fight

Between Goku and Kira Yoshikage, who do you think has a higher chance to win?

He answered me, "Probably Goku but enlight me on how Kira will win"

I replied, "Maybe if it was Vegita, then he would not hesitate to kill him, but Goku... goku isn't that kind of guy."

"If Kira Yoshikage just asks for a handshake before fighting, that's it. He is done. The personality of the characters affects a lot, and that abilities are CONCEPTS

and your concepts are different from my concepts in certain themes, changes EVERYTHING."

"Kira Yoshikage's ability is to explode things. No one ever said there is a limit or anything similar. If he touches it, it explodes. That's why the simpler the ability, the better."

"what's the point of your ability being vectorial control If u don't have any idea of what a vector is."

"just investigate Doctor Bright from the SCP universe and how broken he is. Even though he is a "normal" human."

"OR saying that you cannot die what if I take control of your body by injecting my memories, you aren't dead technically but others would consider you "dead" because you aren't you anymore."

But it all depends on the author if I want this character that character will win.

My friend: "So Dante will win?


My friend "he is gonna get clapped, right...
