Chapter 19 Dante's divergence in a pool

With a desire for something more than monotonous energy bars, Dante asked the System where the closest restaurant was.

The System told us the indications "Go north for 5 minutes, then East for 2. Besides the Bio-mech parts store. After that..."

As we walked towards the restaurant, my stomach grumbled in anticipation of finally tasting something that wasn't a bar.

I also kept trying to use my wings. It's so unintuitive at most that I managed to twitch them.

At the restaurant, I eagerly asked for a lot of different dishes, mainly desserts. They are one of the few I can still enjoy, thanks to my new physiology.

The playlist from the last was saved and continued at this moment, but Dante changed the music to a more upbeat playlist, to be exact, a playlist of 'Electro-swing' and 'Rock.'

I explained with a smile to him why the sudden change. After all, I liked classical music before. "I'm not in the mood for those classy ones. Nor any time soon."

The moment the lyrics kicked in, I sang, "I'm back in black and blue, your Luna royalty. I had it with the blues and am ready for some heat."

Daniel looked at me. I couldn't discern if it was concern or a mix of many in one,

"You look more active and happy than before."

I explained to him, "New body, new personality. I like this one more than Rarity. It goes more with me... I think"


Daniel, distrusting, told me, "You are accepting this personality too quickly. Remember that you also get their quirks and habits."

I reply, shrugging him off, "I discovered that the more you fight against them, the worse I don't get much for fighting it, But I got rewards for embracing it."

Daniel stared at me, still skeptical about my decision.

I replied, "This is better. Or do you prefer me being a drama queen who says 'Darling' every six phrases?"

Daniel didn't answer anything, just silently examined me "..."

"I'll take that as a no."

I jest him, "You don't seem quite okay with the change," sarcastically, remarking the word "DARLING!" in a playful taunt, continued with a hearty laugh.

He warned me, "I don't know what kind of personality your transformation has, but humans have really twisted personalities deep inside them. This might come to bite you in the future. Just remember how hysteric you were when a monkey threw you excrement."

My gaze turned upwards. "Don't fricking remind me... But," my gaze turned to him again, "Worry not, I know the bad and good guys. Don't worry, what could possibly go wrong?" I joked, still laughing.

Daniel wasn't fully convinced. Now, he needed to know what kinda of quirk his companion unlocked.

Trying to calm him down to finally convince him that I'm okay, I point to him, "Look at most. I'm more prideful and clowny, but apart from that, I don't think anything bad will happen. being prideful isn't bad." 

As Daniel analyzed me, I kept swiping the food. This was a delicacy. The sweet tastes of pies and desserts melted in my mouth, creating an explosion of flavors. Each bite was the perfect mix of sweetness and texture.

A wave of culinary inspiration surged within me. "OOOHHHHHH, I could go to an anime food anime, but that would be quite costly. Let's remember what anime foods were there, "Shokugeki No Souma". Ooh, I could go to "Ja-pan" too...

As my mind went wild with food, my wings kept twitching.

I remark to Daniel, "See, normally, I would be stuck with these for a while, but thanks to the high merging rate, I could rush the learning process."

Daniel insisted that this wasn't good. "Either way, you are accepting it too fast."

"Look, let's change the theme. I don't want to be on an adventure. I'm tired, could we stay for, I don't know, some weeks? I'm really exhausted, and I want to sleep in a fancy bed, no... just in an ACTUAL BED.

Dante and Daniel accumulated a lot of stress in the last month. After all, they still were living beings who felt emotions and needed a break from time to time.

I presented my plan: "So I Propose that we must take a well-deserved vacation."

Daniel easily accepted, almost surprising me. "Sure, a lot of stress already accumulated, and it started to affect our performance."

"Okay, cya," I began to run, my voice echoing in the distance as I called out to Daniel, "When you are ready, just send me a message."

With everything taken care of, he asked, "System, is there a place to relieve some steam?"

The System responded with the most common answer, "To find the Red District, go right-"

 I cut it off, clarifying my intent. "Not that type of "steam" "

The System quickly gave me another response "The nearest gambling house is-"

"I said relieve, not increase. I'm not a gambling addict."

System: "To find your nearest Recreation place, go left for 10 minutes and..."

That sounds more like it.

I followed the system instructions and ended up at a weird building. You could see a lot of people leaving and entering with different clothes, some for skating on ice, surfing, spa, and ballet.

Inside the building, A robot approached me. "Welcome. Here is the list of places that we have."

The system page extended, showing the next categories.



Scuba diving














The list continued, even showing names that I didn't recognize, probably from alien or other worlds.

Dante stood there for a few seconds, pondering before forming a list.

1-Spa Probably Rairty influence. After all, it hasn't completely vanished from him. At this moment, Rainbow Dash's personality is devouring the fragments of Rarity.

2- Swimming Sounds fun. Wait, how in the world I am going to swim? Like, do I have to swim like dogs do?

3- Skydiving, after all, He needs to learn how to move his new wings. Birds learn like that you throw when they are old enough and start to fly, don't they?

Bah, let's go and learn how to swim. Swimming is always entertaining.

The page expanded even more, showing a more detailed catalog.





With these four options presented by the System, he decided to take the most familiar to him.

His hooves tapped in the option "Pools," and the scenery seamlessly transformed into a private pool.

The first thing his senses could pick up was the bright sun aiming at his face, making him squint his eyes as he looked around. In front of him, there was the pool. Its crystal clear blue water was practically inviting you to take a dip and cool off.

Dante couldn't resist the temptation any longer, and he quickly jumped into the pool with a huge jump.

Water splashed everywhere. He felt his muscles relaxing as he swam through the water. The pool was at the perfect temperature, not too hot and not too cold.

As Dante floated on his back, he looked up at the bright blue sky and felt a sense of calm wash over him. The azure sky above mirrored the tranquil pool beneath, giving a profound sense of serenity.

The vibrant blue coat of his new body blended with the water, creating a shimmering effect that was mesmerizing to watch, and his rainbow mane amplified the effect by reflecting the sun, creating a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors.

With closed eyes, Dante surrendered to the gentle drift, feeling the sun's warmth on his coat and the cool water enveloping him, making his body heavier.

The peaceful surroundings of the pool made him feel like he was in his own little world.

I giggle, realizing something that just now hit him. "Did my wings just move? I guess I can take this as training." Dante's wings moved when he was extremely relaxed involuntary, but they did it.

"W-Why? Why do I feel like I want to cry..." Melancholy rushed Dante. He was once a normal human who enjoyed doing this type of activity. Repeating this brought a house of memories of his youth.

He got so immersed in his nostalgia that he lost his balance, swallowing the water of the pool, but instead of it tasting sour and salty, the water in his mouth actually tasted good.

Laughing about it and amazed, I said, "They actually thought in everything."

The rest of the day was spent with Dante learning how to dive and swim with the body of a pegasus.

As he was getting out of the pool, he also learned that getting wet wasn't good for him. His weight increases a lot thanks to his coat absorbing all the water. Though it isn't much of a problem after all, it's just mere kilograms more.

Dante shook off the water like a dog, spitting water everywhere.

A bit tired of swimming the whole day, he decided to go to sleep in a close "hotel." he fell into the bed with his muscles aching with exhaustion from swimming at high speeds the whole day.

At first, he expected to have problems with positions in the bed. Imagine someone put wings into your back. How would you sleep? Just try to imagine it.

But he was pleasantly surprised by their flexibility, even finding them suitable as weird pillows.

"are this supposed to navigate through tornados?" I divagated while falling asleep. The absurdity that these are strong enough to break the sound barrier without much problem amused him.

With a contented sigh, Dante bid himself goodnight, covering his body with a blanket.


Authors note:

MF's TRUST ME, the pool scene was completely necessary for the plot to unfold... W-Why are y'all looking at me like that? I swear It's important...

Note 2

Draws that I found and wanted to share, but I can't because I don't have friends who like the same things as I do (I don't know; I just felt like sharing; I like to express myself)

Note 3

New chapter tomorrow. I was quite productive this week. And I'm happy with it.
