Parental Argument

Upon realizing Rudeus's misconception about Sylphiette, I felt compelled to set the record straight. I took it upon myself to provide him with a comprehensive explanation.

I recounted my interactions with my elven friend, shedding light on her unique circumstances – particularly her distinctive green hair and the choice of clothing she made to protect herself.

"I see now," Rudeus remarked, his expression reflecting his thoughtful processing of the information I had shared. "So, if I got this correctly, she actually shortens her hair and wears a hoodie to conceal her appearance from those bullies."

"Exactly," I affirmed, glad that he was comprehending the situation. "She goes to great lengths to avoid standing out and becoming a target for their cruelty."

Rudeus nodded in understanding, his initial confusion giving way to empathy. "It must be really tough for her. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to constantly hide who you are."

I smiled, appreciating his newfound insight. "You've got it, brother. That's why I've been standing up for her whenever I can. Nobody deserves to be treated unfairly just because of how they look."

He sighed, his expression a mix of remorse and determination. "I understood now, Reine. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding earlier. And I admire your courage in defending her."

"It's alright, brother. Just remember, appearances can be deceiving, and it's important to treat everyone with kindness and respect," I reminded him, hoping that this lesson would leave a lasting impression.

Rudeus nodded, a sincere glint in his eyes. "You're absolutely right, Reine. I'll make sure to remember that from now on."

With our understanding deepened, we turned our attention back to Sylphiette, who had observed our exchange from a distance. It was apparent that she had been following our conversation, her expression a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

However, I couldn't help but notice her current condition. Her hair and clothes were in shamble due to the mud thrown at her by the bullies earlier.

Seeing her condition, I suggested, "Maybe we should help clean her up a bit. Those bullies left her quite dirty."

Rudeus agreed, a determined smile forming. "Definitely. Let's make sure she feels better after what she went through."

Approaching our elven friend, I spoke to her gently. "Sylphy, we're going to clean you up a bit. Just tilt your head forward, close your eyes, and we'll pour some water over you. Okay?"

"U-um, okay," Sylphiette complied sheepishly, following my instructions with trust.

I then turned to Rudeus and nodded, signaling for him to proceed with the cleaning process. He nodded back and used melded magic to conjure warm water.

With utmost care, he poured the water over Sylphiette's head. She winced slightly but didn't protest, evidently trusting our intentions.

"There we go. Your hair is looking better now," I said lightheartedly as I gently patted her head.

Sylphiette didn't complain and even managed a meek giggle at my gesture. "U-um, thank you."

Once we had finished cleaning our elven friend, the three of us moved to a safe spot away from the bullies. We chose a tall hill crowned with a single tree, a peaceful haven where we could continue our conversation without fear of disturbance.


We settled under the shade of the tree on the peaceful hill, a feeling of calmness surrounding us. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of nature created a soothing atmosphere as we continued our conversation.

Sylphiette, now appearing more relaxed with her clean hair, finally spoke up. "Thank you again for saving me earlier."

"No problem, Sylphy. We're just doing what's right," I reassured her with a kind smile.

Rudeus chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Definitely. Reine is always ready to stand up against bullies, and I'm here to support her."

Sylphiette's eyes lit up with gratitude, a modest yet sincere smile gracing her lips. Witnessing her appreciation, I couldn't help but find her adorable.

"Um, so, what's our plan now?" she inquired, curious about our next steps.

Reflecting on a course of action, I decided to share something I had been working on for quite some time.

"Hey, brother, want to see something cool?" I asked, my enthusiasm palpable.

Intrigued by my eagerness, Rudeus nodded. "Sure, what is it?"

I shifted my attention to Sylphiette, presenting a proposal. "Sylphy, could you show your magic to my brother?"

With a nod of understanding, she extended her palm. Concentrating her mana, she began to channel her abilities, resulting in the manifestation of...

"Wind sphere," Sylphiette whispered, conjuring a sphere of wind upon her open palm. The sphere danced and swirled with an ethereal grace, a testament to her developing magical prowess.

"Tada~" I added playfully, punctuating the display with a flourish of my hands.

Rudeus's eyes widened in astonishment at the sight. "Wait, she can use magic? How? And when did this happen?"

"Fufufu~ I'm glad you asked, dear brother. I had the pleasure of teaching her magic two years ago," I explained with a touch of drama.

His eyebrows furrowed in skepticism. "You taught her magic? Why didn't I know about this?"

"Well, let's just say you never asked, brother," I replied with a teasing grin and a nonchalant shrug.

In response to my smugness, Rudeus frowns for a bit before sighing with exasperation. It was clear he was annoyed that I hadn't informed him about teaching magic to Sylphiette.

Curious about the extent of her magical abilities, he asked, "So, how proficient is she in magic, Reine?"

"Well, let's see. She has gained intermediate rank proficiency in most elemental magics. However, she chose not to learn fire magic," I explained.

"Why is that?" Rudeus asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I'm not entirely sure, but it seems to be linked to a past experience that caused her trauma. Right, Sylphy?"

She nodded in confirmation, her expression somber.

Intrigued, Rudeus pressed on. "Could you elaborate more on this traumatic experience?"

I proceeded to recount the time I visit to Sylphiette's home, where she accidentally burned her hand after touching a hot pot. Though I managed to heal her hand in time, the incident instilled her a profound fear of fire and anything associated with it.

"I see... And what about her parents? Are they aware of her learning magic?" Rudeus shifted the conversation.

Hearing his question, I found myself scratching my head nervously, admitting, "Well, let's just say, they aren't aware."


In response to my confession, Rudeus scolded me and urged to be honest with Sylphiette's parents. Reluctantly, I followed his advice and we accompanied our elven friend back to her home.

I then confessed my actions and apologized to her father, Rawls, who accepted my apology while playfully threatening to inform my father if I ever lied again.


After that heartfelt confession and apology, Rudeus and I bid farewell and returned home as the sun sank below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape.

As we approached our house, an unexpected sight awaited us – our father stood by the front door, his arms crossed, and a mix of disappointment and concern etched onto his face.

Perplexed by his demeanor, we cautiously approached him, my heart starting to quicken. "Dad, is something wrong? You seem a bit... upset."

His gaze shifted to me, his voice taking on a stern tone. "Reine, do you understand the implications of your actions today and the potential consequences they carry?"

A sense of unease washed over me as I mentally retraced the events of the day.

From our exploration of the forest to the encounter with the bullies, and finally the revelation to Sylphiette's parents about her magical abilities, I tried to identify the trigger for my father's disappointment. His stern expression intensified my anxiety, creating a growing knot in my stomach.

"I... I'm not sure, dad," I admitted hesitantly, my voice tinged with nervousness.

He let out a sigh, rubbing his forehead, and then disclosed the reason for his concern. "I heard you punched Somar."

His words left me baffled. Resorting to violence without a valid reason was far from my nature, and the idea of striking someone without proper cause felt completely out of character for me.

Seeing my confusion, Rudeus stepped in, attempting to clarify the situation. "Father, there's been a misunderstanding. Reine didn't actually—"

"Rudy, not now. Your sister needs to take ownership of her actions and face the consequences," he asserted firmly, shutting down my brother's attempt to explain.

Rudeus's frustration was palpable, mingled with a hint of apology in his eyes. He wanted to defend me, yet the circumstances left him unable to do so, adding to my own mounting exasperation.

Struggling to control my rising irritation, I spoke again. "Dad, please understand. Brother is just trying to—"

"That's not the response I'm seeking, Reine. It's your responsibility to apologize," my father interjected sternly, dismissing my attempt to defend myself.

My frustration escalated, and I couldn't hold back any longer. "Why should I apologize?! I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Reine, this is a serious matter! You have to acknowledge your actions!" Father's voice grew sterner, refusing to entertain my reasoning.

My patience snapped at last, my irritation boiling over. "NO, I won't apologize! If anything, Somar is the one who—"



My words were abruptly cut short as a searing pain spread across my cheek. I staggered, finding myself on the ground, staring up at my father in shock. His hand was still raised, the impact of his slap resonating through me.

Wait... Did he really just slap me? His own daughter? I... I couldn't believe it.

"Ah... Aaaah... AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!"