Mental Breakdown

[Rudeus POV]

Frustration churned within me as I stood there, utterly powerless to defend my sister against Paul's infuriatingly stubborn and unreasonable stance.

Watching him dismiss Reine's side of the story and act as if his authority was the only thing that mattered was exasperating beyond words. Why couldn't he just open his ears and try to understand?

I clenched my fists, my anger escalating with every passing moment. I yearned to speak up, to lay out the facts, but the weight of the conversation and his sheer obstinacy held me back.

Then, in a sudden and shocking turn of events, the unimaginable unfolded right before my eyes.

Without a single warning, Paul's hand swung through the air, landing a harsh slap on Reine's face. Time seemed to slow down as I witnessed her stumble backward, shock and betrayal etched into her face.

My heart raced, and my own anger surged to the surface. "Father, what in the world?! Why did you do that?!" My voice rang out, a mix of disbelief and fury directed squarely at him.

He met my gaze, his initial surprise quickly giving way to a hint of regret. "Rudy, I... I didn't mean..."

My blood boiled at his feeble excuse. How could he even try to justify such an act?

But before I could step forward and give him a piece of my mind, I saw Reine's body trembling violently. Her eyes were dilating to an unsettling extent, and her breathing had become rapid and erratic.

"Reine, are you alright?" I asked cautiously, genuine concern lacing my voice.

However, her response was swift and jarring, sending a chill down my spine.

"Ah... Aaaah... AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!"

A loud, ear-piercing scream erupted from Reine's lips, reverberating through the air with an intensity that left me stunned and shaken.

Her face contorted with a mix of sheer horror and overwhelming distress, her body convulsing in an uncontrollable frenzy. And limbs flailed chaotically, colliding with the ground in a chaotic and uncoordinated manner.

Fear gripped me as I watched her breaking down unfold before my eyes. Instinctively, I reached out, wanting to offer comfort, to assure her that I was there for her.

But in an instant, her hand swatted mine away, and her scream was laced with desperation. "DON'T TOUCH ME!!"

Her sudden words sting me like a punch, freezing me in place.

Reine, the vibrant and cheerful soul of our family, was spiraling into a nightmarish abyss of fear and turmoil right now.

Taking a step back, I gave her the space she needed, my mind racing for a way to help her. This was an unfamiliar and terrifying sight, and I had to find a way to bring her back from the edge of this distressing breakdown.

Amidst my frantic thoughts, I noticed Paul attempting to approach Reine, his expression heavy with remorse and he has a desire to apologize. "Reine, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean—"

"Father, wait!" I urgently intervened, rushing to prevent him from getting closer.


Her cries were desperate, her arm outstretched as she conjured a sudden burst of wind magic. Reacting swiftly, I lunged forward, pushing Paul out of harm's way in just a nick of time.


While the gust of wind narrowly missed us, its force still managed to cause some damage to a section of our house.

The commotion had drawn the attention of Zenith and Lilia, who emerged from inside the house, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern.

"Rudy, what's going on? What's happening to Reine?" Zenith's voice was tinged with worry as she rushed forward.

"Mom, Lilia, stay back! She's experiencing a mental breakdown!" I shouted, my heart pounding as I struggled to prevent the situation from spiraling further.

Their expressions shifted from confusion to deep concern as they grasped the gravity of the situation unfolding before them.


As Reine's distressed screams filled the air, tears poured from her eyes, creating a heart-wrenching scene that none of us could bear to witness.

The whole family stood in front of her, frozen by a mixture of shock and concern, as we watched her torment unfold before us.

"Reine, sweetheart, please... can you hear me?" Zenith's voice quivered with worry as she tentatively called out to her daughter, her arms outstretched in a futile attempt to provide comfort.

Lilia, our devoted maid, joined in, her gentle tone carrying a soothing reassurance. "Miss Reine, we're here for you. You're safe now."

Hearing their gentle pleas, Reine's distress seemed to lessen a little, but it wasn't enough. Her eyes darted around wildly, as if she were seeing something that wasn't there. Eventually, she muttered incomprehensible words, her voice shaky and strained, as if she were conversing with something—or someone else.

"Sorry... Sorry... I'm not a bad girl... Please... don't... hurt me..." The words slipped from her trembling lips, a haunting echo of pain that sent a chill down my spine.

Recognizing the tone that she took on, it was a heart-wrenching self-apology—a dialogue with her own past, a time fraught with suffering and abuse.

The realization struck me like a blow. Memories of our conversations from our previous life resurfaced, revealing hints she had given about her own history. She had carried the scars of physical and verbal abuse, her self-worth eroded by cruelty and abuse.

It was a dark secret that she had kept hidden from our family, a burden she had carried alone. And now, faced with the trauma of Paul's actions, it seemed that those wounds had resurfaced, triggering a cascade of emotions that she couldn't contain.

I glanced at Paul, his expression now a mix of shock and guilt. His impulsive actions had unknowingly unleashed a storm within Reine, a tempest that threatened to consume her.

"Rudy, what can we do?" Zenith's voice trembled, her eyes filled with desperation as she looked to me for advice.

The plea in Zenith's voice spurred me into action. Taking a deep breath, I steadied my resolve, searching for a way to pacify the turmoil.

"Okay, mom. Here's what we need to do," I began, my voice steady despite the turmoil around us. "We need to create a safe space for her. Somewhere she feels secure and away from any stress."

Zenith nodded, her eyes brimming with hope. "Yes, that makes sense. But where?"

"Perhaps her room would be the best option. It's a familiar and comforting environment," Lilia suggested, her words carrying a sense of practicality.

I nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea. Let's gently guide her to her room. And Mom, could you bring her favorite blanket and some calming tea?"

Zenith immediately moved into action, rushing back into the house to gather the requested items.

Glancing back at Reine, I noticed her cries had subsided slightly, but her breathing was remained erratic, and her body trembled with residual fear. Cautiously, I approached her and crouched down in front of her, trying to establish a connection.

"Reine, it's me, your brother, Rudeus. We're here to help you, okay? Let's move to your room, where you'll be safe."

She looked at my direction, her eyes still clouded with confusion and doubts, but there was a glimmer of recognition as well. Slowly, I extended my hand toward her, hoping she would allow me to guide her without being attacked.

Although there was a moment of hesitation and aggression, Reine's trembling hand eventually reached out, and our fingers interlocked. With careful movements, I helped her to get up on her feet, her steps unsteady.

Together, we slowly began our journey toward her room, Lilia was walking beside us, offering words of comfort and support along the way.

Upon entering her room, Zenith had thoughtfully prepared a cup of calming tea and placed her favorite blanket on the bed.

"Over here, Reine. Let's sit down on the bed," I said softly, guiding her towards it. She followed my lead. Her gaze was distant and detached.

I handed her the cup of tea, hoping that the soothing warmth would help ease her distress. "Here, Reine. Sip some tea and wrap yourself in the blanket. You're safe here now."

Thankfully, she accepted the cup with trembling hands, bringing it to her lips to take small sips. The action seemed to tether her somehow, as her breaths slowly steadied.

Zenith sat down beside her, gently wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "That's it, sweetheart. Just focus on your breathing. In and out."

Lilia remained nearby, her presence providing a calming aura to the room. Meanwhile, Paul lingered in the doorway, his guilt still evident from what happened.

I looked at Reine, concern etched into my features. "Reine, if you're comfortable, you can talk to us. We're here to listen and support you."

Meeting my gaze with clouded eyes, she seemed less haunted than before. After a moment of silence, her voice wavered as she began to speak. "I... I'm sorry... for causing trouble."

"Reine, there's no need to apologize," I reassured her firmly. "We're a family, here to stand by each other no matter what."

Zenith nodded in agreement. Her gaze filled with motherly warmth. "That's right, sweetheart. We love you, and we're going to help you through this."

Reine's grip on the cup tightened, but her expression showed a glimmer of hope. It was a long road ahead, but we were determined to help her heal and find strength in our unwavering support.


With Reine now settled in her room, enveloped in the comfort of familiarity and safety, it was collectively decided that giving her space was the most appropriate action.

The room, with its soothing colors and cherished belongings, created a cocoon of serenity, a retreat from the emotional storm that had engulfed her.

As Zenith and I stepped out of the room, our attention shifted to the figure who had, albeit unintentionally, instigated Reine's distress—Paul.

An air of concern mingled with disappointment enveloped us as we regarded him, our expressions a silent yet palpable call for accountability and understanding.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, my dear," Zenith began, her tone assertive yet underscored with a touch of weariness.

Paul met our gaze, a complex blend of guilt and regret etched in his eyes. Rising from his seat, his movement symbolized a willingness to engage in the forthcoming conversation.

We gathered around the dining table, now transformed into an impromptu forum for discussion. On one side sat Zenith and me, while Paul occupied the other—a visual representation of the space between comprehension and responsibility.

"First of all, how did this happen?" Zenith inquired, her voice carrying a weight mirroring her concern.

Paul's eyes flitted between us, his response a mix of remorse and self-admonishment. "I... didn't intend to slap her. It was an impulsive reaction... I was frustrated and angry that she wouldn't admit to hitting Somar."

Frustration surged within me, the memory of the incident resurfacing. "Father, you know Reine better than that. She would never resort to violence without just cause. Why doubt her?"

In explanation, Paul recounted what he had heard from Somar's mother—a version of events implicating Reine in Somar's injury. He pointed to Somar's visible black eye as corroborative evidence.

This revelation only intensified my conviction that Reine had been unfairly ensnared in a web of deception.

"Father, you should have given Reine the benefit of the doubt. You know she's not the type to harm others without reason," I asserted, my frustration directed at Paul's rash judgment.

Paul's remorse deepened, his gaze lowering to the table as guilt settled in. "You're right, Rudy. I should have trusted her words. But what actually happened?"

In response, I recounted the sequence of events from earlier that day, outlining how we had intervened to protect Sylphiette, her elven friend, from Somar and his companions. I emphasized that Reine's involvement had been limited to verbally urging the bullies to leave.

My account underscored Reine's unwavering resolve to stand against injustice. It became evident that the bullies had twisted the truth to frame her falsely.

Paul absorbed my narrative, his expression a mix of realization and regret. "So, she was trying to help someone and Somar's injuries were unrelated."

"Yes, father. Reine was standing up against injustice," I affirmed with conviction.

Paul's shoulders slumped under the weight of his prior actions. "I see now... My impulsive reaction not only hurt Reine, but also hindered her efforts to do what's right."

Zenith's voice softened, offering solace. "Paul, we all make mistakes. What's important is that we learn from them and make amends."

Paul nodded, gratitude and remorse reflected in his eyes. "You're right, Zenith. I need to apologize to Reine and make things right."

With misunderstandings cleared and lessons learned, we returned to Reine's room to talk to her. Standing outside of her room, I gently knocked the door, my concern palpable.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Reine, it's me, Rudeus. Can we come in?"


Silence followed, no response. I assume she was resting or had drifted into sleep. Yet, an uneasy feeling tugged at me, suggesting something might be amiss.

Carefully, I pushed the door open, peering inside. What I saw left me utterly stunned.


My heart raced as I fully swung the door open.

However, Reine was nowhere to be seen. Her cherished blanket was tied to one end of the bed and the other end trailing out of the window.

"Oh no..."

Dread settled in as I realized the truth—Reine had run away.