Back to Normality and Asking Favors

With the weight of the night settling upon us, Ghislaine shifted her gaze to Vassago, the defeated antagonist who now lay bound and powerless. Her eyes reflected a blend of pity and disdain as she regarded him.

"Your relentless pursuit of power led you down a path of darkness, culminating in this end," she commented, her voice carrying a touch of somber reflection.

Vassago's response was a bitter laugh, his gaze fixated on the ground. "Don't think for a moment that you've won. This is merely a setback. There are forces at play that surpass your understanding."

Ghislaine's resolve remained unwavering as she turned her attention away from him, focusing on our group's next steps. "We must ensure he's properly secured and handed over to the citadel's authorities."

Rudeus and I approached Vassago, binding him securely as we readied to transfer him into custody.

Our focus then shifted to the traitorous butler, whose complicity in the Laughing Coffin's ambush had been exposed. His betrayal was undeniable, and his actions had put us all in danger.

As we approached the butler, he attempted to escape, but we quickly subdued and bound him, rendering him powerless.

With both the leader of the Laughing Coffin and the treacherous butler in custody, we began our journey back to the heart of the citadel, where the morning sun was gradually rising.

As we arrived at the manor, Mayor Philip awaited us, his expression a mixture of worry and relief.

Upon seeing us, he hurried forward, first checking on Eris's well-being before turning his attention to the rest of us. "Tell me what happened."

In response, Ghislaine presented Vassago and the traitorous butler, placing them at the mayor's feet.

"Mayor Philip, there's a grave misunderstanding. I'm innocent," the butler protested in front of the mayor.

However, Mayor Philip's skepticism was palpable. "I'm afraid the evidence suggests otherwise. Take him into custody."

Ghislaine followed the mayor's directive, leading the butler away. As the mayor turned his gaze back to us, he noticed the hooded figure who had intervened earlier.

"And who might this individual be?" Mayor Philip inquired.

Stepping forward, I addressed the mayor's query. "This person is the leader of the Laughing Coffin, an assassin group sent by high-ranking nobles to eliminate me. They also conspired with the butler who compromised our staged kidnapping plan."

The mayor's expression shifted from concern to a mixture of surprise and unease. The gravity of the situation was beginning to sink in, and the intricate web of scheme surrounding our ordeal unfurled before his eyes.


With Vassago and the traitorous butler now in custody, the mayor swiftly organized their confinement. Guards were instructed to ensure their secure detention, an air of vigilance settling over the manor.

As the immediate threat subsided, Eris stepped forward, her demeanor a mix of conflicting emotions. She paused for a moment, her gaze shifting between me and Rudeus, uncertainty and gratitude flickering in her eyes.

Then, her gaze locked onto mine with a defiant stare, a challenge that seemed to hold an unspoken message. But just as swiftly, her expression softened, and her voice held a haughty yet genuine tone.

"I suppose I should thank you for saving me back there," she uttered, the words carrying a weight that contradict her seemingly usual demeanor.

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips, a mixture of relief and warmth filling me at her acknowledgment. "You're welcome, Milady. I'm glad we were able to rescue you."

"Indeed, it's our priority to keep you safe, Milady," Rudeus chimed in.

Eris furrowed her brows for a moment as if annoyed before snorting at us. "You could stop calling me 'Milady'. Just Eris is fine."

Rudeus and I nodded, following her command. It was a small acknowledgment, but it held a deeper meaning – a sign that our bonds had grown stronger through the trials we'd faced together.

"By the way, does that mean you're willing to learn now, Eris?" Rudeus reminded her.

In response, she turned her back on us with a huff, haughtily replying, "Hmph, don't get carried away. I only just reconsider it. That's all."

Her condescending words were laced with a playful stubbornness that hinted at her changing disposition. It seemed that her time spent with us had started to chip away at the walls she'd built around herself.

With that said, we all went back inside the manor to freshen up ourselves, the weight of the night gradually giving way to a newfound sense of camaraderie and understanding.

The citadel's streets bustled with life once more, the events of the previous night becoming a chapter in our shared history.


After a while, Rudeus and I were summoned into the mayor's office by Mayor Philip himself. He wanted to hear the full account of what had transpired. Arriving in the office, the mayor greeted us formally.

"Greetings, you two. Please, have a seat," Mayor Philip gestured toward the chairs in front of his desk.

Rudeus and I exchanged a glance before taking the seats offered to us. The office exuded an air of formality, a reminder of the weight of the citadel's affairs that rested on the mayor's shoulders.

The mayor settled into his own chair, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for your actions last night. It's evident that you played a crucial role in thwarting a grave threat to our citadel."

"We're glad we could help, Mayor Philip," I replied, my tone respectful.

Rudeus nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the safety of the citadel and its people is of utmost importance."

The mayor's gaze held a level of intensity as he leaned forward slightly. "I've been briefed on the events leading up to the ambush and the subsequent confrontation. The Laughing Coffin's involvement is deeply troubling, and the fact that they were commissioned by high-ranking nobles raises significant concerns."

He paused, his eyes studying us carefully. "Your involvement with this group, Reine, seems to be tied to something much larger than I initially realized. Can you shed some light on this matter?"

Taking a breath, I recounted the events leading up to our encounter with the Laughing Coffin, detailing their affiliation with the nobles and their motivations to eliminate me.

"To be honest, I'm really confused about that part," I began explaining, "The leader once told my brother that the employer's 'god' views me as a potential threat, someone who could disrupt the balance of power or something like that."

The mayor nodded, understanding my circumstance and concerns. "These are troubling revelations indeed. It seems that your return to the citadel has unearthed deeper layers of intrigue and danger."

Rudeus leaned forward, his expression serious. "We suspect that the ones who hired the Laughing Coffin might be involved in more sinister plots that could have wider implications for the entire realm."

Mayor Philip's fingers tapped thoughtfully on his desk as he absorbed our words. "This casts a shadow over our citadel's stability. The power struggles among the nobles could escalate into a larger conflict that engulfs us all."

I nodded in agreement, my concern mirrored in his words. "That's why it's crucial to uncover the truth behind this and ensure that the citadel remains safe."

The mayor's gaze shifted to Rudeus. "And what about you, young man? Your magical abilities and determination were instrumental in the battle against the Laughing Coffin."

Rudeus straightened, his expression resolute. "I will continue to stand by Reine's side and protect the citadel from any threats that may arise. My abilities are at the service of this citadel and its people."

A faint smile graced Mayor Philip's lips, reflecting his approval. "Your dedication is admirable, both of you. However, to maintain the people's confidence and prevent unnecessary speculation, I have a proposal."

Arching an eyebrow, I regarded the mayor with curiosity. "What sort of proposal, Mayor?"

"I suggest that in any inquiries about the incident, you attribute the resolution to Ghislaine," Mayor Philip proposed. "This would not only bolster the citadel's reputation but also showcase the strength of the Greyrat Family."

Rudeus and I exchanged a glance, contemplating the mayor's suggestion and the potential ramifications.

It was a strategic move, a way to shape the narrative in the citadel's favor and maintain a united front against external threats.


As we engaged in conversation with Mayor Philip about his proposal, the door to the office swung open, drawing our attention.

An elegant woman entered, her long red hair reminiscent of Eris's, and she wore a splendid dress that exuded sophistication.

"Good morning, darling," the woman greeted the mayor with affection, her voice carrying a gentle tone.

"Ah, good morning as well, Hilda," the mayor responded, a warm smile gracing his lips. He turned toward us, introducing us to his wife. "This is Paul's son and daughter. They have become Eris's new tutor and sword instructor."

Rising from our seats, Rudeus and I faced the mayor's wife, offering our greetings and respect.

My brother stepped forward and bowed properly. "Nice to meet you, madam. My name is Rudeus Greyrat."

"And I am Reine Greyrat. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," I added, lifting the hem of my dress and bowing in a curtsy.

The mayor's wife silently gazed upon us, her eyes seeming to assess our appearance. But then her expression shifted, and she furrowed her brows in a manner that seemed almost disdainful, leaving me somewhat perplexed.

I looked to my side and noticed Rudeus ogling the wife's breast, which somewhat annoys me. So, I gave him a subtle nudge to stop him and whispered, "Brother, please refrain from showing inappropriate behavior in front of the mayor's wife."

"Ah, sorry...." he whispered back, clearly taken aback by my reprimand.

While we were engaged in our whispered exchange, the mayor's wife giggled daintily as if she was amused by how I scolded my brother.

After that, she nodded at me approvingly before gracefully leaving the room, her presence leaving an intriguing air behind her.


Just as the door closed, Mayor Philip turned his attention back to us. "My apologies for the interruption. As I was saying, attributing the resolution to Ghislaine's intervention would-"


"Where are Paul's children?! I want to see them!"

However, the door slammed open once again, and a thunderous voice interrupted the mayor's words. It was the lord of Roa, Sauros Boreas Greyrat.

"They're right here, father," Mayor Philip said, guiding the lord to us.

Seeing us, the lord then marched toward our direction and stared intimidatingly as if he was assessing me and my brother.

Then his gaze stopped in front of me, and he spoke with a haughty tone. "So, you're the one who saved my granddaughter from certain danger, correct?"

Remembering the mayor's proposal, I decided to redirect the praise to Ghislaine instead. "N-no, it wasn't me, it was Ghislaine who-"

"You bastard. Are you trying to lie to me?" the lord angrily exclaimed.

It seemed that not telling the truth wasn't a good idea after all. Therefore, I shook my head profusely and explained myself. "No, my lord. Mayor Philip told me to-"

"Philip! Come over here!" the lord yelled again, prompting the mayor to come in front of him.

The mayor shuddered a little and complied with the lord's instruction. But then, just as he approached Lord Sauros, he got punched by the lord and went flying.

"You bastard! Is this how you treat your daughter's lifesaver?!" the lord reprimanded Mayor Philip, who was lying on the floor.

The mayor then got up and knelt, explaining his reason. "Father, Reine carries the lineage of the Greyrat family. Rather than superficial gifts, I'm thinking about bringing her and Rudeus the warmth of the family."

"Hmph, if you thought about it, then I suppose it is fine," the lord accepted the mayor's explanation, thankfully calming the lord down.

Although the lord punched his son in the face, it seemed he had no intention of apologizing. And now that I thought about it, Eris hadn't apologized when she tried to slap Rudeus during our first meeting. Oh well, I guess there's nothing I could do about it.

"Rudeus! Reine! Come over here! I have a favor to ask you two!" the lord yelled again, calling for me and my brother.

""Y-yes,"" Rudeus and I immediately approached towards him.

Once in front of him, he spoke again, "You two, teach my granddaughter how to use magic and that Water God Style. It seems the magic and fancy swordsmanship you two showed back then have been imprinted in her memory!"

"Of course, milord. We will-" I hurriedly said, but Rudeus stopped me before I could finish my sentence.

He contemplated a bit before responding to the lord. "I think Eris is the one who should be asking for the favor-"

"What did you say?!" the lord shouted, seemingly offended by Rudeus's suggestion.

He panicked a bit before explaining himself. "D-do you wish to raise her into an adult... who wants to ask for favors but hates to bow her head?"

"Oh? You have some guts to say that! However, I suppose you're right!" the lord thankfully understood my brother's explanation.

After that, the lord took a deep breath and then he yelled. "ERIS!!"

His voice reverberated in the air, causing the whole room to shake. Rudeus and I instinctively covered our ears due to the loudness of the lord's voice.


The room finally settled after the echoes of the lord's voice subsided. Footsteps resonated, signaling someone's approach.

"Coming!" Eris's voice cut through the tension as the door swung open.

Eris, the young lady of Roa, strode into the room with purpose. She glanced at Lord Sauros with anticipation, her eyes reflecting the question on her lips. "Grandfather, did they accept to teach me magic and swordsmanship?"

However, her grandfather's response was unexpected and stern. "Eris, it's time for you to grow up and ask for things yourself."

Her gaze shifted from the lord to us, her companions in this request. There was a moment of realization, followed by a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment that crossed her features.

Eris then sighed in exasperation. "Fine, if that's what it takes."

Subsequently, she positioned herself confidently, arms crossed and feet apart. She took a deep breath, her determination evident as she proceeds, "I wanted you to teach me-"

"That's not how we Boreas ask for a favor, Eris! Show them how it's really done!" Lord Sauros interjected, prompting Eris to modify her approach.

In response, Eris adjusted her demeanor, her expression shifting to one of reluctance mixed with playfulness. She raised both hands and grabbed her hair, fashioning it into twin tails.

With a wink and a cute sticking-out of her tongue, she continued in a distinctively playful tone, "W-would you pwease teach me magic and swordsmanship, nya?"

The embarrassment behind her words was palpable, revealing her inner conflict as she reluctantly partook in this family tradition.

"Ah, that's the spirit, Eris! This way, these two will surely adore you. Isn't that right, Rudeus and Reine?" Lord Sauros's stern demeanor had softened, a rare hint of cheerfulness in his voice.

"Don't forget to stick your hips out for added cuteness," Mayor Philip chimed in with a chuckle, further enhancing the unusual request.

Rudeus and I exchanged bewildered glances, taken aback by this unexpected display. When our attention shifted back to Eris, we could sense the glare she directed at us through her playful façade.

A butler, different from the previous one, stepped forward and provided context to us. "It appears the young lady is attempting to mimic a beast girl with floppy ears while making her request."

Understanding the butler's explanation, we turned back to Eris as she approached us. She then focused on Rudeus, playfully asserting, "Pwease teach me only magic and spare me from reading and counting, nya."

"Huh?" Confusion etched my brother's face as he struggled to comprehend her request.

Coming within proximity, Eris's gaze bore into us with an intensity that oozed determination. "Concentrate on teaching me magic and swordsmanship, nya!"

Eventually, Rudeus reached his limit and scolded not only Eris, but also Lord Sauros and Mayor Philip.

I observed in amusement and disbelief as my brother, usually composed, boldly correcting these noble people about asking favors.

In the end, we just decided to accept Eris's request, and the mayor hired us as her tutor and sword instructor.