First Day of the Job

With Eris's unique request accepted and Rudeus and I officially stepping into the roles of her tutors for magic and swordsmanship, our journey to aid in Eris's growth and development had begun.

As the morning sun cast its golden hues across the sky on the following day, we gathered in our designated training area, ready to embark on the first day of our training session.

Our initial focus for the day was sword training. Guided by Ghislaine, who led the instruction for the Sword God style, and myself, responsible for teaching the Water God Style, we aimed to provide Eris and Rudeus with a well-rounded combat education.

"Good morning, you two. Today, we'll start with the fundamentals of the Water God style—parrying," I began, addressing Eris and Rudeus, both eager and ready for the day's lessons.

Eris's eyes sparkled with a fiery eagerness that matched her vibrant red hair. "I've been looking forward to this, Reine! Let's not waste any time."

"Certainly, Eris. We'll start with the basics and gradually progress from there," I responded, a genuine smile blooming as her enthusiasm became infectious.

Rudeus chimed in, his determination catching up with Eris's excitement. "I'm ready to learn as well. Let's make the most of this training."

Equipped with wooden practice swords, we engaged in rigorous drills, enabling them to focus on refining their techniques while minimizing the risk of injury.

Eris's commitment was palpable as she threw herself into relentless practice, her determination is unyielding even though her emotions and impulsiveness sometimes made her attacks easy to read.

On the other hand, Rudeus faced challenges in mastering the Water God style. Despite his resolute attempts to correct his mistakes, he occasionally flinched at the brink of impact.

Teaching both of them the Water God style would undoubtedly prove challenging, but I remained determined. After all, this was just the beginning of their training journey.


As the sun ascended higher in the sky, our intensive sword training persisted until it was time for Rudeus to take the reins and begin his tutor session with Eris.

"Alright, Eris, time to hit the books," Rudeus announced, beckoning for Eris to join him for the next phase of their training.

Eris, however, wasn't about to comply without some negotiation. She crossed her arms defiantly and retorted, "Hold on a second! What about that favor you owe me from yesterday? I want to learn how to create those flashy fireworks!"

Rudeus let out a resigned sigh, realizing that negotiations were in order. "Fine, I'll make a deal with you. If I teach you fire magic, will you promise to buckle down and study as well?"

With an exaggerated eye roll and a huff, Eris shifted from reluctance to begrudging acceptance. "Ugh, fine. Just get on with it already."

With an amused smile, I observed from a distance as my brother commenced his lesson, explaining the basics of fire magic to Eris.

It's still fascinating to see how he navigated through the intricacies of manipulating elemental energy for spellcasting.

While watching, I noticed Ghislaine was standing beside me. Her eyes were alight with interest, and it was clear that the prospect of learning magic had caught her attention as well.

"Hey, Ghislaine, are you interested in learning magic as well?" I inquired, curious by the possibility.

She turned to me with an eager expression, her interest evident. She responded with straightforward enthusiasm, "Can I?"

"Of course, let's talk to my brother about it," I assured her, a smile gracing my features as I pondered the idea of Ghislaine joining them in their magical pursuits.

Approaching Rudeus, I shared Ghislaine's interest in delving into magic. We presented the concept to my brother, who seemed intrigued by the idea.

"Ghislaine, are you keen on learning magic as well?" my brother asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

The beast woman nodded, her composed exterior revealing a spark of eagerness. "Yes, I am."

"Did you hear that, Eris? Ghislaine's on board with us," Rudeus mentioned, his tone laced with a sense of camaraderie.

Eris's eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and excitement as her gaze shifted to Ghislaine. "Really?!"

Ghislaine offered a subtle nod, a fleeting smile tugging at her lips. Her reserved demeanor appeared to soften in the face of this new prospect.

Rudeus clapped his hands together, exuding enthusiasm. "Great! That's settled. We'll start teaching both of you the foundations of magic. It might be a challenge, but I'm confident you'll both pick it up quickly."

Throughout the day, my brother led the two excited students through the fundamental principles of fire magic. His patient explanations combined with Eris's insatiable curiosity and Ghislaine's determined focus created an atmosphere of shared learning and progress.

From a distance, I observed their interactions with a sense of pride, watching not only their magical abilities evolve but also witnessing the strengthening bonds of friendship among them.

As the sun began its descent, signaling the conclusion of the day's training, a contented feeling settled over me as we all went back inside the manor to rest.


[Rudeus POV]

The night wrapped us in its tranquil embrace, the echoes of our first day on the job fading into the soothing hush of our chambers. Lying on my bed, I pondered the events that had unfolded, contemplating the path that now lay ahead.

Amid the stillness of the night, my thoughts drifted back to the encounter with the mysterious Laughing Coffin. Their ambush had set off a chain of events that had culminated in this very moment.

The memory of our tense standoff with them sent a shiver down my spine. The weight of that moment lingered, a stark reminder that fate had teetered on a knife's edge, granting us an opportunity to change our trajectory.

Surviving that perilous encounter felt like a stroke of fortune, leading us to this chance to work alongside Reine, guiding Eris's growth and serving as her mentors.

The memory of our tense standoff with them sent a shiver down my spine. The weight of that moment lingered, a stark reminder that fate had teetered on the edge, giving us a chance to change our course.

In the midst of these reflections, an innate urge compelled me to visit my sister's room. I longed to share our thoughts about the day – those moments filled with challenges, revelations, and the initial steps of a journey we were embarking on together.

Standing outside her door, I took a deep breath and knocked gently, the sound resonating through the calm of the night.

*Knock* *knock*

From within, her familiar voice responded, "Who's there?"

"It's Rudeus. May I come in, Reine?" I answered, my voice carrying both familiarity and the desire for the kind of connection only siblings can comprehend.

After a brief pause, the door creaked open, revealing her figure – a blend of beauty and youthful innocence. Her inquisitive gaze met mine, waiting for me to explain the purpose of my visit.

"Hey, brother. What brings you here?" she inquired, curiosity shimmering in her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I resolved to speak my mind. "I wanted to discuss something with you."

She nodded at me, reassuring me that this conversation was the right course of action.

Stepping into her room, I took in the familiar sights – a rapier displayed on the wall, a single book resting on the table – each item an anchor to memories of our shared past.

"Let's sit here and have a chat," she suggested, arranging two chairs to create a comfortable space for our discussion. "So, brother, what do you want to discuss?"

Her openness and willingness to listen gave me the confidence to share my thoughts and emotions about the recent series of events that had left me deep in thought.

As I spoke, Reine listened attentively, her silence a testament to her understanding and empathy.

With her presence providing a safe haven, I shared my worries, uncertainties, and feelings. It was as if she had extended an invitation to my thoughts, allowing my concerns to find a voice.

Finally, I touched on the underlying worry that had gnawed at me – the fear for her safety that had persisted since the Laughing Coffin's audacious attempt to end her life.

"Hmm, I see now," Reine finally spoke, her nod conveying her grasp of my words.

With a determined glint in her eyes, she rose from her seat and approached me. Unexpectedly, she wrapped her arms around me, enveloping me in an embrace that spoke volumes.

"No need to worry, brother," she assured, her voice carrying a soothing reassurance. "As long as you're here by my side, I feel secure."

In that instant, a weight lifted from my chest, her presence forging a sanctuary of understanding and unwavering support. I held her in return, our embrace embodying the unbreakable bond of siblings.

As our embrace gently dissolved, we settled back into our seats, the atmosphere transitioning from intense emotions to a more relaxed and light-hearted tone.

Lounging comfortably in my chair, I released a soft chuckle. "You know, Reine, I find myself forgetting how much I've missed these deep conversations with you."

"I feel the same way, brother. It's odd how life can get so chaotic that we overlook these little moments of connection." Reine's lips curled into an affectionate smile.

Her words struck a chord within me, a reminder that amidst the tumultuous events that had brought us here, there were precious pockets of time we had let slip through our fingers.

My gaze then fell upon a book resting on the nearby table. It was the healing guidebook that Zenith had given her.

"Still reading this book, Reine?" I inquired, genuinely curious about the contents and her progress.

Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she nodded. "Yes, I'm determined to follow in Mother's footsteps and become skilled in healing magic. It's a goal I'm working towards."

Her determination was truly admirable. "Do you mind if I take a look?"

"Sure, why not," she responded, her voice carrying an open invitation. "Feel free to borrow it."

With a small smile, I picked up the book, flipping through its pages to get a sense of its contents. Healing magic was indeed a noble pursuit, and it was heartening to see Reine dedicated to mastering it.

"Mother would be proud of your commitment," I remarked, returning my attention to Reine.

Her cheeks tinted with a hint of pink, a mix of humility and pride evident in her expression. "I hope so. I'm doing my best I can to advance my healing skill."

"I have no doubt you'll succeed," I reassured her, confidence in her abilities shining through.

In response, her smile widened into an appreciative grin. "Thank you, brother. Your kind words mean a lot to me."

Whenever I look at Reine's cheerful and endearing smile, I couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance to Zenith. Despite inheriting Paul's brown hair, she looks more like a younger version of our mother.

As the conversation flowed, we delved into interesting stories from our past, sharing memories of our childhood, our escapades, and even the occasional mischief we had managed to get into.

Our shared laughter punctuated our reminiscences, creating an atmosphere of cherished familiarity.