Anger Management and Leisurely Break

Several days had slipped by, and Rudeus and I had become deeply immersed in our roles as Eris's tutor and sword instructor, respectively.

During this period, my main focus had been teaching Eris and my brother the intricacies of parrying.

While Rudeus occasionally flinched during our training sessions, his determination to master the Water God Style remained unshaken.

On the other hand, guiding Eris through her studies was proving to be more of a challenge for my brother. In the moments when I found myself practicing sword techniques during breaks, I would catch fleeting glimpses of Rudeus in pursuit of Eris.

Their interactions often concluded with him taking a serious punch before she agilely slipped away, seeking a momentary sanctuary.

One day, after wrapping up our sword training session, my brother approached me with a thoughtful look on his face. "Reine, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Of course, brother. What's on your mind?" I inquired, genuine concern etching my expression.

He ran a hand through his hair, appearing slightly troubled. "It's about Eris. Lately, she's been avoiding me whenever we need to focus on subjects other than magic."

Ah, I see. It seems my brother is genuinely troubled by the situation with Eris's studies, and he's come to me for advice or assistance. Given my inclination to help, I believe it's worth trying to find a solution to this issue.

As I pondered, seeking a way to help Eris engage more actively in her studies, a thought began to take shape.

"Hmm, how about integrating the subjects you're teaching with stories or examples that capture her interest?" I suggested, aiming to provide a potential approach.

A hint of motivation sparked in his eyes as he nodded. "I'll give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion, Reine."

"Of course, brother. We're in this together, and we support each other," I replied, a reassuring smile accompanying my words.

As we continued to exchange thoughts, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unity between us – siblings working together to navigate challenges and create a positive learning environment for Eris.


In the days that followed my conversation with my brother, things seemed to settle into a smoother rhythm. Our training sessions continued, and it appeared that his efforts to make the learning experience more engaging for Eris were paying off.

However, it didn't take long for me to notice a shift in Eris's demeanor during one of our sword training sessions. There was a restlessness to her movements, an edge of agitation that seemed to color her every action.

As we engaged in parrying practice, her strikes became more forceful, her footwork more aggressive. The tension in the air was palpable, and I could sense her growing frustration.

"Argh, why is this so damn hard?!" Eris's voice held a mixture of exasperation and vexation as she swung her wooden sword, attempting to breach my defenses.

My eyes watched her closely, and a mixture of concern and understanding welled up within me. It seemed that beneath her frustration lay a deeper struggle that needed to be addressed.

Suppressing a knowing smile, I decided that it was time to broach the subject with her. "Eris, may I offer a suggestion?"

She shot me an exasperated look, a mixture of annoyance and curiosity in her gaze. "Fine, what is it?"

"I've noticed that you've been training with more intensity lately, but your strikes seem to carry more frustration than usual," I began, choosing my words carefully. "Is there something on your mind that's causing this level of frustration?"

Eris's brows furrowed, her grip on the wooden sword relaxing slightly as she considered my question. Her hesitance suggested that there might indeed be something beneath the surface.

She let out a sigh, her shoulders slumping as her frustration seemed to momentarily drop away. "I guess... I've been feeling quite angry lately, and it's bothering me a lot."

Hearing her admit to her struggle reminded me of my own journey in managing my temper. My father's words of wisdom echoed in my mind, and I decided to share them with her.

"Eris," I addressed her, "Acknowledge your own feelings and weaknesses is a good thing. That's the first step towards overcoming them."

Her confusion was evident in her expression. "Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"Anger can be a powerful motivator, especially in combat. But it's also a double-edged sword. It can cloud your judgment and make you prone to rash decisions," I explained. "A true warrior not only masters their physical skills but also their emotions. My father used to tell me that."

Eris's gaze softened, her curiosity shifting into contemplation as my words resonated with her. It was a gentle reminder that managing anger wasn't just about suppressing it but understanding and channeling it effectively.

"I guess you're right," she admitted thoughtfully, my advice finding a foothold in her mind. "But I'm not sure how to control my anger."

I smiled gently, appreciating her honesty. "It's a journey, Eris. And you're not alone in it. Learning to manage your emotions takes time and practice. But you have a support system here – my brother, myself, and everyone who cares about you."

Eris's frustration appeared to ease, replaced by a tentative smile that hinted at a willingness to embrace this new perspective.

With her frustration now openly acknowledged, I hoped that Eris's path toward managing her anger and balancing emotion would begin to take shape.

And in the end, it was a journey she wouldn't have to navigate alone.


As more days passed, a noticeable change took hold of Eris's temperament. Her anger seemed to have subsided, replaced by a newfound motivation and focus.

Of course, there were instances where her anger was entirely justified, particularly when my brother's mischievous nature verged on inappropriate behavior.

One such incident occurred when Eris was peacefully napping near a stack of hay bales, and I discovered my brother engaging in something rather unsavory.

Without hesitation, I intervened and ensured that he faced the consequences of his actions. Eris joined me in reprimanding him after she woke up, and together, we made sure he understood the severity of his behavior.

However, it's best to move past that particular incident.

On a different note, I had been diligently honing my Sword God style under Ghislaine's expert guidance. She had mentioned a technique that was essential for advancing to the Saint rank.

"The Longsword of Light, you say? Could you demonstrate it for me?" I asked Ghislaine, intrigued by the prospect of mastering this technique.

Ghislaine nodded, her expression serious and focused. She positioned herself in an open area, her hand on the hilt of her sword.

With a deep breath, she lunged forward in a movement so swift that it seemed almost blinding. Her sword swung with such speed that it blurred before my eyes, leaving a trail of light in its wake.

Once the demonstration concluded, she turned to face me, her aura brimming with determination. "To master this technique, you must learn to concentrate your attack into a singular, flawless point."

Her words hung in the air, laden with the weight of her experience and expertise.

It was evident that achieving the Longsword of Light required not only physical prowess but also a deep understanding of precision and focus.

I nodded in acknowledgment, absorbing her guidance with a mixture of determination and eagerness. "Thank you for showing me, Ghislaine. I'll do my best to grasp the essence of this technique."

She offered a supportive smile, her eyes reflecting a genuine belief in my abilities. "I have no doubt that you will."

Encouraged by her words, I felt renewed purpose in honing my sword skills and working towards mastering the Longsword of Light technique.

However, our contemplative moment was interrupted by the approach of my brother, Rudeus. "Hello, you two. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Of course, brother. How can we help you?" I inquired, intrigued by the matter at hand.

He cleared his throat before addressing the situation. "I've noticed that Eris has been growing increasingly stressed and after some investigation, I've identified the source of the problem."

"And what might that be?" Ghislaine queried, her curiosity piqued.

"It seems that her lesson schedule might be contributing to the issue," he explained. "To address this, I'm considering implementing breaks into her routine to help alleviate her stress."

A thoughtful silence settled over our trio as we considered the potential benefits of incorporating breaks into Eris's schedule.

The idea held promise, as breaks could provide her with moments to recharge and ease the pressures of her lessons with Rudeus.

Ghislaine's thoughtful expression turned into a nod of agreement. "I see, balance between learning and rest is important."

My own thoughts mirrored her sentiment. "Agreed. Let's discuss this further and come up with a plan to make her break comfortable."

With renewed determination, we embarked on the task of refining Eris's training routine, ensuring that her journey towards mastery was accompanied by well-deserved moments of respite.


With a well-thought-out plan in place, Ghislaine, Eris, Rudeus, and I ventured out of the manor, making our way toward the bustling commercial district of the citadel.

Our objective was simple – to provide Eris with the opportunity to unwind and explore the town, allowing her a break from her tutor session. Yet, my brother's resourceful mind had also devised a way to incorporate learning opportunities within this outing.

As we meandered through the vibrant shops and stalls, the cheerful atmosphere of the market enveloped us. Eris's curiosity was palpable as she took in the colorful displays and the assortment of goods to offer.

Continuing our leisurely stroll through the bustling marketplace, my attention was drawn to my brother as he engaged in a conversation with one of the vendors.

A mischievous grin played upon his lips as he scribbled something in his notepad, sparking my curiosity about the exchange.

I couldn't resist approaching the scene and inquiring in a playful tone. "What's happening here, brother?"

Caught slightly off guard, he turned towards me with a sheepish expression, hastily concealing his notepad from view. "Oh, hello, Reine. Nothing significant, just checking prices, hehe…"

His response appeared a tad evasive, prompting a skeptical furrow of my brows. "Is that so? Then why don't you show me what you've been writing there?"

"Um, what are you talking about? I wasn't writing anything special," Rudeus responded with a nervous chuckle.

Raising an eyebrow, I extended my hand towards him, my tone now more demanding. "Hand over the notepad, now."

Reluctantly, he surrendered his notepad, an air of resignation enveloping him. As I perused its contents, my eyes stumbled upon a note at the bottom of one page, written in Japanese.

It read, "Reminder: Purchase aphrodisiac at a later date."

Surprise flickered across my features as I shifted my gaze to Rudeus, who appeared to be breaking into a sweat under the intensity of my scrutiny.

My brows furrowed in disbelief and concern. I couldn't comprehend his intention behind acquiring such an item, fearing it might be used without our knowledge inappropriately.

"Hey, what you two doing there?"

Just as the tension seemed to rise, Eris's voice rang out, pulling us from our momentary standoff. She and Ghislaine were approaching us, curiosity evident in their expressions.

As I glanced at Rudeus, I noticed him shaking his head subtly, a silent plea for me not to share the content of the notepad.

Taking the hint, I go for a vaguer approach in addressing Eris's query. "Nothing too exciting, Eris. Just my brother up to his usual antics."

Hearing that, Eris directed an amused glare at Rudeus, who was visibly cursing me with his eyes. It was rather amusing to witness him on the receiving end of the mischief he often initiated.

But my brother had a trick up his sleeve. In an effort to divert Eris's attention, he cleverly used items from the vendor stalls to illustrate a lesson.

"Here's a challenge for you, Eris," my brother addressed her, a playful tone in his voice. "Imagine you buy this item for three copper Asura coins and later sell it for four copper Asura coins. How much profit would you make?"

Eris's brow furrowed in concentration as she mulled over the mathematical conundrum. The wheels in her mind turned, and with conviction, she announced her answer. "Six! The answer is six, right?"

A mischievous glimmer danced in my brother's eyes as he responded. "Not quite, Eris. That's not the correct answer."

Her initial confidence wavered, her surprise evident at the unexpected twist. Undeterred, she embarked on a second round of calculations. Meanwhile, Ghislaine and I shared a knowing look before raising our hands, indicating we had a solution.

In unison, we chimed in simultaneously with the answer. "Four minus three equals one copper coin."

My brother's playful demeanor shifted to one of approval as he confirmed our response. "Correct! Nicely done, both of you."

Eris pouted as we accompanied with a good-natured laugh. It was evident that while she might not have solved the puzzle on her first try, she was enjoying the playful learning experience.

With the tension diffused and Eris's spirits lifted, our outing continued, blending relaxation and education in a manner that reflected the essence of our mentorship journey.


Our leisurely break flowed like a gentle stream as we entered a charming bookstore nestled amid the lively shops. Rows of books lined up, their covers holding stories and knowledge waiting to be discovered.

As my brother lost himself in the shelves, his attention captured by the array of books, I maintained a watchful eye over his actions. He had a knack for mischief, and his notepad seemed to be his instrument of choice.

Observing his secretive note-taking, a knowing smile curled my lips. He tried to write in Japanese to keep his intentions hidden, but I couldn't be fooled.

Eris noticed our exchange and asked with curiosity, "What are you two up to over there?"

My brother looked up from his notepad, offering an innocent grin. "Just checking out some books, Eris."

Confusion knitted Eris's brows, clearly intrigued by our actions. Unexpectedly, she extended a generous offer, "Hey, want me to buy you guys some books? I can get them for you."

Exchanging a brief glance with my brother, I spoke up. "Thank you, Eris, but we'll pass. Your offer is appreciated, though."

Her confusion deepened, reflected in the quizzical tilt of her head. "Why? I thought you guys enjoyed reading."

Rudeus's voice held earnestness as he explained, "It's not about whether we enjoy reading. It's about the value of working for what we want."

I nodded in agreement, adding, "He's right. When we put effort into something, it becomes more meaningful."

Eris's expression shifted, revealing a mix of frustration and puzzlement. "But… why make things so complicated?"

With wisdom and gentleness, my brother offered his insight. "Life is filled with challenges and rewards, Eris. By striving for what we want, we grow and learn. It's a way to become stronger and appreciate the worth of our achievements."

Her frustration lingered, but before she could respond, my brother had another idea. "You could talk to Mayor Philip about getting an allowance. Then you'd have your own money to spend."

Though Eris initially seemed annoyed, her consideration was evident. She thought over the notion, and it was clear my brother's reasoning had struck a chord.

"I suppose you have a point," Eris admitted, a blend of reluctance and comprehension evident in her tone. "I'll talk to my father about it later."

With that, the tension dissipated. Our leisurely break continued as we explored the bookstore, each of us cherishing the nuances of our interaction and the valuable lessons it held.


As we wandered through the citadel's streets, the sun began to sink, casting a warm and enchanting golden glow over the city.

In the midst of this tranquil beauty, a flicker of movement caught my attention, but before I could decipher it, my brother's gasp drew my gaze.

Turning toward him, I followed his line of sight and found myself just as amazed. High above us, against the vast expanse of the sky, floated a colossal castle. Its majestic presence defied gravity, casting an otherworldly aura.

Ghislaine's voice pulled us from our shared shock. "Is this your first time seeing that?"

Shaking myself from the awe, I focused on her. "Yes, we've never seen it before. Do you know anything about it, Ghislaine?"

She seemed mildly puzzled. "You're not familiar with it? That's the Sky Castle of the Armored Dragon King, Perugius."

"Perugius?" both my brother and I echoed, the name unfamiliar to us.

Eris added her knowledge eagerly. "He was one of the heroes who played a big part in defeating the Demon King Laplas."

"Laplas?" we repeated, our voices genuinely confused.

Ghislaine's disappointment was evident. "What? You're unfamiliar with that as well?"

Eris jumped in once more, her enthusiasm undiminished. "Laplas was a really, really bad guy who tried to wipe out humanity ages long time ago."

Rudeus and I exchanged baffled glances, but Eris's words stirred something in our memories. They triggered a faint sense of recognition.

"Eris continued with excitement, "Perugius is super strong. He led a group of twelve servants to Laplace's domain and defeated him."

Finally, the puzzle pieces fell into place. I recalled the tales our parents used to read to us when we were children, stories of legendary heroes. To think that one of those tales was tied to the very castle now floating above us was astonishing.

Ghislaine picked up the explanation. "Currently, it's the year K414 according to the Armored Dragon calendar. It was established to commemorate the victory over Laplas."

"That's truly amazing," I remarked in awe. "It feels like a place I'd love to visit someday."

Ghislaine's chuckle carried a touch of skepticism. "It's not as simple as it sounds. Reaching the Sky Castle is no easy task."

My optimism remained steadfast. "True, but who knows what the future holds. A journey like that might not be as impossible as it seems."

Ghislaine's amused smile seemed to challenge my determination, but I held onto the belief that possibilities existed beyond our current understanding.