


William Turner yelled out as he recklessly rummaged through his closet. It was his first day of high school and he was already going to be late because he couldn't find his damn shoes. He could've sworn he had put them in a place he could remember this time.

"Language William!" shouted Mr. Turner from downstairs.

William groaned, "Sorry! I just can't find my shoes!" He was pulling thing after thing from his closet. The only type of shoe he could find was his old ones from middle school. "Did you check under your bed?" Mr. Turner asked from downstairs. William rolled his eyes and scoffed. Of course he looked under his bed, but then again a second glance wouldnt hurt.

"What are you talking about? They are-" William interrupted himself in mid-sentence as he realized that his brand-new sneakers were still in the box they came in, neatly tucked under his bed. William was completely dumbfounded. He was sure they weren't there before but then again, he was never really good at looking for things.


William ran past his dad straight out the door, backpack in hand. "Wait! William! What about breakfast?!" Mr. Turner shouted from inside. William waved his hand dismissively as he made his way to school.

The time school started was around 8:30 am. It takes William about 25ish minutes to walk to school. He may be running now, but William was never the athletic type. He had no stamina and his legs felt like jelly for running a measly 5 minute run. He left his house at 8:05, meaning that he will be exactly on time. Although in William's eyes, he has to arrive 5 minutes earlier or else he's late.

William breathed heavily as he finally reached the gates of his high school. The big letters on the gate spelt "Finley J Clover High School". He felt his heart race at the thought of beginning something new and exciting. He had hoped he would see some old friends from middle school and hoped he'd make some new ones, too.

He walked through the crowded hallways, schedule in hand, as he looked for his 1st-period class. He could feel eyes staring at him. The feeling didn't feel welcoming, but William just brushed it off to nerves.

He made his way to his desk. It was a minute before the bell rang. William let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he wasn't late on his first day. The teacher walked in with a dead expression on her face. It was only the first day, and she seemed miserable.

"Okay... let's get the introductions over with," she spoke slowly. Her tone was exactly what someone would expect to hear from a person who looked so done with life. Row by row students would introduce themselves, although some, but not most, would stay silent in their chair, not giving a damn. The introductions began from the back.

The first one to stand was a girl. She had a slim figure with curves. Her hair was bleached by a sandy blonde. In short terms, she was attractive. "I'm Alison Young. If you know what's good for you, I suggest you treat me right." She spoke bitterly. The last name Young is famous around this town. Not because it's a common last name. It's because it's the last name of a famous designer.

When reaching the 2nd to last row, a boy who was plus-sized and had dark brown hair curly hair. His skin was a lovely dark honey. He sat by a window, which caused the sun to reflect on his glasses. This makes it hard to see his eyes. He was timid and stared only at the floor as he spoke, "M-My name is... Nathaniel Tiffin.."

William will admit he found himself fond of the timid teen. It was like there was a kind of aura around him. It was an aura that made him feel strangely warm inside. He knew immediately he wanted to be friends with him.

It was William's turn to introduce himself. He stood up slowly, his heart beating fast. 1st impressions were always important to William. They were the one thing that gave a person an entryway to one's personality. "I'm William Turner. I hope we can be friends!" William said as he tried to appear confident and lively. He had a smile on his face that began to fall as he looked around the room. The same gazes he had felt before in the hallway were back and in full view.


A few weeks would pass. William tried to make friends, but no one seemed to acknowledge him; he was treated as if he was invisible. He tried to befriend Nathaniel, but he was so nervous that he always only managed to sprout out a hi and nothing else.

It was the start of algebra when William realized he was unprepared. He had forgotten his pencil. He noticed a dark red-haired boy who went by the name Adam King sitting in front of him. He tapped his shoulder gently. In return, he was given a harsh glare. "S-Sorry, I just needed a pencil..." He mumbled. His eyes darting away from the boy, he was afraid to make direct eye contact.

Adam gave a nod with a smile. William, for a split second, thought he had misjudged him. Maybe he had gained a friend. That was until he felt something sharp hit his forehead. William fell back in his chair with a hard thud to the floor. Everyone stared at the sudden commotion.

William held his head with his hand. It was a minor scratch, but it still hurt like hell. Adam leered over him. "Sorry, did I hurt you?" He spoke tauntingly. Laughing could be heard throughout the room.

William breathed heavily. His eyes were wide with fear. He looked at the teacher, hoping she would come over to help or something but she didn't do anything. She continued teaching like nothing was happening.

Adam King leaned down close to William's face. He flicked him on the forehead where the scratch was making William flinch. "Looks like I found my new dog." King said with a grin.


For several months, Adam tormented William nonstop. Eventually, he had to use make-up to cover up his injuries because he had run out of excuses to tell his father. His father was depressed. He knew it even if his father never once acted like it he knew, so William decided to never tell his father about the harassment he had been through.

William felt his body ache as he got up from bed. He had been used as Adam's punching bag just the other day and he was still in pain. He got ready slowly. He wore long sleeves even though it was hot outside. The reason being Adam thought it would be a good idea to make indents on his arm with a pencil. "Will! Your gonna be late!" His father shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

William didn't care at this point. He didn't want to be there anyway. He walked down the stairs, his body feeling heavier with each step. Everything in him telling him not to go. To call in sick or to skip. He didn't want to worry his dad so he didn't do any of that.

He went straight for the door before being stopped by his father. Mr. Turner had been noticing the strange behavior in his son: he was skipping meals, going straight to bed and even staying out late. "Hey kiddo, why don't I drive you to school today...?" Mr. Turner said his tone was soft and desperate. He felt as if he wasn't being a good father to him. He thought that William hated him.

Deciding it would be best not to overwork his body anymore, William took his father up on his offer. The car ride was silent the whole time with only a bit of small talk.


William felt his stomach churning as he entered school. He thought that people were looking at him. Judging him. They weren't. They were minding their own business because no one wanted to associate with a dog. They found no need to think of something so trivial.

As William entered his classroom he was met with a harsh kick to his stomach. He immediately fell to the ground clutching his stomach. He looked up to find Adam King looking down at him and he looked pissed, but when didn't he? "Why the hell weren't you answering my texts, stupid dog?" King said as he grabbed William's face forcing him to look up at him.

William simply didn't want to. He was tired and he was in pain. Was he going to tell King that? Hell no. He took a deep breath and answered the best lie he could come up with. "My father took away my phone because I'm grounded..."

King rolled his eyes. He then grabbed William's hair pulling him to his feet. He grinned as he looked at William. "It's no wonder. I bet your father is tired of your constant disappointme-" Before King could finish William tackled him to the ground. He started punching rapidly and recklessly. William wasn't athletic or fit. His punches felt more like a mere kindergartener to King.

King could feel his blood boil. How could his dog attack him like this? How could he beat him up so pathetically? King pushed William off getting up quickly onto his feet. He stood above the boy before he started to kick him.

William curled into a ball shielding his face from getting kicked. "Who" kick, "the FUCK" kick, "Do you think" another kick, "you are?!" Adam yelled out. William knew that he would have to have a good excuse for his father this time.


William winced as an ice pack came in contact with his skin. "Seriously? What was going in your mind Wills?" Nathaniel spoke softly as he examined the now-forming bruises. The two had become quick friends shortly after Adam's harassment had begun.

Nathaniel was a nurse's aid so he was able to help William whenever he got injured. He was even the one to get William make-up because he was too scared that his father would find out. "I don't know...I just...He started talking about my dad and I just snapped..." William mumbled his gaze on the floor.

William sat on the clinic bed as Nathaniel went to grab a make-up kit. "I don't mean to sound discouraging or anything but maybe you could try online schooling...?" Nathaniel said from the other room. Nathaniel felt sympathy for his best friend. He wanted him to be happy and he didn't want to see him hurt.

William felt angry at himself that he couldn't hurt Adam the way he wanted to. He wanted to beat him to a pulp. Why did he deserve such treatment from some bully? Why did he have to lie to his father every night? Why did he have to spend his days worrying about what was to come next? Why the hell did he have to spend 6 months in what felt like hell? William clenched his teeth. He needed payback. He needed some form of revenge.

How would he do it though? "Should I beat him up...? But that would need months of training...and school would get in the way" William thought to himself. A grin then crept onto his face. "Although in the long scheme of things...It would make it all the better. Besides I would have to worry about school if..." His grin became wider as he had finally came up with the perfect plan of revenge. Nathaniel walked back into the room confused as to why the person who had just gotten beaten up was smiling so...happily.

"Wills? You good?" He asked slowly hoping that his best friend hadn't gone insane. William stood quickly from the bed. He grabbed onto Nathaniel's shoulders and smiled. "I have a plan. Thank you!" With that, he left without saying another word.

Nathaniel was more than confused about what had happened. He had wished he asked before he ran out because he didn't see William after that school day in fact he didn't see him for 2 years.