In the short span of about two years, Adam King has managed to have his name spread through the mouths of multiple students at Finely P Clover High. How did he manage to do that? To put it in simple terms, Adam beat the shit out of multiple people that he had deemed losers. Adam is popular in his junior year for that reason alone.

Adam arrived at school early in the morning. Barely any teachers were there and no students at all. It would at least be 30 minutes before people showed up. He always got to school early because his parents didn't have time to drop him off when classes actually began.

Adam didn't get how they could be busy around that time but it was whatever now. He couldn't care less. He enjoyed the alone time he got before having to worry about beating up some pathetic loser. He didn't have to worry about talking to anyone.

As Adam set his stuff down a pencil met his head. He was about to yell at the fucker who decided to disturb his quiet time when he got kicked to the floor. Adam looked up at the person who managed to get him to the ground; A familiar face but not so familiar body.

"Miss me?" The person said scornfully with a grin plastered on his face. It was none other than William. Adam recognized him now. The dog who had ran away one day and didn't come back until now.

He stood up slowly and got into a fighting stance. "I guess I'll have to put you back in your place, damn dog!"He spat as he punched William straight in the face. William retaliated by kicking Adam in the stomach once more, sending him flying into the desks.

Recovering quickly, He grabbed William's shoulder and kneed him in the crotch. William didn't dare falter. He knew he had to finish this soon. William's fist collided into King's nose, and a sickening crunch followed. He then kicks the back of Adam's knee, making him drop.

"It's over, Adam...." He seethed, "I am NOT your dog anymore."

Adam scowled. He got up slowly holding his bleeding nose. He decided he shouldn't fight back, for now. He would wait for the perfect opportunity to come for his revenge. King flipped William off as he headed for the door. He growled, "Next time I'll make sure to fuxk you up so bad that you'll want to die."


William looked through the school for his classes. He still wasn't used to it. He had only managed to find Adam out of sheer luck. The hallways filled with noises and talk about William's dramatic return.

"Is that him? I thought he moved.."

"I heard he beat the shit out of Adam"

"Little shit fucking deserved it"

"Didn't he get hotte-" That's it, William was disturbed. All this gossip and rumors were driving William crazy. Someone even said that he pulled a knife on Adam which wasn't even close to the truth. It didn't help that people started to become scared of him. He would just look their way and they'd already be apologizing profusely.

"So much for making friends," He thought to himself. Yes, despite being bullied during his freshman year and having every inch of his innocence shattered, William still wanted to have friends.

William sighed and closed his eyes. As soon as he reached a corner papers scattered all on the floor. Of course, he bumped into someone. He knelt to the floor, picking up the papers hastily. "I am so sorry," He said apologetically.

"Wills...?" A friendly voice spoke. William hadn't heard that nickname in a long time. In fact, the only person who called him that was..."Nathaniel?" William said, shocked.

There he was fit but still had a bit of a gut. His curly hair was now in dreads. His glasses, at the edge of his nose. "Holy shit it really is you!" Nathaniel said in disbelief. He then gave a bright smile before bringing William into a tight hug.

Everyone in the hallway stared in shock and bewilderment. They seem to all be expecting William to erupt, but he didn't. Instead, William froze. He wasn't and has never been much of a physical touch person. Once He understood the situation he was in, Will quickly grabbed Nathaniel's hand and ran to someone a little bit more private: An empty classroom.

William put his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath as he looked around to make sure they weren't followed. Nathaniel stood there confused. "Uhm, Will?" He said as he leaned down to look at him.

"Sorry I just...people were staring and I didn't want them to think anything..."Will said, rubbing the back of his neck as he stood up. Nathaniel raised his eyebrows. "Fuck he definitely thinks that I don't want people to think we're friends." William thought. He could already feel himself dying on the inside.

"W-Wait that's not at all what I-" Nathaniel raised his hands to cut Will off. "Wow Wills, You beat up Adam and suddenly your ego is through the roof" sarcasm laced his voice as he put a hand over his heart. "It's okay I get it, you are too popular to be friends with me..." He said in an overly sad tone.

William felt dumbstruck. He then playfully punched Nathaniel in the shoulder. "Shut up, Nathan!" He said with a frown. Nathaniel responded with a chuckle. He then pinched William's cheek pulling it in a light-hearted manner. "Aw come on I can't joke with my best friend?" He grinned.

William rolled his eyes. Even if he didn't show it, Will was glad Nathan still thought of him as his best friend. Nathaniel then sat on a desk and looked up at Will. The mood seems to shift. "Where were you, William?" His voice was quiet barely above a whisper.

William felt his throat go dry. He started to feel hot and the once spacious classroom suddenly felt cramped. He couldn't even look him in the eye. "I-I..." He tried to calm himself by manually breathing in and out. He then looked Nathaniel straight in the eyes."I did what you suggested." William said nonchalantly as he supported himself against a desk.

Nathaniel stared at him confused for a second before it clicked. "You did online schooling?" He said as he leaned to the side trying to see Will's expression. William nodded his head. "I don't get it If you went online...why come back?" Nathaniel asked as he got up from the desk. The bell suddenly rang making both boys jump.

"Well I guess you can answer it later," Nathaniel said with a grin. William just chuckled and headed for the door. Before he was about to leave he stopped in his tracks. He then looked at Nathaniel and stuck out his tongue. "Isn't it simple Nathaniel? I'm a petty bitch."

With that, William left Nathaniel stunned.


Adam fell into the locker with a hard thud before getting kicked in the stomach. He looked at the perp who had decided to hit him. "You aren't much of a King anymore, isn't that right Adam?" The person said tauntingly as he went for another punch.

Adam quickly got on his feet and punched the guy in the stomach sending him flying into the wall. He then grabbed him by the collar delivering another jab into his face. The boy curled over holding his nose in pain.

Adam simply rolled his eyes and walked to class. Despite seeming calm about the whole situation, Adam was boiling with rage. He set his stuff down bitterly. "I lose one fucking time and suddenly everyone thinks they're better than me." He thought.

He belligerently sat at his desk. As the teacher walked in and began his lesson Adam looked out the window just for a second. A familiar face had made Adam do a double take. He snarled when he realized who it was, William.

"Stupid Mutt." He scoffed as he went back to paying attention to class.


William horribly regretted his decisions for sports. Even if he was ripped didn't mean he enjoyed working out. He was in wrestling and Football. Although wrestling was more of an after-school thing. It was hot outside and his arms were dying.

The coach was making them hold a plank for a little game: who could last the longest? Of course, William was one of the few people left. He could hear his fellow teammates talking about him. If William is being honest, he didn't mind it one bit.

Nearby on the track Nathaniel was running happily. At least he was enjoying his time. Nathaniel seemed to notice Will because he started to wave, causing him to falter. His arms suddenly became weak and he fell on the grass with a loud thump. Cheers erupted for the winner as William laid his head against the grass.

"Alright you losers, go join track!" The coach yelled out. William immediately raised his head. His eyes caught Nathaniel's as he ran towards him. "Hey, Wills! You wanna be running buddies?" He said with a smile as helped him up.

William unknowingly smiled, "Yeah of course!" Will just couldn't deny