Nathaniel is unbelievably fast, William can hardly keep up. Nathaniel seemed to notice Will getting tired, so he slowed down. "Sorry for messing you up back there," Nathaniel started suddenly. Will looked at him for a moment, confused before it clicked. "Oh, that? Y-You didn't mess me up.." He chuckled, feeling himself turn red. Nathaniel just rolled his eyes playfully and began to run at regular speed once more.

They both finished their last lap and sat down on the bleachers, watching the others still running. William was still trying to catch his breath. Nathaniel handed him a water bottle in which he gladly accepted. "How are you so damn fast?" William asked as he took a sip.

Nathaniel laughed. "Well, after you left, I became Adam's prime target." He started, "weeks of harassment and suddenly my legs started to move in their own." He then turned to William with a big grin before pointing to a tall teen with dirty blonde hair. "See him over there? He saw me running and said I was perfect for the team."

William felt a pang of guilt. He looked at Nathaniel with remorse. "I-I'm so sorry..." Nathniel then put his finger to his lips. "Don't apologize. You beat Adam's ass! If you hadn't left, then you'd still be his dog. Be proud, Wills!" Nathaniel smiled brightly as he playfully punched his shoulder.

"Alright football, let's head back inside 6th period is about to start!" The coach yelled out. Nathaniel and William said their goodbyes and split ways.


William waited by the front of the school under the awning as rain poured. He silently cursed himself for not checking the weather that day. "Damnit, I should've brought my umbrella." He grumbled as he reached out his hand to feel the rain.

"Why don't you just call your dad?" A voice spoke behind him. William quickly looked behind him, only to see Nathaniel. " Oh? I thought you took the bus?" William asked with a smile.

Nathaniel then looked away awkwardly as he rubbed his neck."Yeah...Well I kinda missed the bus," He mumbled. William busted out laughing, causing Nathaniel to push him. "Shut up!" He pouted.

"Your turn, answer my question." Nathaniel smiled. William just shook his head. "He's at the café right now, and if I call him, he'll think I got myself into trouble," he sighed.

"Ah, I see. Why don't you call your mo-" Nathaniel gasped, covering his own mouth before finishing his sentence. "I-Im so sorry I-I it didn't -" William grabbed his hand, taking it away from his mouth. He gave a solemn smile.

"It's fine. I told you a long time ago about my mom, so it's alright that you didn't remember." Will said reassuringly. Nathaniel let out a sigh of relief. William remembered that conversation like it was just yesterday.


William was once again in the nurse's office, but of course, there was no actual nurse except Nathaniel. He had come in with multiple cuts and bruises. It was worse than all the other days.

Nathaniel looked at William with pity. He started to carefully clean the cuts before speaking,"Why don't you tell your parents about this?" He asked quietly. William sat there staring at Nathaniel. He was hesitant at first but went on, "My dad isn't doing so well. I don't want him to worry about me... he's struggling enough as it is."

Nathaniel nodded, understanding the situation. He then grabbed out bandages and started to put them on the cuts. "What about your mom?" He wondered. He then felt Will go stiff. Nathaniel began to panic internally, thinking he had said something wrong.

"My mom...she is...she isn't alive anymore..." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. Nathaniel's eyes widen. "I-Im so sorry." He started. Willaim shook his head.

No, it's"

Nathaniel then leaned in and hugged William. Will's eyes widen. It had been a long time since he had been hugged. In fact, it had been a long time since he could actually mention his mother. It felt nice and comforting.


The moment had been interrupted by a loud honk. "Oh, that's my car." Nathniel said as he began to walk to his car. He then stopped in his tracks and looked at William. "Do you want a ride? I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind," Nathaniel asked.

"Oh well, only if you don't mind.." Will said as he began to walk with Nathaniel to his car.


"You should've seen Adam early he was so mad!" Nathaniel laughed, He patted William's shoulder."He seriously thinks he's all that. It's a good thing you put him in his place this morning."

William blushed as he waved Nathaniel off. He knew what he did was amazing, but it was kinda overwhelming to think about. It was also weird to talk about such things in front of Nathaniel's mom.

"Oh come on now Nat leave the poor boy alone" Mrs Tiffin laughed. She looked at the review mirror, eyeing William with a comforting smile. "Although I do have to admit you did a good thing, William. I don't particularly agree with the violence, but it was well deserved, to say the least."

William smiled. He needed to change the subject fast. He never liked being praised, and then he realized that something stood out from what Mrs Tiffin had said. "Nat?" He chuckled.

Nathaniel turned red in the face. He grinned and playfully punched William in the shoulder. "Shut up!" He laughed out.

The moment was soon over as the car hit an abrupt stop. William looked out the window to see his house. He frowned, wanting to spend more time with William.

He walked into his house and threw his bag to the floor. Not wasting a second, Will flopped onto the couch. What an eventful first day.


The sound of crying and screams pierced the once quiet night. The footsteps quickened down the road. He took a sharp turn into the forest nearby. "Please, please..." The man whispered. His voice quivered.

"Ahh~ I love the sounds of screams, " a voice spoke teasingly. She was walking slow, horror movie style. She had a metal bat in her hand as she followed her victim.

Tripping on his own foot, the man fell onto the floor. His hands scraped against the rocks, making him let out a pained whimper. His eyes filled with fear as he stared at his demise.

"Please please M-Major I-I won't do it again. Please let me go!" He begged. Major just stared at him with cold eyes and, without saying a word, raised the bat above her head. "Don't tell me what to do!" She shouted before hitting his head with a sickening crunch.

She her rustling in the bushes nearby. "There you are. What a whimp...wasn't that your best friend?" She asked in a belittling tone. Making her way towards the bush, Major had a sickening grin on her face.

The guy cried out in fear, suddenly appearing out of the bush with a pocket knife in hand. He rushed towards Major, aiming right for her gut. Luckily, she was prepared for this. She grabbed the guy back, the neck slamming him into a tree.

"N-no no, please, I-I have -"

She grabbed the pocket knife from his hand, stabbing him in the heart. He let put choked sobs. "What was that?" She asked, chuckling. She let go of his throat, making him collapse to the ground.

Staring with disgust, she kicked him the head. Major let out a loud sigh of relief as she looked up in the sky. She was done here...for now.


William stood at the curb, staring deeply into the forest before him. Police tap was wrapped around a couple of trees, preventing anyone from passing by. Despite there being a murder so close to the school, there was still class. Everyone who was passing by to get to school stopped to stare at the absurd scene before them.

He could overhear the police talking about interviewing students who lived nearby. They decided that it was easier to have them all in one place than to track them down individually.

Besides the presence of officers, interviews, and the theorizing of who killed someone, everything would be mostly normal. Of course, there wouldn't be any fight, though, due to everyone not wanting to get tackled by an officer.

shuffling of men could be heard as they crowded the forest as if they were trying to shield something. Will took a step forward on his tip toes, trying to see. He could feel his heart drop, and his breathing went quick as he witnessed a body bag being pulled from the depths of the forest.

He stepped back, feeling nauseated. He felt a sudden pain in his head, making him groan in pain. What was this pain? William couldn't help but wonder. He's never felt anything like it.

Then he suddenly saw a glimpse of a woman who was all too familiar. He could suddenly hear the ragged breaths of the woman.