William anxiously tapped his finger on the table. He was waiting for the investigators to arrive. They had apparently just finished their coffee break. He didn't understand why the hell he was so damn nervous; it wasn't like he did these murders.

Two officers walked into the empty classroom. They pulled out their chairs and sat across from William. One officer with brown hair eyed him for a moment, almost as if he recognized him. William shuffled in his chair uncomfortable with rhe sudden attention. The blonde one was shuffling through papers.

"I'm Officer Reeds, and this is my partner, Officer Phane," the blonde stated, motioning to the brown haired guy next to him. William adjusted in his seat, feeling nervous. Phane cleared his throat and leaned in close. "What's your name, son?"

William's eyes darted away. He didn't like this proximity or the feeling of eyes on him. His voice shook as he spoke,"I-It's uhm William Turner, sir..."

Both officers looked at each other for a moment with raised eyebrows. It made Will uncomfortable the way they seemed to talk with their eyes. "Alright, Kid, could you tell me where you were on Wednesday night?" Officer Reeds started.

It was two days ago. William had gotten a ride from Nathaniel and went to sleep as soon as he got home. That was all he remembered. He didn't hear anything or anyone throughout the night. That's what he told the officers.

Officer Reed then pulled out two photos from his pile of papers sliding them over to Will, "Do you recognize any of these two?"

One was a picture of Trent Cunningham. It was said that he was in a gang of sorts from rumors floating around school. The only reason why William knew him was because they were in math class together. The other was someone that Will just couldn't recognize.

Will nervously pointed to the picture of Trent. "That's Trent....we uhm had math together.. I don't recognize the other person, " He muttered quietly. The officers nodded their heads. Officer Phane grabbed the photos, putting them back in the pile of papers.

After asking a couple of more questions, Willaim was finally free to go back to class. That was until Phane stopped him. "Wait, Your last names Turner right? Does your father happen to be Nick?" He asked suddenly, his voice laced with curiosity and concern. Reeds sent a harsh glare at Phane and kicked him under the table.

"Uhm...yes...do you know my dad?"

"How could I not? I remember working that ca-" Another kick to his leg from Reeds made Phane wince. "We go by his café quite often!" Reeds interrupted, giving William a sweet smile.

"Go on to class now, Kid," He said softly. William left feeling more nervous than he did going in. He stood outside the door wondering what exactly Phane was going to say. He was about to leave for class when he started to hear the officers speak.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He heard Reeds shout. "That kid doesn't even remember that fucking case and you decide to bring it up?"

Phane groaned, "It's been over ten years! Don't you think he'd remember it all by now or at least gotten over it?"

SLAM! The sudden noise made even William jump. "PHANE!" Reeds shouted before taking a deep breath." That case...that case isn't something some can just forget. That kid watched his mother die."

"Yeah and? He doesn't remember it, Reeds"

William couldn't hear the rest. It was all just incoherent shouting. With shaking footsteps, he started to walk away. His breathing was heavy, and he felt light-headed. Will couldn't understand what the hell they were even talking about. He knew his mother died, but he didn't or couldn't remember how. Sure, Will has asked his father, but he would immediately get shut down.

His stomach was twisting, and his head was throbbing. William felt like a building had collapsed on him. He wanted to go home. To go home and just sleep. His thoughts were occupied but blank all at the same time.

It was until he suddenly bumped into someone in the hallway that his mind finally cleared. It was like a sense of Deja Vu washed over him. "Wills?" A sweet voice suddenly said. It was none other than Nathniel.

William pulled Nathaniel in close for a tight hug. He just wanted someone to lean on right now. Nathaniel was shocked but accepted the hug nonetheless. He wanted to know what was making his friend so…upset.

"Will are you okay?" Nat asked softly. William nodded his head. It was a lie, of course, but he just didn't want to be asked questions. "Just really excited for our day out," Willaim muttered. Another lie. Well, it was half a lie. He really was excited for their day out but, right now he wanted to fall down a pit.


It was the last class period of the day, and Adam had six different people try picking a fight with him. They all think he's weak now, easy meat. Did Adam give in easily and beat the shit out of them?...Yes, Yes he did. This wasn't Adam's fault, no, It was that stupid mutt's fault!

William is the one who decided to beat the fucking shit out of him for no reason! Well maybe there was a reason but, It was a stupid one. At least Adam thought the reason was stupid. Sure Adam may have bullied the mutt a little, but Will was pathetic as fuck so who wouldn't?

Just a few rows in front of him sat Will himself. He wish to hell he could beat the ever living fuck our of the dude, but he knew now wasn't exactly the perfect time. He glared harshly into the boy's head hoping to somehow get his head to explode.


It was strange, William could feel chills running down his spine almost as if someone was silently cursing him. He rubbed the back of his neck in discomfort and looked around. He rolled his eyes when he noticed Adam staring daggers right into his soul.

William stared out the window waiting for class to officially begin. His eyes made his way from the trees to the track, where Nathaniel was at. Smiling unknowingly at the thought of spending time with him later. With Nathaniel, William felt like he could just forget about everything happening this week.

He was immediately snapped out of his thoughts when the teacher started to speak. "Okay class...today we'll be testing what chemicals react to fire...don't worry they're the safe ones..." Her voice was monotonous and hoarse. It was evident that she hated this school, or at the very least tired of it.

William had completely forgotten about the lab today. So much was on his mind that something so exciting had slipped out of his thoughts. Although he wasn't sure that Adam around fire was such a good idea. He was sure the psycho would try burning him or others with it.

As everyone shuffled out of the room, William's eyes landed on Adam. He was shocked to see Adam stiff as a board and pale. Adam looked nervous even. It was strange to see such a fearsome boy look so scared. William shook his head thinking his eyes were just playing tricks on him.

Nobody else seemed to notice Adam's mood, so that must mean he's just imagining things...right? There was something else that Willaim seemed to notice, Adam had no one around him. No one wants to partner up with him or even talk to him.

William then thought for a moment. Did Adam ever really ever hang out with anybody? During the course of William getting bullied, Adam never once encouraged people to join him. Whenever William met up with Adam in the middle of the night to fetch Adam a snack, no one was ever with him.

William scoffed, serves him right. Adam was a grade A asshole. Of course, no one would want to talk with him.

To his dismay, he and Adam were the last ones in the labroom. Well, isn't that a bunch of bull. He sat next to Adam, not even paying him an ounce of attention. Well, at least he tried not to: Adam was shaking the whole table with his leg. It was bouncing uncontrollably. He was going to tell him to stop, but then he saw the look on Adam's face.

He seemed out of it. Adam looked pale and dazed. He looked like hell. Like if you just gave him a slight push he could fall over just like that. Was he oka- William rolled his eyes. Why the hell should he give a crap anyways? He shouldn't care about someone who made him go through 6 months of fucking torture.

Still William just couldn't help it...Something was obviously up with Adam.