After the teacher gave a lengthy list of instructions and rules, Adam volunteered himself to get the chemicals, leaving William to start the flames. He had zero say in the matter. In fact, before Will could even retaliate in any way, Adam walked off.

William sighed, rolling his eyes before getting the flint striker to light the bunsen burner. It was frustrating at first because the stupid thing wouldn't even spark. It was until Adam came back with the test tubes that it finally sparked.

Dear God, it was a nightmare. As soon as the flame came on, glass shattered. The sound made William jump in his seat. Looking towards the source of the sound, He saw Adam standing there shaking and pale. His leg was bleeding through his pant leg."Ada-"

"I-I- holy- I-I thought- I'm - I...sorry" Adam was a blubbering mess. His voice was hoarse as if he got the wind knocked out of him. His breathing was rapid and jagged. Adam felt like he had gotten hit by a train head-on. With just the tiniest push, he could fall over.

Adam felt all kinds of overwhelming feelings: his head was throbbing, his throat swelled up making him choke. His heart was beating rapidly and unruly. Adam's hand went to his chest, clenching his shirt tightly while the other went to his hair. He was trying to stop himself, but he couldn't.

The room suddenly felt smaller and tighter, and all he could see was the flames. It made his stomach churn. He was stiff, and he couldn't move an inch. Adam's breathing grew ragged and quick, making him light-headed. He hated it. He thought he was over this. Adam was so overtaken by emotions that he didn't even notice that his leg was bleeding.

As the teacher walked over, she wore a face of negligence. The teacher was annoyed rather than concerned for her students. She didn't even ask, just told William to take Adam to the nurse's office.


On the way to the nurse's office, William heard words that he would never have expected Adam to have in his vocabulary, "I-I'm sorry....I didn- didn't mean it.."

His voice was quiet and guttural. It almost made William stop in his tracks. Was that directed to him? He eyed Adam from the corner of his eyes. It wasn't. Of course it wasn't. Adam was spaced out. He wasn't thinking correctly.

As the two reached the nurse's office, an all too familiar note was tapped to the door. The nurse was out...of course she was. William remembered all those times he came to the nurses office after a brutal day and would find the same note taped to the door. He always had to text Nathaniel to ask him for help. William rolled his eyes and walked Adam into the room. He scoped out the place, ensuring that no one else was there. Well, he didn't want Nathaniel there. He knew he wouldn't understand.

He sat him down and started to search for bandages and anything that could calm Adam down. He grabbed a small paper cup and poured some tap water into it before handing it to Adam. "Drink this. It'll calm you down," He said, his voice soft.

William didn't understand why the hell he was being nice to this bastard. Why the fuck should he care? Adam bullied him for months on end without giving a fuck so why should he? Will clenched tightly onto the bandages. He was about to just throw them at Adam but the look on his face just made him stop.

Adam was sitting shaking like a leaf. He was pale and breathing uncontrollably. He looked as if he was on the verge of tears. Like he could just break down at any moment.

Damnit...William scoffed and just kneeled to the floor grabbing Adam's leg making him wince and hiss out in pain. He wasn't gentle, he wanted it to hurt just a little. Will rolled up Adam's pant leg examining the cut. It wasn't so deep to require a trip to the hospital although maybe a doctor should examine it.

As William is cleaning up Adam's leg he feels a hand in his hair. He looked up at Adam confused and frightened. He was getting ready for Adam to snap at him, hit him, or fucking smash his face into ground, but it didn't happen.

"You're so nice...always bandaging me up...I still have your ring...I'm surprised it fits so...nicely" Adam said, his voice hushed but tender. His hand stroked William's hair. His eyes were gentle and kind. It was peculiar and very unusual William knew those eyes...those words weren't meant for him.

He was confused if anything. Who the hell were those words directed to if not him? What person would Adam ever be nice to let alone even let help him? William has never thought about Adam's past until now. Who exactly was Adam King? His thoughts were interrupted when Adam's hand landed on his cheek. His touch disturbingly tranquil.

William was frozen; he didn't know what to do in this situation. Should he move or should he just let it happen? William just sighed and continued to clean up Adam's wound. He grabbed the bandages and started to wrap it around Adam's leg slowly. He was more gentle than earlier, that's for sure. Willaim didn't understand himself. He just couldn't be cruel to someone in such a sadden state. Both Adam's hands cupped William's face slowly lifting it, forcing his eyes to stare into his.

"Why don't you look at me anymore...Sul-"

Adam stopped mid sentence. It was like he had a moment of clarity once he realized who's eyes he was looking into. He wasn't thinking of the fire or...him anymore. All he saw in front of him was the stupid mutt bandaging up his leg. He quickly pulled his hands from William's face before kicking him away.

His breathing became ragged once more. Adam rubbed his forehead in frustration as realization set in. He had been vulnerable in front of this fucking dog. How dare he show his emotions to others! How dare he show fear! Adam was exasperated. He covered his eyes with his hand not wanting to see the look of pity on William's face.

"Leave." Adam said, his voice cold and shaky. William looked at him for a minute taken aback by the sudden lack of magnanimity. He was holding onto his gut in pain from the kick. It wasn't horrible but it wasn't nice either.


"You heard me Leave."

Adam stared at William right in the eyes. He had a look of remorse and anger. It was clear he wanted to be left alone. William knew all too well that Adam probably felt pathetic at the moment.

William got up slowly without saying another word. He knew he shouldn't leave Adam alone like this; that he should at least finish bandaging him up, but the look Adam was giving told him to keep his distance. He gave the bandages to Adam and left. They both knew that they would never talk about this moment. This was just a one time thing.


After William left, Adam was left to soak in his own pity. He mentally hit himself for being vulnerable in front of such a pathetic person. He groaned out in frustration. He grabbed the bandages and continued to sloppily wrap up his leg. He didn't care how much it hurt; how he'd probably have to rewrap it later. Adam just couldn't care anymore.

Adam couldn't forgive himself for panicking in front of so many people. He thought he was over this, he thought he was over the fire, the heat...the memories. Fuck this shit! Fuck! Adam hands pulled at his hair in vexation. He didn't want to remember. He was doing so good at forgetting. He hit his head trying to get it to stop but it wasn't working. Why were these stupid memories coming back now?

He knew exactly why: it was that damn dog's fault. Everytime Adam looked at him it would just remind him of...him. Seeing him stand next to that damn flame just set him off. Why did it have to happen that way? Why did he have to die like that?

Adam pulled his legs to his chest. It was lonely in the empty nurse's office. He put his head down trying his best not to break out in tears. Men don't cry...that's what his father forced into his head. Real men just don't show emotions like that.

Tears started to fall. Adam just couldn't help it. The memories, the flames, were just flooding in, and he couldn't control it. His breathing quickened as his body began to shake. He played with the ring on his finger, trying to calm himself down. The room just kept getting tighter and closer. Adam broke down into nasty silent sobs. He missed him...he missed him so damn much.

"...I'm so sorry...I'm so pathetic..."