
Arthur's mother's voice pierced through the veil of sleep, urging him to wake up. He stirred in his bed, his consciousness slowly returning to the waking world.

"Arthur... Arthur! ARTHUR!!!! WAKE UP!!!!" his mother's urgent voice echoed in his ears.

Groaning softly, Arthur managed to open his eyes and squinted at the bright morning light streaming through his window. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, stretching his limbs beneath the warm covers.

"I'm awake, Mom! Just five more minutes..." he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep.

His mother's exasperated sigh was audible even from across the room. "Arthur, you say that every morning. If you don't get up now, you'll be late for school."

With a reluctant huff, Arthur finally swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up, blinking away the last remnants of sleep. He ruffled his unruly hair, trying to tame the disheveled locks that seemed to have a mind of their own.

His mother's footsteps approached, and she stood in the doorway with a mixture of amusement and frustration on her face. "Honestly, I don't know where you get this habit from. Your father was never this difficult to wake up."

Arthur flashed her a sheepish grin. "Maybe I inherited the 'late riser' gene from you, Mom."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, you're impossible. Now, get dressed and come down for breakfast. And don't forget to take your umbrella. The weather forecast says it might rain later."

As his mother left the room, Arthur swung his legs off the bed and stretched again, this time more energetically. He knew he couldn't afford to be late, especially after the close call with sleeping in.

With a determined sigh, he pushed himself to his feet and made his way to the bathroom for his morning routine.

As the water splashed on his face, he couldn't help but think back to the stream and the discussions about mana and magic. It was almost like stepping from one world into another – the mundane reality of getting ready for school contrasting with the intriguing mysteries he had explored the previous night.

After getting dressed and grabbing his school bag, Arthur headed downstairs to the dining area. The smell of breakfast greeted him, and he took a seat at the table, his stomach rumbling in anticipation.

His mother placed a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of him, along with a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks, Mom." he said with a grateful smile as he dug into his meal.

Once breakfast was finished, Arthur gathered his things and headed out the door, giving his mother a quick hug before leaving.

While Arthur was walking to his school, in a building far away...

A meeting was taking place, attended by individuals dressed in plain attire and with serious expressions.

The room was lit by a dim glow emanating from a large table at the center, upon which a city map was laid out.

At the head of the table, a woman with a piercing gaze spoke up. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have gathered crucial information regarding the appearances of these strange creatures. The incidents are escalating, and the government is at a loss."

A man by her side added in a grave tone, "Despite our efforts to gather data, we remain in the dark about the nature of these beings. They exhibit abilities that defy our understanding of conventional science."

Another member of the assembly chimed in. "The videos and firsthand accounts indicate the presence of elemental powers. Fire, water, earth, and even more exotic elements seem to be at play. We're dealing with something beyond our current scientific grasp."

The woman with the piercing gaze continued. "Our priority is to prevent widespread panic. We cannot let this information leak to the public until we have solid answers. But time is of the essence, and we're running out of options."

An older man, exuding a commanding presence, spoke up. "It's clear that we lack the expertise to handle this situation. We need to seek help from those who possess knowledge of the supernatural, those who understand the realms of magic and the elements."

The meeting continued with heated debates about how to approach this situation. The government officials were grappling with the unknown, facing an enigma that had suddenly intruded into their world.

As Arthur continued his walk to school, he had no idea that a secretive assembly was discussing the very mysteries he had encountered, and that his own path was intricately tied to the unfolding events.

Not far from Arthur, Issei was standing with his head down. Arthur couldn't help but wonder what was going on with him. He approached Issei and gently patted his friend on the shoulder. "Issei, everything okay?"

Issei looked up, his expression a mix of frustration and worry. "Hey, Arthur. It's just... you know that rendezvous with Rias I was so excited about?"

Arthur nodded. "Yeah, I remember. You were practically glowing when you mentioned it."

Issei sighed. "Well, turns out it's not as simple as I thought. Rias told me that the Occult Research Club's investigation is pretty dangerous. She talked about ghosts and... It's a pretty weird Club, so I didn't join and declined Rias' offer."

Arthur nodded in understanding. "I see, so the Occult Research Club deals with some pretty eerie stuff. Ghosts and all that. It's completely understandable if you didn't feel comfortable joining, especially if it seemed too Weird ."

Issei sighed, a mixture of relief and disappointment evident on his face. "Yeah, exactly. I mean, I was excited at first, but then when Rias started talking about the things they investigate and the risks involved... I just couldn't bring myself to join."

Arthur placed a reassuring hand on Issei's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Issei. You have to follow your instincts and do what feels right for you. There are plenty of other opportunities out there."

Issei replied with a cheerful smile, "Thank you, my man. You're really the best!"

The school day was quite mundane, with each day resembling the next. However, during the lunch break, Issei and Arthur had a specific spot where they would enjoy their bento meals.

As they were having their lunch, a lively conversation was taking place. Issei leaned back with a sigh, "Damm! I regret not joining the Occult Research Club."

Arthur raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Really? Even after saying it's dangerous and weird?"

Issei nodded, a slightly wistful expression on his face. "Yeah, I mean, it sounded crazy at first, but the more I think about it, the more I realize it could've been an exciting adventure. And maybe I could've gotten to know Rias better too."

Arthur chuckled. "Ah, the allure of adventure and a chance to impress a certain someone, huh?"

Issei scratched his head sheepishly. "Well, you know me."

Arthur grinned. "Indeed, I do. But don't worry, Issei. Life is full of unexpected turns. Who knows what opportunities lie ahead?"

Issei brightened up a bit. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe I'll find something just as exciting or even better."

The two friends continued chatting, their bento lunches forgotten as they shared their thoughts and aspirations for the future. But just as they were deep in conversation, a certain presence interrupted their moment. Rias Gremory, the very subject of their discussion, had arrived.

"Hello, Issei. Hello, Arthur," Rias greeted with a warm smile.

Issei's eyes widened, and he stammered, "R-Rias! Hi!"

Arthur nodded in acknowledgment. "Hey, Rias."

Rias took a seat beside them, her presence casting a gentle aura over the area. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

Issei quickly shook his head. "N-No, not at all! We were just talking."

Arthur added with a grin, "About Issei's missed opportunity in the Occult Research Club."

Issei shot Arthur a playful glare, but Rias laughed softly. "Ah, Issei's still dwelling on that? It's alright, you know. Not everyone's cut out for the mysteries we delve into."

Issei sighed, giving a resigned smile. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Rias leaned back, her eyes holding a curious glint. "So, what were you two discussing instead?"

Arthur chuckled. "Oh, just the usual—life, the future, and the unexpected twists it can bring."

Rias raised an eyebrow. "That sounds intriguing. Mind sharing a bit more?"

Issei nudged Arthur playfully. "Go on, Arthur. You're better with words."

Arthur shrugged, a thoughtful expression on his face. "We were basically talking about how life has a way of surprising us. Sometimes, the opportunities we miss open doors to even better ones. And who knows, what may seem mundane now could turn into an exciting adventure later."

Rias smiled, her gaze thoughtful. "That's a nice perspective to have. Life's full of choices, and each one can lead to a different path."

Issei nodded, his eyes shining. "Exactly! Maybe I didn't join the Occult Research Club, but who knows what else might come my way."

Rias patted Issei's shoulder gently. "That's the spirit, Issei. Keep your heart open to new experiences."

As their conversation continued, Arthur couldn't help but notice the way Issei looked at Rias—his admiration and a hint of something more. It was clear that Issei's decision had created an opportunity for a new connection, even if it wasn't in the way he initially expected.

However, this moment of camaraderie was abruptly interrupted by a news notification that flashed across Arthur's phone. The headline read: "Ogre Sightings Reported in Various Locations Across the City."

Arthur's eyes widened, and he instinctively clicked on the article, his heart pounding as he read the details. "Hey, guys, listen to this." he said, his voice tense.

Issei and Rias turned their attention to him, concern evident on their faces.

"Reports are coming in about ogre sightings in different parts of the city," Arthur continued, his eyes scanning the article. "Witnesses describe them as large, menacing creatures causing chaos in the streets."

Issei's brow furrowed. "Ogres? Like, the fantasy creatures?"

Arthur nodded. "Seems like it. And it's not just here—it's happening in other places too."

Rias exchanged a worried glance with them. "This is unusual. Ogres aren't exactly common in modern times. There must be a reason for their sudden appearance."

Issei leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "You think it's related to the weird creatures we were talking about earlier?"

Arthur pondered for a moment. "It's a possibility. There could be some connection between these events. It's all too coincidental."

Rias crossed her arms, her expression serious. "Whatever the case, it seems like there's more to this than meets the eye. We should be careful."

Just as their concern deepened, the school bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch break. The trio exchanged a knowing look, a mixture of determination and uncertainty in their eyes.

"We'll keep an eye on the situation," Arthur said, pocketing his phone. "Who knows, maybe there's something we can do to help."

Issei nodded, his earlier worries momentarily forgotten. "Right. We might not be part of an occult club, but we're not powerless either."

Rias smiled appreciatively. "You're absolutely right. Sometimes, the most unexpected people can make a significant difference."

With those words, Rias excused herself as her next class was about to begin. Issei watched her go, his gaze lingering for a moment before he turned back to Arthur with a goofy grin on his face.

"Dude, did you see that?" Issei whispered excitedly, his eyes wide with glee.

Arthur couldn't help but chuckle at Issei's enthusiasm. "Yeah, I saw. You've got that 'I just met my crush' look all over your face."

Issei's cheeks turned a shade of red that could rival a tomato. "No way, man! It's just... She's really something, you know?"

Arthur clapped a hand on Issei's shoulder, grinning. "Hey, no need to be embarrassed. We all have our crushes. Just remember, be yourself around her."

Issei nodded, his grin not wavering. "Thanks, Arthur. You're a good friend."

As the two friends shared a lighthearted moment, the school day continued, and the ogre sightings remained at the back of their minds.

Little did they know that their ordinary lives were on the brink of a supernatural adventure that would test their bonds, their courage, and their understanding of the world around them.