Mana awakening !!

Tonight was the night, the night to awaken his mana pearl. How he was going to do it? He didn't know himself...

"Hey, everyone, it's FallenGuys here! Today, we're diving into something pretty exciting. I'm about to attempt awakening my mana pearl!" Arthur's voice resonated with a mixture of anticipation and determination as he addressed his viewers, his face partially hidden behind a mysterious mask.

* Viewers: 3 *

The chat started to buzz with excitement, the viewers eager to witness this unique endeavor.

#Ero-man: Awakening the mana pearl? This sounds intriguing!

#StylishGirl: Ooh, FallenGuys with a new mask?

Arthur chuckled at the reactions he was getting. "Yeah, I thought a new mask could change the atmosphere. Giving me a mysterious vibe .... Now, let's get started."

He had prepared a small, dimly lit space for this experiment. On a table before him lay a collection of items representing each elemental energy: a small flame for fire, a bowl of water, a potted plant, a piece of metal, and a smooth rock. These elements were believed to be the foundation for awakening one's mana pearl.

Arthur said with a small smile, "First, I must warn you that what is about to happen next is not special effects."

#MagixxManiac: Question ??? How do you know that magic is real ??? And how do you know , how to awaken your mana pearl ???

Arthur smiled and said, "As for magic, it's true, it exists. As for the method, I'll tell you afterwards."

Taking a deep breath, Arthur centered himself. He closed his eyes and let the atmosphere settle, immersing himself in a calm silence. He began to visualize the elements, each one distinct and vibrant in his mind.

He started with the flame, its flickering dance inspiring a spark within him. "Fire" he whispered, feeling warmth in his words. Moving to the bowl of water, he imagined the fluidity and adaptability of water. "Water" he murmured, sensing a cool sensation on his skin.

Gently, he touched the leaves of the potted plant, imagining the life force within it. "Wood" he intoned softly. His fingers then brushed the metal object, and he pictured the strength and resilience of metal. "Metal" he said, almost in reverence. Finally, he picked up the smooth rock, sensing the grounded stability it symbolized. "Earth" he declared, his voice steady.

With each elemental affirmation, Arthur felt a connection deepening within him. He opened his senses to the energies around him, letting his consciousness merge with the essence of the elements.

Time seemed to stand still as he continued to focus, the boundaries between himself and the elements blurring.

As he held onto this state of communion, he began to perceive faint glimmers of light. Colors danced behind his closed eyelids, and a sense of harmony filled the space around him. It was as if the room itself resonated with the energies he was channeling.

In front of the camera, Arthur had his eyes closed, leaving the viewers curious about what he was doing. But suddenly, points of red, blue, green, brown, and grey colors began to appear more and more. They started off as transparent dots but gradually became more visible.

#MagixxManiac: Whoa, what's happening? Are those... mana ?

#StylishGirl: This is so mesmerizing! I've never seen anything like it!

#Ero-man: Is this some kind of visual effect? It's like we're inside a fantasy game!

As the colorful points continued to manifest, beads of sweat began to appear on Arthur's forehead, his concentration evident as he focused on the process.

#MagixxManiac: This is getting intense! Arthur, are you okay?

#StylishGirl: The anticipation is killing me! What's going to happen next?

#Ero-man: I've got goosebumps! Is he really awakening his mana pearl?

The once freely floating colorful points began to converge, as if drawn by an invisible force, gradually coalesced in his abdomen , into the forming mana pearl.

#MagixxManiac: Whoa, did you see that? The points are coming together!

#StylishGirl: This is like something out of a fantasy novel! How is it even possible?

#Ero-man: My mind is blown! Arthur, you're really doing it!

[ APEXGUY Joined the chat ]

* Viewers: 4 *


Seeing a new viewer, the three viewers who had been there from the beginning explained the story to him from the start...

#APEXGUY: So, right now you are saying this guy will become the first mage in this world if 'Mana' truly exists, and he will be the proof of the existence of 'Mana' ???

#Ero-man: Yes, that's the essence of it. He's in the process of awakening his magic pearl, which might hold the key to understanding these strange occurrences.

#StylishGirl: It's like a supernatural adventure unfolding in real life, right here on the stream !!!

Suddenly, a blinding light dazzled the four viewers! Arthur slowly opened his eyes; he had just been awakened and gained the knowledge of how to become an apprentice in magic... (So, all this story about helping humans was true...) Arthur thought.

[ MagixxManiac Has donated you 1000$ ]

[ MagixxManiac: MASTER !!!!!! TEACH ME THE WAY !!!!!! ]

Seeing the donation, Arthur felt surprised and moved. Finally, a donation after five streams... "I WOULD BE HAPPY TO TEACH YOU, AFTER ALL, IT'S MY DUTY...." he said with a joyful smile.


"Hello APEXGUY!! Welcome to my stream!! Well, to prove the existence of magic, I'm going to cast a simple spell, [Little Torch]," Arthur announced.

" [ Little Torch ] is a practical magic for everyday life. It allows you to conjure a small flame at the tip of your finger, like this..." Arthur added.

"To you who give meaning to life..."

"To you who give hatred, anger..."

"To you who ignite passion in life..."

"To me [ Fire Spell : Little Torch]."

A tiny, flickering flame appeared at its tip, illuminating the area around it. The viewers watched in awe as the flame danced, casting a warm glow. The flame grew brighter and steadier, shifting in color to emit a reddish hue. It seemed to dance and sway with Arthur's words, creating a mesmerizing display of magic.

* Viewers: 4 *


#MagixxManiac: This is insane!! Arthur is a real mage!

#StylishGirl: I can't believe my eyes! The flame is so beautiful!

#Ero-man: This is beyond cool! Can you teach me that spell, Arthur?


Seeing that he had impressed these four viewers, he smirked and said, "Why use your spells, you have to awaken, you will need..."

#APEXGUY: What's the process?

#MagixxManiac: Arthur, tell us more! We're all ears!

#StylishGirl: This is getting even more intriguing! Please explain, Arthur!

#Ero-man: I'm ready to learn! Teach us, awaken what?

Arthur took a moment, his eyes focused on the flickering flame in his hand, and then he continued, "To awaken your magical potential, you'll need five things, each representing one of the elements."

#APEXGUY: Elements? Like, earth, water, fire, and all that stuff?

Arthur nodded. "Exactly. The five elements that are at the core of magic itself. To awaken your mana and tap into the world of magic, you'll need symbols of these elements. Let me break it down for you."

He leaned forward and said, "You'll need a lit candle to represent Fire, a glass of water for Water, a piece of wood or a plant for Wood, a metallic object for Metal, and finally some soil for Earth."


In the same neighborhood as our protagonist Arthur, there was a house with a sign that read "Hyoudou Family." A few minutes earlier...

Issei Hyoudou was, as usual, browsing the internet on his computer when he suddenly felt the urge to watch a live stream.

"Damn, is that real?"

Issei's curiosity got the best of him, and he clicked on the link to the live stream that had caught his attention. The video quickly loaded, revealing FallenGuy stream titled "Awakening the Mana Pearl."

As Issei watched, he saw FallenGuy in front of the camera, talking about magic, elements, and the process of awakening mana.

Issei's eyebrows furrowed in intrigue as he listened to FallenGuy explanations and watched the colorful points of light converge into a glowing pearl.

The display of magic left Issei both amazed and skeptical.

As the stream continued, Issei found himself drawn into the conversation among the viewers. The exchange of questions, explanations, and reactions added to his growing fascination. And when Arthur successfully conjured the flame with the spell "Little Torch," Issei's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Whoa, did you all see that?! Magic is real?!" Issei whispered to himself, his disbelief tinged with excitement.

The chat was buzzing with amazement, and Issei couldn't help but join in.

#Ero-man: This is insane! Is magic seriously a thing now? 🔥🔮

#APEXGUY: Okay, I need to know more about this. Is it all a hoax or is there some truth to it?

As Arthur explained the process of awakening mana and the symbolism of the elements, Issei's skepticism began to waver.

He found himself contemplating the possibility of magic being real, and a surge of determination welled up inside him. He decided he had to know more, to understand the truth behind what he was witnessing.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Issei continued to watch the stream, absorbing every bit of information Arthur shared. The notion of awakening his own mana pearl started to take root in his mind. As the stream came to an end, Issei sat back in his chair, deep in thought.

"Dad always said I had a wild imagination," Issei muttered to himself. "But maybe there's more to the world than I thought. Maybe there's something extraordinary out there waiting for me."