"HA HA HA, I CAN USE MAGIC NOW!!" exclaimed a person in front of a stream under the name FallenGuys.

"I CAN FEEL THE DARKNESS POWER IN MY LEFT HAND! HAAA! COME TO ME, POWER!" the person shouted, attempting to cast a fireball spell. However, nothing emerged from their hand...

"I'M TOO STRONG!! NOT EVEN A FIREBALL CAN BE CAST WITH MY MASSIVE MANA!!" the person added, making bizarre gestures...


" If you have awakened your mana pearl, please say 'Yes' in the chat."

* Viewers: 4 *

#StylishGirl: Yes, I did it! I have awakened!


#MagixxManiac: PRAISE ME! I'm the MAGIC GOD! HA HA HA!

#APEXGUY: I will be the real APEX in this world!!!

"That's nice, you are all awakened. Please be aware that if you have awakened your mana pearl, it only means one thing... The world will soon awaken, and you will be on the front line!" Arthur said with a solemn tone.

However, the viewers seemed unfazed by his warning. Their excitement and enthusiasm appeared to overshadow any concerns about the potential consequences.

#StylishGirl: Front line or not, I'm ready for this magical adventure!

#Ero-man: Bring it on! I've been waiting for something like this my whole life!

#MagixxManiac: As the Magic God, I shall embrace whatever comes my way with open arms!

#APEXGUY: Front line, back line, any line—I'll conquer it all!

The chat was filled with determination and a sense of camaraderie among the awakened viewers. It seemed that their newly discovered magical potential had ignited a fire of enthusiasm within them.

Arthur's frustration was palpable as he let out a sigh. It appeared that his warning hadn't quite landed as he had hoped. Determined to guide them in a more practical direction, he spoke up again.

"Alright, I understand your excitement, but it's important to be prepared. Before you dive headfirst into any magical endeavors, you should know your elemental compatibility," Arthur said, his voice carrying a hint of concern.

He glanced at the chat, where the viewers' messages were scrolling by rapidly.

#StylishGirl: Elemental compatibility? What's that?

#Ero-man: Yeah, I'm ready to learn! How do we figure out our elemental affinity?

#MagixxManiac: Is there a quiz for that? I'm eager to know my elemental match!

#APEXGUY: Compatibility, huh? Let's get to the bottom of this!

Arthur nodded, appreciating their curiosity. "Elemental compatibility refers to the natural affinity you have with a specific element of magic. Each person's mana is attuned to one of the five elemental energies we talked about earlier: Fire, Water, Wood, Metal, and Earth."

He continued, "Knowing your elemental affinity will help you focus your magical studies and spells, allowing you to harness your powers more effectively."

#StylishGirl: So, how do we find out our elemental affinity?

#Ero-man: Is there a test or something?

#MagixxManiac: I'm getting impatient to know!

#APEXGUY: Let's cut to the chase and find out already!

Arthur nodded again, understanding their eagerness. "To determine your elemental affinity, you'll need to undergo a simple magical resonance test. It involves meditating and attuning yourself to the elements. Don't worry, it's not complicated. I can guide you through it."

He then gestured towards the collection of elemental representations on the table.

#StylishGirl: Guided meditation for magic? Count me in!

#Ero-man: I'm all ears, Arthur!

#MagixxManiac: Lead the way, Master!

#APEXGUY: Alright, let's see what element I resonate with!

Arthur smiled, appreciating their enthusiasm. "Alright, follow my lead. Place your hand on the fire candle. If you can attract more mana than usual, then you are compatible with the fire element." He watched as the viewers eagerly followed his instructions, each placing their hand on the candle.

As they did so, the flame of the candle flickered and wavered, responding to their presence. Arthur's eyes glinted with intrigue, curious to see how the elemental energies would interact with each viewer.

Soon, in the room of each viewer, a faint glow of fire mana could be felt. The atmosphere seemed to be charged with a subtle warmth, indicating a connection with the fire element.

However, unlike Arthur, who seemed to have a strong affinity for fire mana, the viewers' connection was more subdued, like a gentle flicker of a flame. Nonetheless, the experience left them excited and intrigued, feeling the potential of magic within them.

#StylishGirl: I can feel it! The warmth, the energy!

#Ero-man: This is amazing! I actually sensed something!

#MagixxManiac: Fire magic, here I come!

#APEXGUY: Huh, I guess there's something to this magic stuff after all.

Arthur smiled as he observed the viewers' attempts to connect with the fire element. However, it seemed that none of them were able to awaken a strong compatibility with the fire elemental energy.

#StylishGirl: Hmm, I guess fire isn't my thing after all.

#Ero-man: Well, I didn't expect to be a fire mage anyway.

#MagixxManiac: Maybe I'll have better luck with another element!

#APEXGUY: Fire magic? Not really feeling it.

Arthur nodded understandingly. "Remember, not everyone's mana is aligned with the same element. Each person has a unique connection to a specific elemental energy. Let's move on to the other elements and see if you find a better resonance."

He guided them through the process again, one by one, with each of the other elemental representations on the table.

The viewers placed their hands on the water vial, the potted plant, the metal object, and the smooth rock, in search of the element they were naturally attuned to. As they did, the energies in the room shifted, and faint hints of each respective element's mana could be sensed.

#StylishGirl: Water feels so soothing! I think it's for me.

#Ero-man: I'm also connected to water! We are fated, StylishGirl!

#MagixxManiac: Plant energy? Maybe I have a green thumb!

#APEXGUY: Metal or rock? I'm not sure if I'm sensing anything.

Arthur looked at them with a reassuring smile. "Remember, discovering your elemental affinity might take time and practice. It's a journey of self-discovery and connection with the energies around you. Don't worry if you don't feel a strong pull right away."

The viewers nodded, a mixture of determination and curiosity in their expressions. Even if they hadn't found their compatible element yet, the experience had sparked their interest in exploring their magical potential further.

"I'm glad that you've all awakened! But I need to remind you that the mana in the air is pretty weak, so you can't use magic just yet. I will give each of you a basic magic spell to initiate you into the world of magic."

As Arthur mentioned giving them basic magic spells, the viewers started to voice their thoughts in the chat:

#StylishGirl: Wait, you cast a spell yesterday, why not us? We want to try too!

#Ero-man: Yeah, I wanna feel the magic too! Teach us, Arthur!

#MagixxManiac: Don't leave us hanging! We're ready for some magic action!

#APEXGUY: Agreed! Let's see what these basic spells are all about!

Arthur paused for a moment, contemplating whether he should introduce them to the world of magic right now. The world had not even fully awakened; the mana in the air was weak. He could only help awaken the mana pearl for a fraction of people, and initiate others into the warrior pearl, which was different from the mana pearl....

Realizing that he had once stood in their shoes, he smiled at their enthusiasm.

"Alright, I understand your eagerness. Before I proceed, though, keep in mind that magic is a journey...." Arthur typed.

#StylishGirl: We're ready to learn, SENPAI !

#Ero-man: Yeah, we're up for the challenge!

#MagixxManiac: Lead the way, sensei!

#APEXGUY: Let's do this! Teach us, Master FallenGuys!


"I was waiting for this..." a voice spoke up, the excitement evident in the girl's tone.

As the viewers eagerly awaited Arthur's guidance, a sudden interruption occurred in the girl's room as a door creaked open and a stern voice broke through the excitement.

"Can you keep it down, Akeno?" a man's annoyed voice sounded. "And what are you doing with all these elements on your table?"

Akeno's face turned slightly red. "Sorry, Dad," she whispered apologetically. She quickly explained, "I'm just watching a live stream about magic, and the streamer is teaching his viewers about elemental magic."

Her father's gaze shifted from the collection of elemental items to Akeno's face, a mix of curiosity and concern in his expression. "Magic? You know I've never been a fan of such fantastical things. Are you getting into this superficial trend now?"

Akeno hesitated for a moment, then replied earnestly, "Dad, it's not just about trends or superficiality. I find it fascinating, and I believe there might be something more to it."

Her father studied her for a moment, searching for any sign of doubt or insincerity in her eyes. After a brief silence, he sighed, "Well, just keep the noise level down. And make sure you're not getting carried away with things that might distract you from your studies."

Akeno nodded, grateful that her father hadn't scolded her further. "Thank you, Dad. I'll be more careful."

Her father offered a faint smile before leaving the room, his footsteps gradually fading away.

Akeno took a deep breath and refocused her attention on the live stream.