Splash ....

As Akeno refocused on the live stream, the chat was buzzing with excitement. The viewers were eagerly awaiting Arthur's next guidance, eager to learn more about their elemental affinities and the world of magic.

"Alright, for the magic of water, the incantation goes as follows:

'To you who bestows fluidity upon life...'

'To you who brings forth calm and serenity...'

'To you who awakens the power of water within life...'

'To me [Water Spell: Droplet].'

As Arthur recited the incantation, a small droplet of water formed in his hand, glistening with magical energy.

The viewers watched in awe as the water droplet hung in the air for a moment before falling, landing with a gentle splash on the table before him. The atmosphere seemed to ripple with a soothing sensation, as if the very essence of water had been awakened in the room.

Among the viewers, Akeno felt a spark of excitement ignite within her. Watching the water magic unfold before her eyes, she couldn't help but wonder if she, too, could harness such power.

Remembering the incantation for the water spell that Arthur had just shared, she closed her eyes, trying to attune herself to the element. She envisioned the serene flow of water, the tranquility it brought, and the adaptability it represented.

With a deep breath, Akeno recited the incantation silently in her mind:

'To you who bestows fluidity upon life...'

'To you who brings forth calm and serenity...'

'To you who awakens the power of water within life...'

'To me [Water Spell: Droplet].'

As she spoke the words mentally, a sense of connection washed over her. She felt a subtle shift in the air around her, as if the room acknowledged her presence and intention. Slowly, her hands began to tingle, a sensation she had never experienced before.

Akeno cautiously opened her eyes, her gaze fixed on her hands. To her amazement, a small droplet of water began to form, hovering above her palm. It shimmered with a faint blue light, reflecting the magical energy that resonated within her.

Akeno cautiously opened her eyes, her gaze fixed on her hands. To her amazement, a small water droplet began to form, hovering above her palm. It shimmered with a faint blue glow, reflecting the magical energy resonating within her.

"OH, I DID IT!!" Akeno exclaimed, her voice filled with cheerful excitement.

Filled with a sense of accomplishment and joy, she quickly turned her attention to the chat window, eager to share her success:

#StylishGirl: I DID IT! I managed to cast a spell!!!

The chat window buzzed with enthusiastic messages, congratulating Akeno on her achievement. The room seemed to be filled with positive energy, a shared moment of triumph that connected all the viewers.

Arthur's voice came through the stream, sounding proud and encouraging: "Congratulations, StylishGirl! You've tapped into the power of water magic. Hold onto this success and continue your magical journey."

As the stream continued, everyone was able to successfully cast a spell aligned with their elemental affinity. However, by the end of the stream, a common issue arose. Everyone felt exhausted, not physically, but they all had headaches.

Arthur noticed the situation and addressed it, saying, "I see that you all have headaches. It's actually due to a depletion of mana in your pearl. But don't worry, all you need to do is get a good night's sleep and eat well to replenish your mana."

The viewers in the chat started expressing their fatigue and discomfort, but also their excitement and gratitude for the magical experience they had just shared.

They thanked Arthur for his guidance and eagerly discussed their plans to rest and recover so they could delve further into their newfound magical abilities.

The stream came to an end, and Akeno got up from her chair. Let me describe Akeno to you: She was a young woman with an air of excitement and determination. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and a newfound sense of confidence. She had a playful energy about her, evident in the way she carried herself.

Wearing a cute bunny-themed pajama set, she dashed out of her room and headed to the living room. The soft fabric of the pajamas matched her energetic demeanor. The bunny ears on the pajama top gave her a whimsical charm as she hurried, eager to show her magical achievement to her family.

In the living room, her parents were relaxing on the couch, engrossed in their own activities. Akeno couldn't contain her enthusiasm as she raised her hand, focusing her magical energy.

With a concentrated look on her face, a small droplet of water formed above her palm. It glimmered with a gentle blue light, capturing the essence of her newfound magical ability.

"Mom, Dad, look!" Akeno exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. She released the water droplet, letting it hover gracefully before her parents' astonished eyes. The droplet danced in the air for a moment before gently landing on her open palm.

Her parents stared in awe, their expressions a mix of surprise and wonder. Their daughter had conjured a water droplet seemingly out of thin air.

Her father finally spoke, a grin forming on his face, "Impressive magic trick! I really like it."

Akeno's mother chimed in with a smile, "That was wonderful, Akeno! Just remember to clean up your mess afterward!"

Akeno was left speechless. Here she was, having just discovered the world of magic, an incredible revelation that should have been awe-inspiring and a validation of the fantastical stories she had heard.

Yet, it was interpreted as nothing more than a simple magic trick. The realization that the realm of fantasy creatures she'd come to believe in, the news stories she'd taken as truth, were reduced to mere tricks left her stunned.






As Akeno poured her frustration into perfecting the incantation, something extraordinary happened. A small droplet of water materialized in her hand, but it didn't stop there.

Unbeknownst to her, her increasing emotional energy caused the water droplet to grow larger and larger, defying her attempts to halt the spell.

Akeno's eyes widened as the droplet expanded beyond her control, assuming an enormous size. Panic welled up within her as she struggled to figure out how to stop the spell.

Her heart raced, and her mind raced even faster as she desperately searched for a solution. But before she could find one, the oversized droplet slipped from her grasp and plummeted to the ground with an echoing splash.

The impact sent water splashing in all directions, creating a small wave that reached her parents, who had been watching nearby.

The unexpected shower soaked them both, leaving them utterly bewildered and drenched. Akeno's jaw dropped as she stared at the aftermath, her cheeks burning with embarrassment and surprise.

"Um, sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen!" Akeno stammered, her voice filled with chagrin.

However, her parents' reaction was not what she had expected. They were left speechless, their eyes wide with astonishment. It was evident that they realized their daughter hadn't just performed a magic trick; she had conjured actual magic.

Akeno's cheeks flushed with a mixture of surprise and nervousness as her parents exchanged incredulous looks. Her mother finally managed to break the silence, her voice carrying a mix of wonder and disbelief, "Akeno, was that... real magic?"

Her father, still processing what had just occurred, nodded slowly. "I think we just witnessed something extraordinary."

Akeno bit her lip, unsure of how to respond. She had intended to show them a genuine magical display, but the unexpected scale of her spell had caught her off guard as well.

"I've been watching that magic stream online, and I tried to do it too," Akeno explained hesitantly. "I didn't think it would actually work."

Her parents continued to exchange amazed glances, the realization sinking in. This wasn't a mere illusion or a staged performance; their daughter had tapped into a realm of supernatural power that was beyond their comprehension.

"What's happening, Father of Your Daughter?" Akeno's mother asked, her voice tinged with a mix of astonishment and concern.

"I don't know what's happening, Mother of Your Daughter," her father replied, his expression a blend of surprise and curiosity.

As the magnitude of the situation dawned on them, they both turned their attention back to Akeno, who was still staring at her hands in disbelief.

The room was filled with a sense of wonder and uncertainty, as they collectively grappled with the newfound awareness of the magical world that had opened up before them.

And it wasn't just Akeno; among the other three viewers, a similar realization was unfolding. The boundaries of their understanding were being stretched as they came to terms with the fact that magic was real, and they were now a part of it.