Magic is spreading like a "Wand-erful Chaos"

"HAH... WHAT A WONDERFUL NIGHT ! " exclaimed a person with a wicked grin, a distant view against the dark night. A glass of wine twirling in the moonlight, torches ablaze, all accompanied by a good old classic tune, "Moonlight Sonata."

Not far from him, his computer was open on the globally renowned website WEBNOVEL.STREAM.JP. His username was 'MagixxManiac.'

Today, he awakened... "KU KU KU, I AM GOING TO ENJOY THIS WORLD!!" he exclaimed with a sinister smile . "My dreams will come true, HA HA HA," he added with a joyful tone.

But he was interrupted by a middle-aged lady who abruptly opened the door and yelled, "Cid, what are you still doing awake at this hour, and what do you have in your hand? You dare to drink wine when you're not even of legal age!" She approached Cid slowly, her angry expression revealing that her sleep had been disrupted by her son's noise.

"Listen to me, Mom !!!!! it's grape juice, look..." Cid hastily responded, pointing to the grape juice box in his basket, along with some white tissus.

"BUT THAT DOESN'T JUSTIFY THE RUCKUS YOU'RE MAKING! But I'll forgive you if you give me your limited edition Moonlight Sonata disc. " Cid's mother said, her tone slightly softening.

"No way, Mom... it was very expensive, and I paid with my own money....." replied Cid.

"IN THAT CASE..." Cid's mother began, rolling up her sleeves and ready to show who was the boss of the house.

Seeing his mother approaching closer and closer, Cid knew he didn't have a choice. Even his father had become the number two in the family; everyone had to listen to the family's number one, and that was his mother. She was the voice of authority in the household, and the fact that she held a black belt in Judo was a bad sign. He had to surrender... he knew .

"Ohh, great queen of the household, I beseech you to take the disc and forgive me...." said Cid, getting down on his knees in a Dogeza position to prove his ultimate apology.

"Hmph... by the way, you keep shouting that you succeeded, succeeded? Succeeded at what?" wondered Cid's mother.

CID slowly got up from the floor like a zombie, his mother even becoming a bit startled by her son's behavior.

"KU KU , Mom, I'll show you my true power, ha ha ha," Cid said with a mischievous smile.

"What do you mean?" his mother asked, not understanding what was happening.

"LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME," exclaimed CID, opening his arms at a 70-degree angle like a proclaimed deity.

"Yeah, I'm looking..." his mother replied, growing increasingly impatient.

"LOOK AT ME..." Cid started to say but was interrupted by a swift slap on the back of his head from his mother, sending Cid sprawling to the ground.

"SPEAK HUMAN LANGUAGE!!! DAMN IT!!" his mother exclaimed in exasperation.

"Ok... just wait ." Cid said, focusing his concentration on the incantation for wood magic.

"To you who embodies the growth of life..."

"To you who holds the tranquil strength of wood..."

"To you who connects earthly energy to existence..."

"To me [Wooden Spell: Twig]."

As the incantation left Cid's lips, a sense of magic filled the air, and a small twig sprouted from the plant next to him. It grew rapidly, extending to a length of 25 centimeters in a matter of seconds. The once ordinary plant now bore a testament to Cid's newfound abilities.

Cid's mother stared at the growing twig in astonishment, her eyes widening with surprise. She had expected her son to come up with some elaborate excuse or perform a silly trick, but what she witnessed was beyond her comprehension. The sight of a twig sprouting before her eyes defied all logic and explanation.

"Wha... What just happened?" she stammered, her disbelief evident in her voice. She took a step closer to examine the twig, as if trying to find any rational explanation for the phenomenon she had just witnessed.

Cid with a smug grin say . "See, Mom? I told you I've been practicing some magic."

His mother's gaze shifted from the twig to Cid, her surprise slowly transforming into a mix of curiosity and concern. "Magic? You can't be serious, Cid."

Cid got up from the ground and picked up the twig, holding it out towards his mother as if to offer it as proof. "Believe it or not, Mom, I've got the power."

She hesitated, clearly grappling with the surreal situation unfolding before her. Magic was something that belonged to tales and fiction, not the real world. Yet here was her son, claiming to possess magical abilities and demonstrating them right in front of her.

Cid's mother reached out and tentatively touched the twig. It felt real, solid, and completely unlike anything she had expected. Her skepticism wavered, replaced by a mixture of amazement and uncertainty.

"Is this... really magic?" she murmured, more to herself than to Cid.

Cid nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, Mom!"

She took a deep breath, still processing the situation. "Cid, this is... incredible..." She then grabbed her son's arms and exclaimed, "Teach me... TEACH ME NOW!!!" Her urgency was evident as she shook her son with full force.

"You're hurting me, Mom... ah... ahh... help me... stop shaking meee... me... meeee !!!!" said Cid with a distressed tone. His mother, on the other hand, had a smiling face and stars in her eyes.

Amidst the excitement, Cid's mother finally released her grip, chuckling softly. "I'm sorry, Cid. I just couldn't contain my enthusiasm. This is all so overwhelming and unexpected. And to think that my childhood dream of magic could actually come true..."

"Wait, what?" Cid's eyes widened, his surprise evident.

"I'M GOING TO BECOME A MAGICAL GIRL!!!" Cid's mother exclaimed with a cheerful tone, her eyes sparkling with newfound determination.

Cid's jaw dropped as he processed his mother's words. "Mom, I think you might be mixing up a few things. Magical girls are usually characters in anime or stories. Magic in real life is quite different."

His mother's smile didn't waver. "Oh, I know, but think about it, Cid! I can learn magic from you and become like those heroes in the stories. It'll be my own little adventure!"

Cid scratched his head, clearly bemused by his mother's enthusiasm. "Mom, becoming a magical girl involves more than just learning magic spells. And you're... well, not a girl."

His mother waved her hand dismissively. "Details, details. Age is just a number, right? And who says magical girls have to be young?"

Cid blinked, momentarily speechless. He hadn't expected this twist in the conversation. "Mom, I think we should focus on learning and practicing magic first. And maybe we can find another way for you to live out your magical girl dreams."

His mother pouted playfully. "Spoilsport. But you're right, we should take it step by step. Now, how about you teach me that twig spell? It'll be a start to my magical journey!"

Cid sighed, unable to resist his mother's infectious enthusiasm. "Alright, Mom, let's start with the basics. But remember, being a magical girl in real life might not be as glamorous as it sounds."

As Cid began explaining the fundamentals of magic, he couldn't help but chuckle at his mother's unwavering excitement.


"I can feel it!!! MY POWER IS RISING!!!! THE SEAL ON MY RIGHT HAND WILL BE UNDONE!!!" exclaimed a young man.

"ISSEI, WHAT ARE YOU DOING????" his mother exclaimed, seeing her son contorting himself into bizarre positions.


The magic was spreading, little by little, magic would take its place in the world... But that would remain a story for the future.