Flexing in front of classmates!!

Arthur mading his way to the high school, contemplating the success of his stream the previous night. He had successfully contributed to the awakening of four of his viewers, signifying a promising start to his mission.

In relation to his task, he had encountered another dream the night before. In this dream, he learned that with each advancement in rank, he would unlock additional knowledge to aid humans in their awakening.

Arthur was resolute now; he was the chosen one meant to assist humans. Why him? He remained uncertain, but he believed that the truth would eventually unfold. Just last night, he had unlocked knowledge about the "Warrior Pearl" .

The "Warrior Pearl" was the counterpart to the "Mana Pearl" which focused on awakening the human's aura. A human had two choices: one was the path of mana, and the other was the path of aura. However, the awakening of the "Warrior Pearl" differed from that of mana.

Unlike mana, awakening aura was not easy. Calling upon the surrounding elements could awaken mana effortlessly, but aura demanded intense physical effort in return for greater power.

As Arthur walked to school, he mulled over these thoughts. He contemplated the daunting task of assisting humans in unlocking their aura, fully aware of the dedication and effort it would demand.

Why? you will wonder.

Why would anyone choose to awaken a 'Warrior Pearl' when the 'Mana Pearl' is simpler to awaken, more fantastical, and takes less time? But according to the knowledge he acquired, a human could follow both paths.

The knowledge he possessed indicated that harnessing both the Warrior Pearl and the Mana Pearl was possible, but it required intricate balance and control. Those who attempted to embrace both without proper equilibrium risked their very lives.

As Arthur entered the school premises, he couldn't shake off the weight of responsibility that came with his mission. He knew that the journey ahead wouldn't be easy, and guiding others to make such a crucial choice between the two pearls was a task not to be taken lightly.

Deep in thought, Arthur found himself contemplating whether he should share this newfound knowledge with his viewers. Should he reveal the complexities of the "Warrior Pearl" and the challenges it presented compared to the more accessible "Mana Pearl"?

He understood the allure of presenting a fantastical narrative, but he also felt an obligation to provide an honest perspective.

After all, his viewers were relying on him to lead them towards their awakening. Would they be discouraged by the rigorous path of the "Warrior Pearl," or would they be inspired to embrace the challenge?

As he walked through the school halls, Arthur knew that the choices he made in this journey would impact not only his own path but also the paths of those he aimed to guide.

And so, with a determined spirit, he decided to address his viewers during his next stream, offering them both the knowledge and the choice that lay ahead.

Walking through the school hallway, he was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard from a distance, "Wow, how did you do that, ISSEI-KUN?"

Arthur turned his attention towards the source of the voice and saw a small group of students gathered around Issei, who seemed to be showcasing some kind of magical feat.

Issei's confident grin was evident as he basked in the attention, demonstrating a seemingly effortless display of power.

"Again... Again..." said one of the classmates near Issei, leaning towards him and showing off her cleavage.

Issei chuckled confidently, seemingly enjoying the attention and the admiration of his classmates. He then chanted for the element of metal,

"To you who symbolizes the endurance of life..."

"To you who holds the resolute strength of metal..."

"To you who channels the transformative essence of change..."

"To me [Metal Spell: Shimmering Alloy]."

Suddenly, the object in Issei's hand began to shimmer with a brilliant light...

(Did I cheat my best friend's magic so he can flex?) thought Arthur as he watched Issei display his magic to impress the class. In that moment, he realized that his best friend was one of his viewers.

While Issei knew that Arthur streamed under a certain pseudonym of "Fallen Angel," he had no idea that it was a fake streaming account created to avoid being recognized.

During the class introduction at the beginning of the year, Arthur had intentionally mentioned that he aspired to become a streamer in the future. His classmates then asked him for his streaming name, so he provided them with this false pseudonym...

"Can you please teach me... Please?" said the classmates surrounding Issei.

"Join Fallenguys this night, he is a real mage, not like me who is a beginner," Arthur responded, shifting the focus away from himself

As Issei showcased his magical prowess, his eyes scanned the classroom, and he locked eyes with Arthur. A mischievous grin played on his lips as he recognized his best friend amidst the crowd.

Without missing a beat, Issei concluded his magical display to a round of applause from his classmates.

As the bell rang and the class dispersed, Issei approached Arthur with an enthusiastic gleam in his eyes. He casually slipped his arm through Arthur's elbow and gave him a playful nudge. "Hey, Arthur, you saw that, right? Impressive, huh?"

Arthur chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you definitely stole the spotlight there, Issei."

Issei's grin widened. "You know me, always trying to make things exciting."

Their casual banter was interrupted by Issei's next move. Without warning, he tugged on Arthur's arm and started guiding him towards the exit. "Come on, let's get out of here. I've got something cool to show you."

Arthur raised an eyebrow, intrigued yet slightly wary. "Oh? What's this 'cool thing' you're talking about?"

Issei laughed, his enthusiasm contagious. "It's a secret spot I found a while ago. Trust me, you're gonna love it."

Curiosity piqued, Arthur allowed himself to be led by Issei. They maneuvered through the bustling school corridors until they finally reached a secluded area outside the campus. A hidden grove of trees and a small clearing formed their secret haven.

"Here we are ... " Issei announced, spreading his arms dramatically as if revealing a grand treasure.

Arthur looked around, impressed by the serene setting. "Not bad, Issei. This is a great find."

Issei's playful grin remained as he leaned closer to Arthur. "Oh, it gets better. Check this out." With a flourish of his hand, he summoned a small orb of light, casting an enchanting glow over the area.

Arthur's eyes widened in genuine amazement. "Issei, that's..."

"A little magic trick I've been practicing." Issei finished for him, his voice tinged with pride.

( How did he do this? I haven't even covered non-elemental magic in my streams yet, let alone chantless magic? ) thought Arthur, his expression a mixture of genuine surprise and bewilderment.

"How did you do this? Is this real magic?" Arthur asked with a trembling yet excited voice.

"Yeah, I know! That was also my first reaction. The streamer I saw yesterday was ..." Issei replied, his voice filled with a mix of awe and amazement. And then Issei proceeded to explain the whole story to Arthur.

[Several minutes later]

"Really? I can also learn?" exclaimed Arthur, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Of course!! You can!! this is revolutionary. Prepare yourself, the world will change..." responded Issei.

However, this wasn't just an ordinary story. A plot twist was about to unfold. Just as they were immersed in their conversation, both of them received a message simultaneously on their phones. The message was simple yet cryptic, containing only a few words:

"Prepare for the Awakening Trials. Your destiny awaits."