A Strange Murder Case

Every day was the same thing. Wake up (late most of the time), eat breakfast, do random crap, possibly eat lunch, more random crap, eat dinner, take a shower, do even more random crap, and then I go to bed only for the process to repeat the next day. It was pretty easy to grow tired of how repetitive my life was beginning to get. I just wondered when things were going to change.

Little did I know, something really weird was going to happen. Something I couldn't run from. I was eating cereal on the couch in the living room while watching the news. Normally I'd be watching anime or something but there was something that caught my attention. Something was happening where I lived.

"That's the third of these unexplained murders," the woman on TV said, "for some reason, no matter how much the bodies are examined, nobody has been able to determine a cause of death."

"What the hell's happened to this place?" I commented, "Next they're gonna tell me there's a world inside the TV and that's where those people died."

I thought what I just said was ridiculous until my mind decided to flashback to the adventures I went on in the past. I shook my head.

"Those days are over, Ron." I said, "You're no hero anymore."

I just looked down at my half-eaten bowl of cereal and sighed.

"Still," I said, "it's pretty weird how something like this would suddenly come up now. Oh well, it's not like it'll have anything to do with me."

After that, the doorbell rings.

"Wouldn't it be funny if this had something to do with the murders?" I said, getting up, "It's probably a package or something."

I then walked to our front door and opened it to see Jon.

"Ron," he said, "we're going to need-."

I slammed the door shut.

"This can't be real." I said quietly.

"Dammit, Ron!" he said, "Open up! This is important!"

"Go away," I replied, "I'm not home."

"Yes, you are." responded Jon, "I saw you and I can hear you."

"I didn't order anything." I replied.

"Ron, this is important!" he yelled.

I wasn't listening. I didn't want anything to do with this.

"Oh, how the mighty has fallen." a familiar female voice said.

"What? You think you can get him to listen to you?" asked Jon.

"I can try." she responded.

"This has nothing to do with me." I responded, "Cerise, Jon. Go bother someone else."

"Nothing to do with you?" said Cerise, "How can you say that when the murder victims are being found in your own world?"

"What...?" I responded.