Reunion Of The Heroes

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"People are being murdered in different worlds." said Cerise.

"Hold on," I said, "I thought people that died in another world…"

"If one were to die in a world that is not their own," said Cerise, "they will be sent back to their own. However, if their corpse is thrown back into their own world what do you think would happen?"

"I don't know." I said, "The whole universe will collapse on itself or something?"

"Their corpse will overwrite their existence," said Cerise, "they will be dead for real."

"Were all the victims…" I started.

"So far, all victims have been confirmed to be from your world." said Cerise.

"Great," I said, "so… why do you want me to get involved?"

"Because," she said, "you were the one that defeated Miles. We really would benefit from having you around."

"What's the point?" I asked, "It's not like-"

"Now listen up." she said, grabbing me by my shirt.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I said, "What's gotten into you?"

"Settle down, Cerise." said Jon.

"I don't know what's going through your head," continued Cerise, "but you need to know that your efforts so far haven't been worthless."

"Are you coming or not?" asked Jon.

Right after that, I got a text. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and saw that it was from my friend, Jason. I quickly read the message and saw that he was wanting me to join too.

"Fine." I said, "If Jason's going, I guess I'll go."

"Good." said Cerise.

Jon then got out his whistle and blew into it. After that, we were in the medieval town of Dovacath that I had gotten familiar with in my previous adventures. Honestly, just being here felt extremely nostalgic.

"It's been so long since I've been here." I said.

"Let's meet up with everyone." said Jon.

He led me to a familiar building. It was the same place where all of the heroes were brought together back when I was in high school. It felt as if I had returned home after being away for a while. When we went inside, I saw several faces I was familiar with. Inside was Lilith, Lucas, Iris, Charles, Jeff, Jean, Jason, Mikaela and for some reason, my brother was there too.

Lastly, there were two girls I didn't recognize. The one to my left was about my height with very light brown hair that's shoulder-length and her eyes were gray. What stood out to me was how she was wearing a light blue jacket similar to the one that I used to wear in high school. For some reason, she seemed familiar, but I just couldn't think of where I had seen her before. The girl on my right had neck-length blonde hair, red eyes and was a bit taller. She was also wearing glasses and a police uniform.

"So, uh," I said, scratching the back of my head, "why is my brother here?"

After I said that, I was hit in the face with a ball.

"Augh!" I exclaimed.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to throw things!" shouted Lilith, running after a little boy with short brown hair and green eyes.

"Oh, that must be one of the twins." I said.

"This one's a little trouble maker." said Lilith, picking her young son up.

"I see." I replied.

"If only he could stay out of trouble like his sister." muttered Jon, who was suddenly holding a young girl with shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes.

"I think this is the first time I've seen either of them." I said.

"You could have come to visit any time, you know?" said Cerise.

"Right." I replied, "Sorry."

Then, I heard the sound of something falling over. After that, we all heard the sound of someone crying. After looking around, I saw there was another little girl, this one having shoulder-length brown hair and green eyes. Lucas quickly ran over to her and picked her up.

"We've told you not to run inside." he said.

"Wait." I said, "Is she yours?"

"Oh, right." he said, "We never told you. This is my daughter, Chloe."

"Ah, how old is she?" I asked.

"About the same age as Eric and Mia." answered Lucas.

"The twins?" I responded.

"Yes." he said.

"Hold on," I said, looking at my fingers and trying to count, "then that means you and Iris-"

"N-now's not the time to be talking about stuff like that!" exclaimed Lucas.

"No, you're right." I said, "We need to worry about the case, right?"

"Exactly," said Jon, who still had his little girl clinging to him.

"Okay," I said pointing at the two new girls, "I know who nearly everyone here is but who are they?"

"I'm Christina," said the girl in the jacket, "I… hope we get along."

"Uh, yeah." I said, "Um… have we met somewhere before?"

"I don't think so." she replied.

"Ah, I must be mistaken." I said.

"And I'm Clara," the cop said, "I'm in charge of this murder case."

"So you actually believe this stuff about other worlds?" I said.

"Jon and Cerise found me while I was investigating," she said, "and I had a feeling there were other worlds already."

"Okay," I said, "how did they find out the victims were being killed in different worlds?"

"Because there were signs they were killed with weapons from different worlds." answered Cerise.

"One more question," I said, "can someone tell me why my brother is here?"

"I found him outside," said Mikaela who suddenly appeared behind me.

"And you just let him in?" I said.

"He said he wanted to join." answered Mikaela.

"How did he know about all of this!?" I asked, "I never told him anything."

"Actually, I didn't know YOU'D be here." said Justin, "I happened to find this place on my own. Plus, I can't really sit still with this murder case going on."

"I see." I said.

"Now, let's get ready to go." said Jon, "The kids are going to stay behind."

"Who will be watching them?" asked Jason.

"My brother will take care of that." said Charles.

"So, he's not coming with us?" I said.

"He's taking a break from adventures." answered Charles.

"Time to review our powers," said Jon, "Ron can call cats or make any cat-themed item, his brother can do all kinds of work with tools, I can teleport, my wife and her brother are mediums and can use their spiritual power to create or attack, Jeff has a laser gun, Jean is a golden knight, Charles can create guns, Cerise is a ninja or something, her apprentice Mikaela uses a scythe, Jason was promoted to a golden knight a while back, Clara is a cop and then Christina can also do cat-related stuff."

That really caught my attention. Christina had the same power that I had? Just who was that girl?