Twin Corpses In Mirai

"Are we really going to have to go through here each time?" complained Justin.

"Most likely." answered Jason.

"God, this sucks." complained Jason.

"Quit whining." responded Lilith, "We just have to suck it up and keep moving."

"Yeah," I said, "and as long as nobody dies from anything stupid, we'll be fine-"

Right after that, Jon ended up falling due to their being no railing.

"Jon!!" exclaimed Lilith, trying to grab his hand.

Unfortunately, she was too late.

"Who even designed this place?" asked Clara.

"If you want to speak with a manager," said Lucas, "you're wasting your time. How these worlds come together is anyone's guess."

"I don't think anybody will know why the place between dimensions looks like this." said Cerise.

"Does this mean we're going to have a ghost?" asked Mikaela.

"This isn't our own world," responded Iris, "so I'm sure we'll be fine."

"I-Is nobody concerned about Jon?" asked Justin.

"He'll be back eventually." responded Jeff.

"Yeah, it's not like he'll stay dead under these conditions." added Charles.

"You ever think there might be too many of us for all of us to get a word in?" asked Christina.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"For example, what if there was a writer and they had trouble remembering everyone present in the scene?" she suggested.

"This isn't a story." said Jason.

"Right." replied Christina.

"Well, now that there's one less of us, they wouldn't have to worry about it." said Mikaela.

"Alright, just stop." I said, "I'm not doing this 'author' shit again."

"What are you talking about?" asked Clara.

"I don't want anything to do with it either." said Lucas.

"We'll tell you some other time." said Iris.

The remaining members of our group continued walking through Dimension B.

"So, how do we know we're going the right way?" asked Justin.

"Because of this," said Lilith, holding out a phone like the one Jon had earlier, "When we got these phones prepared, we added an emergency feature in case any of our teleportation stuff didn't work properly."

"Doesn't this seem a little too convenient?" asked Clara, "It's like something out of-"

"We said we weren't going to talk about that right now." responded Lilith.

"Fine, I'll be quiet." replied Clara.

Not too long after that, we reached a door and on the other side, was Mirai. However, what we saw wasn't something we were ever expecting to see. There were two dead bodies on the ground that looked almost identical and standing there in front of them was Emils, chatting with two cops.

"Hey, what happened!?" exclaimed Charles, running over to them.

"Oh hey," said one of the unnamed cops, "I haven't seen most of these faces in a while."

"Uh, yeah." I replied, "What the hell happened here?"

"Tch." responded the other cop, "Not wasting any time, huh?"

"Well, technically, my dad already asked." said Iris.

"I bet you're all wondering why I'm here," said Emils, "since you all just saw me in a different world."

"That's right," said Lucas, "how did you even get here?"

"You're not the only ones capable of traveling to different worlds." he said, "Did you think you were the only heroes around?"

"Well, that's actually not too surprising." commented Christina.

"Can't say I'm much of a hero myself though." replied Emils, "Anyways, I've been investigating in my own way and while I was talking to these two gentleman, we came across these two dead men."

"They look alike." said Clara, "Were they twins?"

"You'd think that," said Emils, "but… no."

"Then what's going on?" asked Clara.

"Could it be like what happened with Kurt?" suggested Jean.

"Oh, I see." responded Christina, "What were their eye colors?"

"We got one with purple eyes and the other is red," answered Emils, "we've taken their fingerprints and they're identical."

"So they're different versions of the same person?" I said.

"That seems to be the case." said Emils.

"Now we've got a problem." said Lilith, "Was one version of him from this version of Mirai or were they both from a different version?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out," said one of the cops, "while we were able to figure out the one from this Mirai had purple eyes, that alone isn't proof that he's the one from this one."

"I guess you have a point." commented Charles.

"So, what do we do?" asked Jeff.

"See if the corpses have any money-" started Mikaela.

"No, we're not doing that." replied Cerise.

"All we can do is keep looking around town." suggested Lucas.

"You all go ahead." said Emils.

"Alright." I responded.

We all started walking around Mirai. However, we couldn't find anything else out of the ordinary. The only strange thing that we saw were those identical bodies. Nothing happened until we were about to give up and move our search somewhere else.

"Well, I'm out of ideas." I said.

"Same." replied Christina.

"I wish I could say I wasn't in the same boat." replied Lucas.

Suddenly, the ground began shaking.

"W-What the hell!?" I exclaimed.

A giant red penguin slowly rose up as the ground ripped open. It let out a roar and then we knew we had to fight if we wanted to live.

"Everyone, attack!" I exclaimed, "Make sure that… well, most of us here don't die!"

"Wait, why does it suddenly matter here?" asked Justin.

"Lilith, Lucas, Jeff, Jean, Charles, and Iris are all from this world," said Christina.

"None of that matters right now," said Clara, "even for those of us that come back, we'd have to go through the pain that comes with dying!"

I made a cat-sword and ran toward the creature. Christina seemed to have the same idea. I thought about joking about her "stealing my move" but I didn't think it was appropriate to do so. After we started striking the creature, Lilith and Lucas attacked with their green swords. After that, Justin started throwing hammers. Next, Iris' knives were being thrown at it while Charles kept shooting at it with his gun.

The penguin kept trying to stomp us with its feet, but thankfully, we were all able to move out of the way. Suddenly, we were all attacking at once, Mikaela with her scythe, Cerise using her ninja skills, Jean and Jason using their swords, Jeff using his laser gun, and Clara using her own gun. It took a lot of effort from us, but thankfully, we were able to defeat the monster.

"Glad that's over." said Lucas.

"Yeah." I said.

"Yep, and nobody died!" replied Jason.

Right after that, a bus drove by and ran him over.

"Well, shit." I said.