The Strange Girl And The Chainsaw Addict

After walking through Dimension B again, we made it to a different world. We were in some kind of Chinese village. Looking around, it seemed as if everyone living there was happy, as if there weren't any murders to worry about.

"Did the murders not make it over here?" asked Lucas.

"Everyone here is too damn happy." complained Justin.

"Don't be jealous because you're not." teased Christina.

"Sh-Shut up!" exclaimed Justin.

"Not much progress on our investigation and two of our men are dead." I said, "I know they're not gonna stay dead, but still…"

"No point in wasting time worrying about it." said Jean, "All we can do is look around."

We walked around and asked people about strange murders, but the result was always the same. Nobody knew anything. It seemed that everything was peaceful in this world. But with how I don't think positively a lot of the time, I figured the peace wouldn't last long.

"No progress." complained Justin, "Lame."

"Calm down," I said, "we'll just have to look somewhere else."

"He's the same everywhere, isn't he?" muttered Christina.

"What are you talking about?" I responded.

"Oh, nothing." she said, "Just thinking out loud."

"Well, whatever." I said, "Knowing how fate works, this peace probably won't last long."

Right after that, there was an explosion.

"I hate it when I'm right about this kind of stuff." I said.

"Let's just get going!" said Christina.

Then all of us started running. We quickly made it over to the building where the explosion was. People were running all over the place.

"Seems no world is safe." a familiar voice said.

"E-Emils?" responded Lucas, "Why and how are you here!?"

"I decided to investigate worlds I assumed would have no part in this," he said, "But it seems I was wrong."

"Great." I replied, "No matter where we are, we're all screwed."

"Shouldn't we see if people need to be saved!?" exclaimed Clara.

"We're all going to die eventually." said Mikaela, "Besides, I doubt we'd be able to save that many."

"Even a little is better than nothing at all!" exclaimed Iris.

"S-She's right." replied Jean.

Everyone ran inside the building, and there was another explosion. A bunch of rubble blocked the way we came in.

"Shit." complained Jeff, "Now we don't have a way back!"

"If we can't find one, we'll just make a new one!" said Charles.

When we came across people, most of them were already dead. Clara and Iris were the most disappointed by the fact that we couldn't do anything for them. After some more running around and going up several flights of stairs, we ended up in this large open room. Standing in the middle of it, was a man wearing a black jacket that had his face covered with a mask.

"Oh, so we have some people here to ruin my fun?" he said.

"Why does he seem so familiar…?" I commented.

"...?" responded Christina.

"Huh?" responded Justin.

"..." responded Emils.

"Not that it matters," he said, pulling out a large chainsaw and pointing it toward a girl about my age with shoulder-length white hair and red eyes, "I'll let you join her."

"N-No." she said, "P-Please stop."

"Get away from her!" exclaimed Emils.

"Oh?" the masked man responded, "YOU want to stop me?"

"Got a problem with that!?" Emils replied.

"It doesn't matter who stops you." I said, "All we gotta do is kick your ass!"

"How about I kill her first?" the man suggested, with a laugh.

Right after that, a cat arrow hit his hand, resulting in him letting her go.

"Stop messing around!" said Christina.

"Oh, now you've done it!" he said, grabbing his hand.

Right after that, he ripped the arrow out and threw it right back at us. When it did, it split into multiple arrows that we had to dodge.

"What the hell!?" exclaimed Lucas.

"How are you doing this!?" responded Jean.

"A genius never reveals their secrets." he said.

"So, I guess it must be magic or something?" guessed Lilith.

"It was supposed to be a secret!" complained the masked man.

"Not much of a secret when it was kind of obvious." commented Jeff.

"Shut the hell up!" the man responded.

He then ran at us with his chainsaw and we all managed to dodge, before getting our weapons ready. Christina was using a cat bow and arrows and I was running around with a cat gun. Then Justin was throwing screwdrivers. As for everyone else, they were pretty much using their usual weapons. Before we knew it, our opponent got even crazier with his chainsaw. He was swinging it all around and blades were flying all over the place. One of them got Lilith, and she fell over and died.

"Dammit!" shouted Lucas.

All we could do was keep dodging and attacking. We had some close calls and a few times where some of us actually got hit. Thankfully, the rest of us didn't receive any fatal wounds. At most, we just got scratches.

"Stop it!" yelled the white haired girl, who was suddenly glowing.

"What the-!?" I started.

"What…!?" exclaimed the masked man.

After that, what appeared to be a white laser came from her eyes. It managed to hit the masked man and he landed on the floor.

"To think you were all this strong." he said, and then his chainsaw disappeared.

"What are you doing!?" asked Emils.

"I'm getting out of here." the man replied.

"Now, hold on," I said, "you're the one responsible for those strange murders, aren't you?"

"What if I am?" he said.

"Then we won't let you get away!" exclaimed Christina.

"We'll see about that," replied the masked man, "And if you can catch the other person going around killing people?"

"Other… person?" said Lucas, "You mean there's TWO of them!?"

"Yes, and they might be closer than you think." he answered.

And after that, he left.

"What was that about?" said Jean.

"Thanks for saving me." the girl said.

"Actually, you were the one that ended the fight." I said.

"I don't know what I did." she said.

"Why don't you come with us?" suggested Christina, "We can help you figure things out."

"Th-Thank you." she replied, "M-My name is Kia."

"..." responded Clara.

"Is something wrong?" asked Cerise.

"...?" replied Kia.

"It's nothing." said Clara, "Don't worry about it."

"Whatever you say." responded Cerise.

After that, we all introduced ourselves but we had a new problem. None of us were sure of how to get out.

"Okay," said Emils, "so that masked asshole was able to get out but we can't?"

"M-Maybe I can help?" suggested Kia.

"I thought you didn't know how to do what you just did?" responded Jean.

"I… can try at least." she said.

"If you think you can," I said, "go ahead."

It took a minute, but she started to glow again and after that, she shot another white laser and it tore a hole in the wall.

"That's one problem solved," said Lucas, "but now we have to figure out where to go next."