Battle In A Magical Place

The area was silent. All around us we could see what remained of old houses and there was a ton of grass. There wasn't anything going on here at all. All I could do was stand there and stare. I had never seen anything like this before and suddenly, Cerise's words from earlier felt more painful.

"Tch." commented Cerise.

"A-Are you alright?" responded Mikaela.

"So this is Magia…?" said Lucas

"It's too bad Jon isn't here right now." I commented.

"He's in this world right now, isn't he?" asked Christina.

"Probably." said Cerise, "But, it'd be a waste of time to go look for him right now."

"Shouldn't we be trying to figure out what the note we got even meant?" asked Clara.

"..." responded Kia.

"Is something wrong, Kia?" asked Lucas.

She shook her head.

"I'm alright." she replied.

"Alright," I said, "we're at the ruins… what the hell is side B supposed to mean!?"

We all walked around the ruins, looking for anything that might be interesting. However, we weren't able to find anything. Every spot that looked like something might have been hiding didn't have anything that could help us with our investigation. After a couple hours of looking around, we were about ready to give up.

"I don't think we're gonna find what we want here." commented Jean.

"Yeah, probably not." responded Charles.

"..." said Lucas.

"Any ideas?" responded Iris.

"Not really." he said.

"What if this was a trap?" asked Jeff.

"What do you mean?" asked Lucas.

"What if the culprit wanted us to investigate the ruins so that we wouldn't be wherever he was?" suggested Jeff.

"You mean… while we were stuck here-" I started.

"Shit." responded Lucas.

"Well, if we don't know where he might be," said Christina, "there's not much we can do."

"Side B…" I said, "there has to be some kind of meaning in that."

"...B?" responded Kia.

"You got any ideas?" asked Clara.

"What if it's supposed to be a different version of Magia?" suggested Kia.

"A different version…?" started Charles.

"So let's assume 'B' is another version," said Iris, "I think we can say 'B' would be the second."

"Perhaps this is meant to be the first?" responded Christina.

"Whatever," said Lucas, "there should be paths to alternate versions of worlds in Dimension B. Let's get going!"

We all hurried back to Dimension B and nearby, there was a long spiral staircase. When we got to the bottom, there was another door, with a "B" written above it. On the other side, we saw the same town… but the big difference was that nothing was destroyed.

"What…?" responded Cerise.

"...!" reacted Kia.

"Oh my God." commented Clara, "I don't know what to say."

While we were a bit hesitant, we walked into town. After the ruins that we saw earlier, we had a lot of trouble taking this in. There were a bunch of people talking to each other. They all seemed happy. We could see a few magical girls practicing their magic, and there was a small amount of boys using magic of their own.

"It's just like… back then." commented Cerise.

"I know you're feeling nostalgic and all," said Lucas, "but let's not forget why we're here."

"Right. Sorry." replied Cerise.

"Quick! Hide!" said Jeff.

"What? Why?" responded Justin.

We hid behind a building.

"What's going on?" asked Mikaela.

"We don't know what's going on in this world," said Charles, "if someone sees another version of themself, it could cause some problems."

Peeking arou000000nd the corner, I could barely see it, but there was another version of Cerise, dressed completely differently from the one in my group. She was talking to a group of children and I assume she was acting as their magic teacher.

"Katarina, your aim is still off." she said to one of them.

"I understand…" that kid replied.

"And as for you, Main, you're not putting enough feeling into it." continued that version of Cerise.

"Got it." the next kid responded.

"Tanya, your magic is good," that Cerise went on, "I just wish you'd participate more."

"So… that's what I could have been…" commented the Cerise in our group, "If only… if only…"

"Hey, settle down." responded Christina.

"We can't change what's happened." I said, "All you can do is keep moving forward in your own world."

"You're right." responded Cerise.

"What are you all doing back here?" said Kia.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, "We're all hiding back here so we don't… Why are there two of you?"

Suddenly, there were two girls that looked exactly the same right next to each other. The only difference being one of them was wearing a pink magical girl outfit.

"...?" the magical girl Kia responded.

"...!" responded our Kia.

"Great." I said, "We've been found."

"Should we leave?" asked Cerise.

"What are you doing over here?" asked the magical girl Kia, "Shouldn't you be teaching?"

"Um, I uh…" started Cerise.

After that, the ground started shaking.

"Shit." said Jeff, "They've started."

"Alright, let's find this son of a bitch!" I said, "It's too late to worry about who sees us, so let's fight!"

"Y-Yeah!" replied Christina.

All of us ran out into the open and began looking around for our enemy. Buildings were starting to form cracks and the magical girls were suddenly blasting their magic at what looked like a bunch of giant monsters.

"Why…?" said Cerise, "Why here…? Why again…?"

"Oh, look who came back for more!?" a familiar voice said.

"Huh?" responded Justin.

"It's that masked asshole!" exclaimed Christina.

"Tch." responded the masked man, "Let's see if you can survive THIS time."

The man went crazy with his chainsaw, striking it all over the place. There was barely any room to dodge, so we kept getting some cuts on our bodies.

"Ah, dammit!" I exclaimed.

"What kind of freaking drugs is he on!?" exclaimed Justin.

"There's no way he's not cheating!" commented Jean.

"Who cares if it's 'cheating'. All I care about is power." he said.

"Why!?" exclaimed Cerise, getting closer to him, "Why do this!?"

"Does it really matter?" he said.

"You think I'd just sit still while my home is getting destroyed a SECOND TIME!?" exclaimed Cerise.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." responded the masked man, "This is just the last place that needs a bit of corruption."

"You motherfu-" started Cerise.

"DIE!" I exclaimed, striking at him with a cat sword.

Christina followed by shooting with a cut gun, and then Lucas was throwing glowing green knives while his wife was throwing regular knives. Clara, Charles and Jeff were using their usual guns and Christina kept trying to attack with her sword. Justin was throwing screwdrivers, Mikaela swung her scythe around, Cerise was using her ninja skills, and Kia tried to use shoot lasers again.

"You're not giving up?" said the masked man.

Suddenly a knife shot down from above and landed next to his foot. Looking up on the roof of a building, I saw Emils.

"Why would they give up?" asked Emils.

"You!" exclaimed the masked man, "Must YOU be the one to get in my way?"

"Whatever do you mean?" asked Emils, "I'm just doing what any decent person would."

"Whatever." said the masked man, "You can just die with the rest of them."

"I don't know what you're up to," said the magical version of Cerise, who just appeared next to us, "but we're going to stop you!"

"Th-That's right!" said the magical girl Kia who just appeared next to us as well.

Both of them started blasting their magic at our enemy who was pretty good at dodging. Most of our attacks missed and while we had several close calls, we got to a point where the masked man wasn't even hitting us. Eventually, the final blow was done by both versions of Kia and both versions of Cerise.

"Glad that's over." said the magical Cerise.

"Yeah." replied our Cerise.

"We don't really have time to talk about what's going on," said the magical girl Kia, "but we do understand that this guy is working on harming many different worlds."

"Don't worry about our Magia." said the magical Cerise, "Do what you can to stop that man."

"Oh, isn't this cute!" commented the masked man, getting himself up off the ground.

"He doesn't look hurt at all!" I commented.

"And I was hoping I could have killed at least one of you!" said the masked man, "Whatever."

"Are you finished?" asked Emils.

"I guess so." said the masked man, "All this destruction should be enough for me to get started with the next phase."

"Oh no." said Emils, "You don't mean-"

The masked man laughed.

"All these worlds are completely screwed!" he said.

After that, he leapt several feet in the air, and slammed his chainsaw down in the ground. After that, we saw a bright white light and then everything went dark.