Going Upward

"What the hell happened!?" I exclaimed, running up to what remained of Dovacath with Jean and Kia.

"Seems shit hit the fan." responded Lucas, running over to me.

"Yeah, that's just how every day of my life goes." I replied.

"So, where are the culprits?" asked Jean.

"We're looking for them," said Lucas, "but we haven't had any luck."

"Come out of wherever you're hiding, you bastards!" shouted Justin, throwing hammers all over the place.

"Hey, stop that." said Iris, "You could hit somebody."

"But I WANT to hit someone." replied Justin.

"We can't risk hitting anyone that hasn't done anything wrong." said Iris.

"What's the harm?" said Mikaela, "We're all gonna die one day."

"Good point, but no, that's not it." responded Cerise.

"Oh good lord, it's chaos over here." I said, "Where are the citizens. Are they…?"

Lucas shook his head.

"The town was empty when we got here." he said.

"Great." I replied, "I don't know what to do."

"Just go look around." suggested Jean.

All of us ran around what remained of Dovacath to see if there were any signs of life or if there was anything that would point us to the villains. As we all ran around, we heard what sounded like glass breaking. Looking up at the sky, we saw cracks forming.

"What the hell is that!?" exclaimed Jeff.

"This isn't good." commented Christina.

As we looked up, the cracks got worse and worse and soon a huge hole opened in the sky. Not long after that, a large gray airship flew out of it.

"They're up there, aren't they?" I said.

After I said that, Lucas' phone went off, so he answered.

"Hello?" he said.

"I take it you can see that airship?" the voice on the other side said.

"E-Emils!?" exclaimed Lucas, "H-How did you get this number?"

"That's not important." responded Emils, "That airship is dangerous. I probably don't even need to tell you who is on it."

"I hate it when I'm right." I commented.

"Okay, but how are we supposed to get up there?" asked Lucas.

"You've all got special powers." said Emils, "You'll figure it out."

After that, Emils hung up.

"Hello? Hello?" responded Lucas.

"What now?" asked Clara.

"There's gotta be something that we can do." said Lucas.

"Hmm…?" I said.

"What are you thinking about, Ron?" asked Jean.

"I got it!" I said.

Not long after that, several cat-themed pairs of shoes appeared.

"Uh, what are these?" asked Justin.

"Well, I don't have the ability to make an airship of my own," I said, "or any type of vehicle that can get us up to that airship."

"So, you made shoes?" responded Justin.

"Not just any shoes." I said, "Flying shoes."

"Flying… shoes?" responded Kia.

"You've lost me." commented Clara.

"Just put the damn things and fly!" I responded, putting a pair on my feet.

After that, I was able to head up into the sky. Everyone else did the same as me. Soon we were all flying, thanks to the special shoes that I made.

"Uh… uh…" I started.

"What?" responded Christina.

"I'm scared of heights." I replied.

"Deal with it." responded Cerise.

"Want to take your shoes off and rest?" suggested Mikaela.

"I'm not interested in a permanent rest right now!" I said.

"Damn, that ship's fast." commented Lucas, "can these things go any faster?"

"Yeah, you just gotta believe strong enough-" I started.

"I'm being serious." he said.

"Well, this is my first time using them," I said, "so uh… we just have to try?"

"How do we know the shoes are going to work all the way up?" asked Justin.

"Don't jinx us like that!" I responded.

"But they ARE untested," said Jeff, "anything could happen."

"You shouldn't be saying stuff like that either." said Jean.

"I'm starting to worry now." commented Charles.

"We'll probably be fine." said Christina.

"I… hope so…" said Kia.

"Looks like we're catching up!" said Iris.

"Good." I said, "That means not much longer until we can start kicking ass!"

A few minutes later, we reached the airship and made our landing. Not long after that, we were surrounded by a few robots with swords.

"Oh, we're off to a great start." I commented.

As we got ready to fight, the robots blew up. Once the smoke from the explosion cleared, we saw Emils.

"Just… what are you?" I asked.