
"I'm just an ordinary human like you." said Emils.

"Ordinary humans don't make robots explode with just one punch." commented Christina.

"Okay, maybe I'm a little strong, but I'm still just like everyone else, right?" he said.

"Why were you already here?" asked Lucas.

"Because I thought about taking this bastard out on my own." answered Emils, "But it's looking tougher than I thought."

"So… you need our help?" asked Lucas.

"Something like that," replied Emils, "I'll run ahead and disable some traps to make it easier for you guys."

Before we could say anything else, he disappeared.

"That guy was weird." commented Kia.

"It doesn't matter." I said, "We just need to work on taking this asshole and whatever he's planning down!"

"Everyone, let's move!" instructed Christina.

The entire time then started running through the airship and soon we made it through a door. Inside, we were surrounded by all kinds of machinery. It didn't take long for more robots to appear and they immediately began attacking us. Christina and I immediately struck with cat-swords and Justin used a large saw. Lucas had a glowing green sword ready for any more enemies, Iris and Cerise were using knives, Jean was using her golden sword, and Mikaela was using her scythe. Then, Charles, Jeff, and Clara, were all using guns. As for Kia, she shot lasers from her eyes whenever she had a chance.

As we ran around the airship's interior, it felt like we were in some kind of maze. There were a ton of dead ends and no matter where we went, there were always robots to greet us. It wasn't easy, but we were able to take each of them down. Eventually, we reached a giant door that was locked. As far as we could tell, there wasn't any way through.

"Shoot." complained Justin, "What do we do here?"

"There's a vent over there." I suggested.

"You're not seriously suggesting that, are you?" said Iris.

"Well," I replied, "we might not be able to move forward if we don't check."

"You're going first." she said.

"Uh, sure?" I replied.

I moved over to the vent, getting down on my hands and knees and I began crawling through. When I came out on the other side, I was in a small room with a single robot. I struck at it with my cat-sword. However, since it was just me fighting it, that didn't do a whole lot of damage. It shot lasers at me afterwards that I ended up dodging. After that, I struck at it some more. After several more strikes and lasers that almost hit me, I managed to destroy it, then I found a switch. After I pulled it, I heard a noise and then I crawled back through the vent to see that the door had opened.

"Looks like you were right." said Iris.

"Yeah, seems that way." I replied.

On the other side of the door was a long hallway. More robots came at us as we ran through. When we fought together, we were able to take them down easily. Eventually, we reached another large door and there were four vents.

"Again…?" complained Iris.

"Alright," I said, "I'll go through one again.

"I'll also crawl through one." suggested Jean.

"I wanna do one!" said Mikaela.

"I guess I'll do the last one." said Justin.

"Understood." said Lucas.

The four volunteers ended up crawling through a vent. On my side, I found a robot, like last time. This one was even crazier with its lasers and it took a few more strikes. I figured everyone else was doing pretty much the same thing. After I destroyed the robot, I pulled a switch in the room and headed back. Once everyone was done in their vent, the door was open.

"Let's keep going!" said Christina.

"R-Right!" replied Kia.

We were back in another maze-like area. However, the number of enemies we had ended up decreasing for whatever reason. After some twists and turns, we made it to another long hallway. The big difference with this one being that it was empty. After running for what felt like forever, we reached another door and there were six air vents.

"Shit." commented Iris.

"I'll do one this time." said Christina.

"I guess I'll take care of the second." said Cerise.

"I don't really want to," said Iris, "but I'll do the third."

"I'll do one as well." said Lucas.

"So will I." said Charles.

"I'll do that last one." said Jeff.

The six of them went into the air vents while the rest of us just stood and waited. Before I could comment on things being awkward, two robots appeared behind us.

"Oh, crap." I said.

"Don't worry about it," said Clara, "we just have to take care of them."

"It's not like you're just going to randomly die right here." said Jean.

"Don't jinx it." I said.

"I'll plan your funeral." said Mikaela.

"Shut up and fight." I replied.

Everyone that was left behind got their weapon ready and attacked the robots. It took a while, but by the time we were done, everyone that had crawled through a vent had finished.

"Please no more vents." said Iris.

"Don't get your hopes up." I said.

After going through the door that had just been unlocked, we ran down a long empty hallway before reaching what appeared to be a dead end. All that was there was a vent, meaning that it was our only way forward.

"Dammit." muttered Iris.

"Alright," I said, "let's go!"

I was the first in the vent and started crawling through. It was one thing when I did this on my own, but having several people behind me made me feel uncomfortable. I had to make sure I didn't stop for anything. After crawling through for a while, we eventually reached the end. One at a time, we all came out of the vent and what was waiting for us was a larger robot. Quickly, we got to fighting it. The blade-users used their blades, the gun users used their guns, Justin used a screwdriver, and Kia used lasers. Eventually, the robot was destroyed. After that, we heard a noise.

"What was that!?" I exclaimed.

The cover for the vent on the ceiling fell to the ground, along with someone I recognized. A minute later, a man recognized landed beside her.

"What are you doing here!?" I exclaimed.