Spiral Into Despair

After making it through that room, we were in a large round area. In this large area was the largest spiral staircase any of us had ever seen. We just stood there in shock of how deep it seemed to go.

"Oh my God." commented Jean, "Just how deep does this go?"

"Must resist the urge to make a dirty joke." responded Justin.

Right after that, I punched him in the shoulder.

"Ow!" he said, "What was that for!?"

"Your existence." I said.

"Enough screwing around." complained Clara.

"Move your feet, everyone." instructed Jon.

All of us began walking down the staircase. At first, it seemed a bit too quiet. For several minutes, nothing happened. We just continued walking down stairs. The silence ended up getting broken by several sphere-shaped floating robots that began shooting lasers at us. We all used our weapons against them and continued going down the stairs. After a little while, the staircase stopped and ahead of us were a bunch of individual steps with large gaps between them,

"Shit." commented Jeff.

"Try not to die." I said, jumping ahead.

"Wh-What are you doing!?" exclaimed Jean.

"We have to get down there, don't we?" I said.

Hesitantly, everyone in the group followed me. Eventually, the spiral staircase returned to normal and we just kept going down, fighting more robots as they appeared. I don't know how long we were going down this staircase, but I thought it was never going to end. Eventually, we reached the bottom, and the only way out was another air duct.

"This is really pissing me off." commented Justin.

"Not much we can do about it." responded Jason, "Let's keep going."

One at a time, we entered the next air duct. Its layout was long and complicated, having plenty of twists and turns, along with multiple routes to take. After a bit of trial and error, we managed to make it out.

"I seriously hope we don't have any more," said Justin.

"Now that you've said it," responded Jean, "there will probably be another one."

"Alright, so what's next?" I said, seeing another spiral staircase, "...Fuck."

"Watch your fucking language." said Justin.

"C-Can we not screw around right now?" I asked.

"Whoever set this place up," said Matthias, "they must have been really bored or messed up in the head."

"They're definitely messed up in the head," said Clara, "that much is obvious."

"Our enemies really want to stop us, don't they?" commented Sophia.

"..." responded Kia.

"Not much we can do but go down some more stairs, right?" said Iris.

"Right." responded Charles, "Let's keep going."

We all started going down even more stairs and fighting some more of those floating robots. The further down we went, the tougher they became. Their shapes became more deformed as we kept going and before we knew it, we were battling much larger ones.

"There's no end to these things!" complained Jason.

"We're all probably gonna die." responded Justin.

"Shut up!" I replied.

This went on for a while: going down stairs and fighting enemies. We were all getting tired of it, but we knew that we had to keep going. We had come too far to give up on everything. The stairs kept going and going until we reached the bottom. At the bottom, there were a few more steps, but they had large gaps between them and the worst part was there was lava below them. Without thinking, I jumped ahead.

"Ron!" exclaimed Jean.

"We have to keep moving," I said, "we can't keep worrying about every little dangerous thing!"

Everyone followed behind me and then we reached a door. On the other side was a very long hallway. As we went down the hallway, for at least a few minutes nothing was happening. When we were about halfway through, these large robotic dogs appeared. With no hesitation, I prepared a cat-sword. Everyone else quickly began fighting with their own weapons. At the end of this hallway was a large door and on the other side we were on this large platform.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." commented Cerise.

"Hey, don't say that." said Jon.

"We need to be prepared for anything." said Kurt.

Suddenly, the large platform began going down slowly.

"I guess this is some kind of elevator." said Harold.

"They're here." said Catherine.

"Who's here!?" exclaimed Kia.

"Them!" she said, pointing at more robots.

All of us began attacking, doing our best to hit them and not get ourselves and before we knew it, we started to see lightning.

"This isn't good." commented Lucas.

We tried to dodge, but not all of us were lucky. Jeff and Matthias were both knocked off of the platform.

"Shit!" exclaimed Lucas.

Not long after that, he followed the two of them.

"Lucas!" exclaimed Jon, who was suddenly struck by lightning afterward.

After that, the platform started falling even faster, the lightning got crazier, and a bunch of lasers were going all over the place. As we fell further and further, I was finding it much harder to keep my balance. It took every bit of strength I had to keep myself from falling over. Before I knew it, Jean shoved me and then lightning struck where I was standing a second before.

"T-Thanks." I said.

"Get your ass up." she said.

"R-Right." I replied.

After getting myself up, the lightning began to slow down, but a bunch of large stone objects started falling from above. In an effort to get out of the way, both Kurt and Mikaela fell off of the platform. Not long after that, Justin and Harold were crushed by stone.

"Dammit!" I said.

The platform fell even faster and more stone objects fell. Lilith and Charles were the next two to get crushed.

"Goddammit!" I yelled.

After that, the platform came to a stop, and nothing else was coming down.

"This doesn't make sense," I said, "how were we doing so well and now…?"

"Ron," said Jason, "there's no need to get so worked up."

"We're not all gone," said Jean, "and we still have stuff to do."

"It's not over yet." said Iris.

"We still have a long way to go." said Cerise.

"That's right." replied Sonia.

"God, this is annoying." complained Clara.

"I don't know what's going on anymore." said Kia.

"Let's just keep moving, okay?" said Catherine.

There was a long hallway ahead of us. We all ran down, worried about what we were going to see next.

"How long do you think this goes?" asked Jason.

"Too damn long." I answered.

"I'm getting tired of all this running around." added Christina.

"Just keep pushing through it." said Cerise.

"Can we really do this?" asked Kia.

"Things worked out at the last several times," responded Iris, "don't know why now would be any different."

"We can't give up now," added Clara, "we've already come so far."

"Not only that," said Catherine, "but all our worlds are screwed if we don't take care of this."

We finally reached the end of the long hallway and found a door. On the other side were several floating platforms going down an even longer hallway.

"Nice." commented Clara.

"Let's go." I said, hopping on one of them.

The rest of the team followed. Without saying a word we hopped from platform to platform. Several minutes later, I could tell some of us were losing quite a bit of energy."

"Ah, shit!" exclaimed Cerise, falling off of a platform.

"Just keep going!" I said.

"If we have to…" complained Clara.

"She'll likely come back to life later." I said.

The rest of us continued to hop until we reached a normal hallway that led to some stairs and those stairs were long. After what felt like forever we reached another long hallway and this time there were knives coming out all over the place. Somehow, we were able to dodge all of them and then the hallway was empty. After a bit more running, we reached a door.

"Is it over yet?" asked Christina.

"When you ask like that," said Catherine, "there will probably be more."

Hesitantly, I opened the door. On the other side, was a large open room and there was a screen. Not long after we were all inside, it turned on and we saw Miles.

"Hello there." he said.

"What do you want!?" asked Jason.

"Did you have fun in our dungeon?" responded Miles.

"Hell no!" exclaimed Christina.

"You're still not even close to the end." he added.

"Goddammit." said Jean, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I just want destruction," answered Miles.

"I don't care how tough you think you are," I said, "but we will kick your ass!"

"I'd like to see you try." he said, "But before then, I've got another 'present' for you guys."

"I don't like the sound of this." commented Catherine.

"W-What's gonna happen?" responded Kia.

"This was not on my plans for today." added Sonia.

Suddenly, a bunch of chains appeared and it became clear we were trapped in the room.

"You bastard!" I exclaimed, "What the hell are you going to do!?"

"This." he said, snapping his fingers.

Suddenly, a bunch of chainsaws appeared in the room, along with some lasers.

"MOTHERFU-!" I started.

We all felt intense pain and then we all lost consciousness.