Sonia's Sisters

"W-What!?" exclaimed Clara, "How is that possible?"

"I'm not surprised you've forgotten." said Sonia.

"Is that really true?" asked Kia.

"It is." responded Sonia.

"Come on," said Clara, "that just isn't possible, is it?"

"Our mother wanted to keep us safe," said Sonia, "so she thought it would be best to hide the two of you. As for me, since I'm the oldest, she decided I had to figure out what to do with myself."

"We're all a little lost here," I said, "can you please explain more?"

"Whose story should I tell first?" asked Sonia.

"Does it really matter?" asked Jean.

"I really don't care." said Christina.

"I… want to know." said Clara, "What happened to me? Why don't I remember anything?"

"Okay, we'll start with you." said Sonia, "You died once."

"What?" responded Clara.

-Clara's Past-

This is your second life. In a past life, you were living in the town of Magia. However, while you were fighting a powerful monster outside town on your own, it took your life. It was far too powerful for you to beat it. Our mother found you and decided to reincarnate you as one of her own. But, after a little while, our enemies started getting dangerous so she wanted to hide you.

She took away your memories and made it so you'd be adopted into a loving family. You'd live a completely normal life, not knowing that you weren't actually human. However, it seems you've grown much stronger on your own.


"I don't get it." said Clara, "Why would she do that?"

"It might not make sense to you," said Sonia, "but she wanted you to be safe."

"But why tell me NOW!?" exclaimed Clara, "Couldn't you have just kept it from me and I could have continued my 'normal' life?"

"No," said Sonia, "you're old enough to handle it. You can know the truth."

"I… uh…" said Clara, "Geez…"

"What about me?" asked Kia.

"Well, you didn't die like Clara," said Sonia, "but you had to be moved more than once."

-Kia's Past-

You were sent to Magia. You were training to be a magical girl like Cerise. However, there came a point where the whole town got destroyed. After that, Cerise walked a sinful path for a while and you were stuck wandering a bit. However, before then, you did meet with Kurt and worked with him for a bit. Together, both of you tried to stop the destruction of Magia, but you were unsuccessful.

After our mother found where you ended up, she transferred you to a different town, but an enemy found you, so you had to be moved again. Over the years, different enemies were finding you, so you kept getting put into different towns. After a while, our mother decided to put you in a spot where our heroes could find you: the same world where you all met the chainsaw addict. It also happens to be the same world our father's from, but he died of an illness ten years ago.


"All that happened to us?" asked Kia.

"Honestly, this is all hard to believe." commented Clara.

"I definitely do remember someone being with me back when I was trying to save Magia," said Kurt.

"I think I understand," I said, "but will being together cause any problems?"

"Who can say?" said Sonia, "We have more heroes now."

"So we have a chance?" said Christina.

"Seems likely," said Sonia.

"Alright, everyone." I said, "Let's move on to the next area."