The Depths Of Dimension B

On the other side of the doors was Dimension B. However, it looked a bit different. All of the platforms looked the same, we were just surrounded by a white void.

"Where the hell are we!?" exclaimed Lucas.

"Is this… Dimension B?" asked Christina.

"Yes." answered Sonia.

"You know about Dimension B?" I responded.

"Yeah," she replied, "right now we are located at the bottom."

"The… bottom?" responded Catherine.

"Basically, we're underneath the normal part of Dimension B." said Sonia, "In other words, we're underneath all of the normal dimensions."

"God, all this is complicated." complained Justin.

"How do you even know this stuff?" asked Jason.

"If we could get the rest of my memories," said Sonia, "I'm sure we could figure it out."

"Enough talk," said Cerise, "let's get going."

All of us just walked through the messy layout. There may have been rails, but if we weren't careful, we could easily fall and die. At first the walk was peaceful, but soon, enemies appeared. A bunch of robots. Quickly, we pulled out our weapons. These robots were weak in comparison to what we had fought previously.

Eventually we reached a split path. There were two directions we could go. After looking around, I realized it was a bit of a puzzle. We were supposed to go in both directions and find some switches to open up a new path. I led half of us to the left and Christina led the other half to the right. We fought some more enemies and soon found switches guarded by even tougher robots than we fought in the castle. We all went at them with all we had and afterwards, Christina and I pulled switches at the same time.

After finishing that up, we ran over to the path that opened up. After walking down a long path, we ended up reaching an elevator. We went inside and just stood still in silence as it took us down further and further into this insane place. When it opened, we saw more of the same Dimension B surrounded by whiteness. The entire team ran out of the elevator, fighting more enemies as they came out. It wasn't long before the layout got even more complicated.

The path split in more directions and it went up and down. It was all over the place. In one spot, there was even a loop that I'm sure only the fastest hedgehogs could get through. Despite how complicated it looked, we all pushed ourselves through. The enemies we had to battle were starting to get tougher, and the team was getting way more tired.

We soon reached a spot where the path split in three ways. I went to the left with a few members of our team, Christina went right, and Jason went straight. We all found switches guarded by robots at the end of our paths. All of us got our weapons ready and fought as hard as we could. After our battles with these robots were over, we pulled all three switches at the same time. After that, a hole opened up on the ground where the path split.

Inside that hole was a spiral staircase. We all went down further, and further, and then found ourselves on a long path leading to another elevator. Without saying a word, we all went inside and waited for it to take us even further down. A few minutes later, it opens up to a long hallway. All of us ran through, surprised to not encounter any enemies and then we reached a single air duct.

"I guess… we all have to go through this time." said Christina.

"What a pain." complained Justin.

"Why do they like these things so much?" asked Iris.

"That's a good question." said Jean.

"There's no point in trying to understand our enemies." said Sonia.

One by one, we all crawled through the air duct. Having this many people following each other through it was very uncomfortable, especially because it was long and like the rest of Dimension B, its layout was a mess. There were multiple ways to turn and we found ourselves crawling upwards and downwards more than once. We were all relieved once we made it out. We kept walking and found another elevator. After getting out of that one, we were in another area surrounded by the white void, however, the railing came to an end. There were multiple floating platforms ahead and it was clear that we were gonna have to jump.

"Well, shit." I complained.

"Well, guess it wasn't gonna be that easy." commented Lucas.

After mentally preparing ourselves, we started jumping on the platforms one at a time. As we kept going, I felt even more nervous that one of us might fall and die. I… didn't want it to happen again. At the end of these platforms was another long hallway. After running for a while, we reached another dead end with three air ducts: one to the left, one to the right, and one on the floor.

I took the one on the left, Christina entered the right one, and Jason went through the one on the floor. We encountered even more robots. Thankfully, these ones were a bit weaker than the ones we fought a bit earlier, so they didn't take too long. Once we were done with them, we crawled back out and found that the path didn't open up the same way. Another air duct appeared with a big arrow pointing at it.

"Really…?" said Kia.

"They really like making it annoying, don't they?" commented Kurt.

None of us were thrilled, but we all went into yet another duct. Like the last one everyone had to crawl through, this one had a complicated and messy layout. However, this one was worse. There were even a few holes where we could easily fall to our deaths. We were even more relieved to make it out of this one. We went down a long hallway and made it to another elevator. After getting off of that elevator, we saw more floating platforms. However, there was a major difference. Below us, we could see lava.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." commented Jason.

"Don't look down." said Harold.

"But we need to see where our feet are," I said, "otherwise we'll slip and fall and you know-"

"Let's just stop talking like this," said Jean, "let's just do our best to make it through alive, okay!?"

We carefully hopped our way past these platforms and as we went through, flying robots just had to appear.

"Goddammit!" I yelled.

"Just get out your weapons and fight!" said Christina.

We all battled these enemies as we tried to carefully make our way past these platforms. It felt like it was going on forever and ever. Surprisingly, we all made it to the end without losing anyone. In front of us was another long hallway and at the end was an elevator. By this point, I was wondering how much longer this would go on for.

Thankfully, it wasn't that much longer. When we made it out of the elevator, there was a short hallway that led to a large open area. In that open area was a giant golden dragon. All of us hurried into the area and got our weapons ready.

"You sure this will get your memories back?" asked Christina.

"Only one way to find out." said Sonia, "Everyone… fight!"

"Y-Yes!" we all replied.

I got out a cat-themed gun and Christina did the same, the mediums were using green swords again, Jon used his own sword and teleported all over the place, Jean and Jason used their swords, Kurt and Cerise threw blades, Mikaela attacked with her scythe, Kia shot lasters, Catherine created more clones, and Harold fired his arrows. We kept at it for a while, occasionally coming close to getting hit ourselves.

Halfway through the battle I switched to a cat-sword. By this point, the battle got even more intense and the dragon got even crazier. Soon, this was the only thing we could see: our battle. All that mattered to us was destroying the gigantic golden creature in front of us. It took a good while, but eventually, we defeated it. We watched as it slowly faded in front of us and afterwards, Sonia started glowing.

"We… did it." I said.

"Yeah." responded Christina.

"We sure did." said Jason.

"It's not quite over yet." said Jean.

"Well," said Catherine, "did you get your memories back?"

"Yeah… I remember." said Sonia.

"Well, do you know how you ended up in the castle?" I asked.

"I went off to fight those evil guys." said Sonia, "I believe their names are Miles and Justin."

"Yeah," said Christina, "and then what happened?"

"I… wasn't strong enough." answered Sonia, "They decided to turn me into a dragon afterwards."

"Do you know why now though?" asked Justin.

"It's because I'm a magical spirit… like my mother," she said, "She's tough, so they can't touch her… but if they were able to get me AND my sisters, she'd have some trouble."

"Magical spirit…?" said Jean.

"Because I'm a magical spirit," said Sonia, "they felt they had to split my memories and personality up into multiple dragons to make it harder to bring me back."

"Well, you're back now," I said, "but there is something I'm curious about."

"What is it?" asked Sonia.

"You said you have sisters?" I asked, "Also, who is your mother?"

"My mother is someone who has helped you out on multiple adventures." answered Sonia.

"Matilda's your mother?" I responded.

"That's right." she said, "And my sisters are… Kia and Clara."