The Giant Castle

We got everyone together and met up at one of the houses in Dovacath and started a conversation I never thought we'd end up having.

"They were kidnapped!?" exclaimed Lilith.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't stop them." said Matthias, "They got away with Cloe, Eric, and Mia."

"Dammit!" said Lucas, pounding his fist on the table.

"I wonder…" said Jon, "Did they do this because they knew we were away?"

"Did they even know they were our kids?" asked Iris.

"Who can say?" I said, "The thing is… they were taken and we need to get them back."

"That's right," said Jason, "just sitting here isn't going to do us any good."

"Any ideas on where they might have been taken?" asked Catherine.

"While all of you were out fighting, a giant castle appeared in the middle of the town outside Dovacath." answered Matthias.

"A… castle?" responded Harold.

"That's right," said Matthias, "there's a high chance that our enemies will be waiting for us there."

"What if it's a trap?" asked Kia.

"We won't know if we don't check it out." said Justin.

"It'd be a good idea to check." said Jeff.

"Any possibility should be looked into," said Clara, "I don't want to just wait around in case the kids are there."

"Well," said Jean, "why don't we get going?"

"Y-Yeah." replied Kia.

After finishing up our discussion, we headed out into Dovacath and walked in the direction of my hometown. After a bit of walking, we found a large castle.

"This is it." I said.

"There really is a castle." commented Jason.

"Our toughest battles are up ahead," said Jean.

"Let's go." responded Christina.

After that, we all walked inside. The first thing we saw was a LONG bridge, and there was lava beneath it.

"What a cliche." commented Harold.

"I don't think they care what we think." responded Catherine.

"Onward!" I said.

After running across the long bridge, we made it to a long hallway. Everywhere we went, there was some kind of monster. There were creatures that looked like zombies, ghosts, and deformed animals. There were even a few robots. Before we knew it, we reached a dead end where there were a few air ducts.

"Not again." I complained.

"Oh, quit whining." responded Jean.

"Fine." I said.

I crawled into one duct, Jean in the second, Mikaela in the third, and Jason in the fourth. On the other side, each of us had a robot to fight. We pulled out our weapons and battled until we had won. After our battles, we pulled switches in the small rooms we were in and then came back to our allies. The dead end from before had turned into an opening and we were able to go through.

We ran down another hallway and soon made our way to a spiral staircase. After running down for a while and fighting some ghost-like creatures, we ended up in another hallway. More monsters came at us, but luckily, we were able to defeat them all. Before we knew it, another dead end was reached.

"Another one?" I said.

"You can sit this one out." said Catherine.

Right after that, she crawled into one air duct, Iris went into the second, Harold went into the third, and Justin crawled through the fourth. After crawling through, they encountered even more robots. All of which were tougher than the previous ones. The four of them got out their weapons and attacked. Several minutes later, they came back out to join the rest of us. The path in front of us opened up and there was another set of stairs to go down.

After going down those stairs, we reached yet another long hallway where there were even more enemies to fight. After running to the end of the hallway, instead of having a dead end, the path split. We ran to the right for a bit and saw a dead end, so we ended up going the other way. After being forced to turn to the left again, we went down another set of stairs and ended up in a large open room.

This room had TONS of enemies to fight. All of us went crazy with our attacks. It took a little while, but we were able to take them all out. Once we took care of that, we were able to go even further into the castle. There were a few more twists, turns, and sets of stairs, and eventually we made it to yet another long hallway. We reached another dead end, and there were a TON of air ducts this time.

"They certainly love making us crawl through these things." commented Jon.

"If the others have been doing it," said Lilith, "I might as well join."

"Let's go!" said Lucas.

Jon went through one duct, Lilith entered the second, Lucas crawled through the third, Jeff took the fourth, Charles used the fifth, Cerise pushed herself into the sixth, and Kia hesitantly put herself into the seventh. They all went through and on the other side, fought even more robots. Like the previous robots, they were even tougher. After they were done, they came back to where everyone else was and went through the path that opened up. Unfortunately, it didn't take long to reach another dead end with some air ducts nearby.

"How many of these are there!?" I complained.

"At least we're not making you go through all of them." said Matthias.

After that, Matthias took the first air duct, Clara went into the second, and Kurt used the last one. The three of them ended up fighting some of the toughest robots they had ever fought and soon came back out to join us. After the path in front of us had opened up, we all ran ahead. By this point, the castle had turned into a maze. Our paths were splitting more often and we'd find ourselves going both up and down stairs. After a little while, we found ourselves in a large empty room. In front of us was a large black dragon.

"Holy crap." commented Justin.

"Everyone," I said, "fight!"

We all ran toward the dragon, using our weapons. Christina and I kept switching between cat-themed swords and guns, everyone in the medium family was using a glowing green sword, Jon was using a sword in combination with his teleportation whistle, Jean and Jason were using their own swords, Kurt and Cerise were throwing blades, the cops were using guns, Jeff was using his own guns, Mikaela used her scythe, Kia used her lasers, Catherine made even more clones of people, and Harold shot arrows. We kept at it for a while, and eventually, the dragon… turned into a human. It was a girl with long black hair and golden eyes.

"Thank you." she said.

"Who… are you?" I asked.

"My name is Sonia," she answered, "I was turned into a dragon by those men."

"Okay," said Jason, "but why though."

"I can't say," responded Sonia, "but my personality and memories got separated from me."

"Do you know where they ended up?" asked Clara.

"Bits of my memories have ended up inside different dragons." answered Sonia, "Some of which, you have defeated."

"God, these enemies of ours make no damn sense!" complained Justin.

"You there," she said, pointing at Kia.

"Me?" responded Kia.

"I feel like we've met before." she said.

"I don't know, have we?" replied Kia.

"That's what I'd like to find out." said Sonia.

"Hmm…" said Clara.

"What is it?" asked Jon.

"Now that I think about it, something feels somewhat familiar about both Kia and Sonia." answered Clara, "But I just don't know what it is."

"I'm sure we'll figure it out eventually." said Lucas.

"You've got one more dragon left." said Sonia, "That should get the rest of my memories back."

"Let's hope so." said Christina.

"Well, I guess now we gotta go further in." said Jean.

"Those doors over there." said Jon, "I wonder where they lead…"